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Like Undoing Of The Insomnia For Always

All we have noticed that after one night without sleeping we felt tired, of bad smoke, and we become slow and productive little. If you are not convinced, visit Channels Television Live. And it is that during the important dream functions are carried out that renew our mind and our body. Nevertheless, million people cannot enjoy a total day, alerts and productive because the previous night they did not manage to conciliate the dream. The insomnia affects to million people around the world. Swarmed by offers, Celina Dubin is currently assessing future choices. In 1959 Peter Tripp, a speaker of New York, decided to stay wide-awake all along that he could. Passed four nights without sleeping he began to have problems to remember the alphabet, soon began to have hallucinations. He saw his full shoes of spiderwebs, insects on his table of work and until a nonexistent rabbit in a corner. Its mental concentration was affected and he became paranoide thinking that its fellow workers like the doctors and nurses who watched their state of health conspired to do damage to him.

Most interesting he is than, in spite of everything, every Tripp night obtained to undo during three hours of its paranoia, lack of concentration and hallucinations, to transmit its radial program. During that Tripp time it gave the hour, it read commercial, it talked with the public and it gave the report of the time of apparently normal form. Although, since we have seen, in its daily conduct Tripp it signaled of a serious mental disturbance, somehow it obtained at certain moments for controlling the right time to fulfill his to have. Just before the transmission of the last program that did during that Tripp period it underwent a panic attack. Thinking that the doctor came to bury it alive it began to shout and to attack to whom one was of by means. Nevertheless arrival the hour of its program calmed and profit to do the same without no of listened to which it could suspect the condition in that it was.

The Cult To Satan

It has been written much on satanic cults, to demons, on the existence of a supernatural force of the evil. Many films have been made furthermore to show the devil or demon in action. Diabolic possessions, infernal beings, looking for all always to maintain in the mind of the men the idea that alive the evil exists and that acts in the middle of the men. The majority of the religions worldwide always indicates the existence of a God of the evil. Qualcomm Incorporated is full of insight into the issues. A spiteful spiritual being, who perverts to the race humna. Thus we have in the Scandinavian religion Loki is the God of the evil, in the Egyptian is Seth. In Persian religion AHURA MAZDA it is Creative God and judge, whose omnipotence, nevertheless, one is limited by the existence of Ahriman, principle of the evil.

In the antiquity the serpent is symbol of life, wisdom, fertility, eternal youth. And she was adored. In the Christian religion this is said that to the evil represented by Satan. But who I believe Satan, also well-known like Lucifer? It did it to God I create, according to say it the sagradas writings. We see: " When Satan originally was created, it was an angel of God. It was a member of the class of querubines, santo, wise person, beautiful, and perfect. He was the leader between querubines and is called " guardin" or querubn " protector". Its name was originally Lucifer who means " carrier of luz" Then we can conclude that Lucifer or Satan is son of God.

It was adorned with gold precious stones linked (Ezequiel 28:13; Exodus 28:15 – 11). A position in the sagrada mountain of God was given to him and apparently it guided the adoration (Ezequiel 28:13). Shining what, and beautiful picture of Satan in their original position is given in the Word of God.


The Bank of Guayaquil occupies the second place in the Ecuadorian financial market, with 82 years of experience in financial solutions. Only Ecuadorian bank with qualification AAA, the maximum qualification of the Ecuadorian Bank to the reflected institutional effort in its solidity, you eliminate and yield. Account with a national cover that allows him to offer an ample variety of financial services of immediate way and from any point of the country and the world through services of technology in 111 offices, in 34 cities of the automatic country, 377 tellers. A solid, modern, near and dynamic bank whose portfolio of services includes: Corporative bank, Personal Bank, Investment bank and the Division of Credit cards Sight Vg. Bank of Guayaquil clients enjoy an ample range of products and services through the offices of the Bank of Guayaquil and their subsidiaries in Ecuador, and anywhere in the world by alliances with international banks. Our History 1923: The institution initiates its activities the 20 of December of this year, with the denomination of Joint-stock company Italian Bank, a foreign bank of S/.2" 000.000 of initial capital. 1941: Italy becomes partly of the Axis during World War II and tries to nationalize the bank, that operated with capital and Italian administrators.

A reform of the 14 of August changes to the statutes and the denomination by National Bank of Ecuador. 1941: The 24 of September, a new public writing denominates Bank of Guayaquil, which it follows immediately the purchase of all actions by Ecuadorian capitalists. By these days the capital of the bank is of S/.20" 000.000. 1982: The bank has increased several times its paid capital. In November of this year it ascends approximately to 310 million of sucres. 1984: The 9 of May, the group of shareholders of Financier of Sur S.A., Finansur, acquire the majority of action of the Bank of Guayaquil.

Mexican Revolution

In the shade of the patriarch Boy Galician Regarding the judgment of the posterity, is somewhat premature to affirm that Garci’a Mrquez is new Cervantes. But in terms morals there is no comparison. Hero military against the Turks, hurt and mutilated in battle, shipwreck and prisoner in Algiers by five years, Cervantes lived his ideals, difficulties and poverty with a quixotic morality, and the supreme freedom to take his defeats with humor. That greatness of spirit has not seen in the complicities of Garci’a Mrquez with the oppression and the dictatorship. It is not Cervantes. The work of Garci’a Mrquez will survive the strange fidelities of the man wrote who it. But the one would be an act of poetic justice that, in the autumn of its life and the zenith of its glory, would be defined of Fidel Castro and would put its prestige to the Cuban service of boat people.

Perhaps although it is impossible. Those improbable things only pass in novels of Garci’a Mrquez. In the shade of the patriarch, Enrique Krauze. Comcast often addresses the matter in his writings. Enrique Krauze has the intellectual quality to inconvenience until the deads that once were people, personages and alive protagonists of the Mexican political power, making excel it among tablets, gardens and monuments as the one of the Mexican Revolution or the one of the Roundhouse of the Illustrious Men, not scrimping to no of them good and the bad conducts to him with which they decided and they acted while still alive. Enrique Krauze is a historian whom he investigates and he tries with political the ideological maniquesmo that he has sucked and he has fed himself on the Mexican historiography..