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Bank Mezzanine

Mezzanine capital and mezzanine financing as venture capital for medium-sized companies and owner-managed family business the from the Italian term “Mezzanine” originally referred to a low mezzanine floor between two main floors architecturally. Mezzanine financing put as a mezzanine”in any respect: is Bank-independent forms of financing which is a between debt and equity. According to this intermediate position is also the liability of mezzanine capital. Compared with the foreign capital it is subordinated, remains but mainly regarding equity. I.e. in case of insolvency of all outstanding claims satisfy investing financial backers of foreign capital the creditors and then mezzanine capital. Through the subordination to the classic foreign capital, mezzanine capital is therefore to evaluate as economic equity. If requirements complementing the mezzanine participation agreements meet, can the mezzanine capital legal balance sheet as equity (see).

Under the generic term of mezzanine financing all forms of instruments of corporate financing can thus summarize, which represent a hybrid of debt and equity and are characterized by their subordination. The mezzanine capital is so stimmrechtsloses equity. The mezzanine capital titled also as a hybrid form of financing is therefore no new financing instrument, but is intended to be a summary of already long established ways of corporate financing (quiet capital, participation capital and loan capital). Manifestations of mezzanine capital: mezzanine capital can similar to equity capital (so-called equity mezzanine) in the form of profit participation certificates, worth securitised paper profit participation certificates or dormant holdings be issued. Also convertible profit sharing certificates, promissory notes and bonds are possible. Mezzanine capital, which in the form of subordinated or participating loans or granting shareholder loans, is, has, however, foreign capital character, and is recognized as liability (so-called debt mezzanine). The design possibilities of mezzanine capital are not legally or only little regulated, so flexible and optimal financing solutions are possible, for example, as regards duration, cancellation, profit and interest rules or repayment ( Mezzanine capital can also be used in the context of employee involvement programs.

Highgrowth Business Areas

Strategic realignment of the ZAIN Group on high-growth businesses with effect from December 1, 2013 Mathias Schmidt was appointed as the CEO of the ZAIN group. He succeeds Dr. Matthias Dammig, which will be a new professional challenge. The qualified economist Schmidt will use his many years of experience in the development of systematic growth in the country and abroad, the ZAIN group through a consistent further development yet powerfully to the market place. In the Centre a strict approach of the product portfolio to specific customer needs, is associated with more flexibility to rapidly changing market requirements. Also move the faster transmission of its own innovation in new products, as well as the expansion of existing or the establishment of new communication and sales channels more into focus.

Customers will benefit more from an attractive product range and flexible, reliable customer service. We glad to Mr Schmidt as CEO of the ZAIN win group”, which manifests itself Advisory Board Chairman of ZAIN group, Willi Mannheims (partner at VMCap). The ZAIN group is system provider for all areas of indoor and outdoor lighting, and serves a wide variety of customer needs with a multi-brand strategy. Whereas the traditional brands Hel Lux and LITELICHT for high-quality outdoor / indoor light in the commercial sector, the brand StarLicht brings modern lighting design in the private living area.

Google SketchUp – Simply A SketchUp User Manual

The first German-speaking SketchUp book revised and extended edition of Cologne, 27.02.2012 – Google SketchUp, the 3D modeling and design tool, enjoys an unbroken popularity and spread in different industries such as architecture, exhibition construction, wood construction, Carpenter, design and other industries always. Equally, the demand for assistance when using the user quickly handle taking software, even if started with SketchUp is easy and is. Although the example videos published in large numbers are very helpful, but looking up specific commands and a written guide for self-study are perceived by many people as pleasant. On this occasion, the Cologne SketchUp partner, sketch-shop, has already published the first SketchUp book in the German language in 2007. Since then, the software has evolved further once significantly. Although the basic philosophy and the basic performance nothing has changed, many new features are in the following versions been added, thus the usage possibilities of SketchUp again have expanded.

The book takes this development into account. “Therefore I am extremely glad that we again significantly expand our book and have adapted to the new capabilities to provide optimum support to users at this point,” says writer EBBA Steffens sketch-shop. Came out around 400 pages are filled with many useful tips and tricks, which are equally suitable for beginners as for advanced. The book by the experience of the authors in the use of SketchUp. Dominate the program not only inside out, you know the problems from beginners as well as the questions that arise for advanced users, hotline and training exactly.

The advanced SketchUp book is divided into three parts: the first part provides an overview of all of the features of the program and describes how it works by means of many small examples in detail. Owing the Samples included the entry in SketchUp is very easy. Advanced users can look up targeted in this first part, if for example, when special features questions, which do not belong to the everyday application. Part two and three include detailed workshops specifically designed for self study. The base workshop in the second part of the book especially beginners thanks to a detailed, consistent sample allows access to SketchUp, the publication of finished SketchUp model in Google Earth is not missing. Due to the numerous tips and hints, also advanced users to discover new ideas for the daily work. Numerous additional workshops that focus on specific tasks and turn first and foremost to the SketchUp Pro, round off the book. Thanks to the clear well thought out structure and the selected examples, the book for all users is suitable: for home users who are using the free version, as well as for professional Users from many areas of the architecture, interior design and product design. The new book to Google SketchUp with the ISBN 978-3-00-036442-6 can be ordered at a price of EUR 45 in bookstores or at sketch-shop. More information: sketch-shop, Notorious123 str. 19, 50733 Koln, phone 0221 / 733983, fax 0221 / 733973,,.