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Franco Days

It becomes difficult to follow the step of the time, especially in today that in a couple of days off already you are absolutely obsolete. No matter the field in which you perform your tasks. We will focus on the daily and routine life of Spaniards in the past thirty or forty years. Thirty is sufficient. The changes that we have suffered are perfectly portrayed in the series tell me how it happened that it emits Spanish Television from a few seasons ago. The main protagonist is Antonio Alcantara, perfectly recreated by Imanol Arias wrapped by an important range of great artists. In the series there are changes which Spanish society has undergone since the end of the 1960s now go by the transition from late 1970s. This time is that I try to refer.

Who, within the quarantine already, doesn’t remember the joy that we came with the death of Franco? Not by the end of a long dictatorship, but by three days!! that I visited without going to College upon the death of the aforesaid. Hard times, no doubt, but we were a few kids and did not see more than us librabamos a few days of study and homework to change them for the games from morning to night. Difficult time for women in our country. I remember that being a criajo, my mother could not go to the Bank to withdraw money if I didn’t have the consent of my father – not existed ATMs, clear-, or even go buy a single washer, had accompanied her husband diese conformity and pay, because the wives were unable to handle money wisely JAJA and we are talking of four days ago, in the early 1970s! That more disastrous delay cultivated society!! Hard time for husbands, too at the beginning of 1980s legalized divorce in Spain (1981). Many were those who were shaking (and tremble still) just to name the word divorce comes 1983 and my age of majority. Was at the end of that year that the first autonomic channels of television began its broadcasts. Until then we only had two television channels. And programs began at noon, until midnight then nothing…

the letter of adjustment at the end of the 80’s, early 90’s, came private chains and emissions from morning until late in the morning. Already had they had that could – a few consoles (primitive PlayStation), and I also heard talk of a few apparatus that had in some offices called computers. Were we to rid all the hard work, they said. Now, I have three children who are around their twenties and look at me with amazement even to comment that the first command on the tele had with more than 20 years, before there was no. Were not very necessary with only two channels! I told him, a few years ago, to a journalist friend I’m doing old, I have many memories. Beautiful memories. Those who, like me, they already spend 40, there are days in which costs us a little further Gallop of the times. Original author and article source

The Box

You may also lose consciousness. These serious episodes are rather less frequent. The significance lies in that when the box is important to the pades be attentive to colour, the movements of the child, and above all if you lose knowledge or not. Given that everything happens very quickly and is a very distressing situation this can be very difficult, but it is important so that the doctor can distinguish slight bass boxes. With time tables in general often disappear without any problem, so it is important to arm yourself with patience and above all avoid Overprotecting the child, since it is impossible to predict when is going to suffer an episode or not.

In the case of the minor it is normal that it is not advertise no medication or special measure. In fact, many texts recommend even ignore them, i.e. not to give excessive importance, so that the child does not associate them to which attracts attention. In any case always should be discussed with the pediatrician to assess risk and attitude. In the boxes that the pediatrician catalogues as serious can that the child benefit from pharmacological treatments, such as for example anti-anxiety or even atropine to produce a box of potentially severe, with unconsciousness and cessation of breathing that goes beyond a few seconds even. The problem is that these drugs are very important side effects and their use should be under strict medical supervision and only in potentially serious and severe cases. Really prognosis in general is very good, even in the bass, although these have greater real risk of injury than the minor, so it may be necessary to control them with medication. In general they tend to remit with time without producing any type of sequelae in children. It is important to note that precisely for this reason it is important to avoid that the child learns to trigger stress through tantrums or anger to achieve their goals, so it generally is recommend not feeding these behaviors. One way would be just ignore them, as recommended by many texts and professionals, for the child do not use as a method of drawing attention. Original author and source of the article


Yesterday I attended a seminar on Internet marketing, taught by Francisco Segura and Roberto closed, both experts in the field who was about the five deadly sins committed companies to enter into Internet one of these sins is entitled precisely I, me, and then I and it caught my attention. Although the seminar was more oriented toward SMEs than private, much of what was there said we can move to any business of Network Marketing that we carry the part I, me and then I is an error committing the majority of the companies and also many times we the Networkers, finally and after both seek the same: Sell what there explained, is that there are only two reasons why someone buys a product or service: to meet a need to satisfy a desire in our case, Network Marketing, we will stay only with the first, because the majority of people seeking a business on the Internet what they want is to win money, therefore they need to meet a need. But, How come us to these people? We usually have our own pages websites or pages that give us the business in which we are, people find them in different ways, and they end up on our website, and from there, what happens? BECAUSE that have less than 15 seconds to attract the attention of that person if in a maximum of 15 seconds we have not attracted to that person probably will return to a search engine and go to another page. So how can I do that that person would be left on my page? Showing him quickly that we can meet your need, in this case, earning money by INTERNET seems very easy, right? Because the most we were wrong to make our websites or use that us gives the company, and here comes the Sin I, me and then I. The majority of pages that we do or that give us talk a lot about the company, products or services that you offer, about quines are and finally on the plan profits. WE HAVE ATTRACTED VISITORS WITH THIS? GENERALLY NOT, AND WHY? Because if the visitor enters with a need (money) the first thing you should see is as we offer you to earn money! Ponder this..