China only recently came to our home market, but interest in it already unprecedented. Cars, though not striking in their magnificence, but the price of their 'kills outright. " Willy-nilly trying to figure out how these machines behave in track? Honestly, I've wondered this purpose, and that's what we found out. Chinese cars and take at least readily, carried away by the price, but then are not happy. The most interesting thing in these cars is that they have been virtually no feedback, so we do not know how they behave on the road, what to use …
The reason for this is that cars have only recently come to our market and we are Russian, is wary of this 'brand new'. The first and still most significant negative Chinese cars – is that they are very inconvenient for the driver, which is very positive reduces the lowest price. Location handbrake from the passenger's side speaks for itself. In general, when you sit in car, you feel real diskofort all is somehow inconvenient (in the distance, then by something). The second important disadvantage is that the production of these vehicles is not regulated, that is, errors, omissions and faults are eliminated simply on the go. All this looks like this: factory defect found, and the production immediately corrected quickly rebuild a spare … and it happens every time. Buy Chinese car, after a brief stop off at the ride station, where they tell you that require such a spare, you're going to dealership, and then it turns out that the production has changed and such details are no longer produced! Yes, the picture emerges, quite frankly, not very.