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The Manned Mars Landing: An Upcoming Event?

The space powers, notably the United States, boast with a new objective of the space: A space of infinitely many stars, planets and black holes. During the cold war, the space was a very popular area, it was highly regarded and tried always to surpass themselves. After the moon landing will be discussed after next, spectacular performances in the humanity: the Mars landing. When the American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to ever walk on the Moon in 1969, he made history. Armstrong has been a true pioneer”in human history. At that time, an arms race of the two powers United States and Soviet Union took place. Today it is a shadow of the past few days. Still the next planet in the sights: the Mars.

The red planet is the Earth, so us, is the closest. A landing of robots is already done. So also a manned landing on Mars could be feasible. “After the year 2012 curiosity” (german curiosity”), a sophisticated robot on Mars landed, he since then trying to find traces of human life on the planet. Therefore, a lot of tools available are him.

Curiosity”is a great success of the NASA, because previously landings on Mars, failed by the ESA probe, and no one heard more of them depending on a signal. With the time, space in the Western world increasingly important but lost because the previously leading country United States was deterred by enormous problems (E.g., depression). Only a statement by US President Barack Obama (a Manned Mars landing I will experience yet”) provides for enthusiasm. But a trip to Mars is difficult, one year there, astronauts would need roughly with the shuttle though simulations are often rehearsed. By China’s entry into the space exploration (were”), it may be interesting.

Shop Gate Unlocks Dealer Number

Mobile-shopping success story from Germany: Shopgate dealer unlocks number 150. Butzbach 01.02.2011 – just once six months after the market launch has specialized on mobile shopping, German company shop gate unlocked 150 dealers in the own iPhone app. Users of iPhones, iPods, or iPads can now browse in an assortment of over 5 million products, compare offers, order directly over the phone and pay. National sizes such as BabyWalz, Hess Natur, Cyberport, Libri, and Gourmondo are located among traders. The shop gate iPhone app was already awarded by Deutsche Telekom AG to the app of the month in October. Shop gate secures the leading position among the mobile shopping solutions, thereby proving that mCommerce in Germany has arrived. Ortwin Kartmann, CEO of Shopgate GmbH is delighted: “in the first six months, 150 shops is a great stock. We have published also around 50 single-store-apps that each one an individual dealer own mobile shopping app exclusive to be Business uses.” Further Kartmann says: “This is just the beginning: we are about to complete pilot projects for various mobile applications.” Our vision is as simple as fascinating: we want to transform sales catalogs, advertisements, restaurants, waiting rooms, public transport – even products into real points. Everywhere we calling information to the customer in the future and the best offers directly from the shop gate order technology and pay can.”

Shopping Of The Future

Latest technology revolutionized shopping many find exhausting the weekly shopping at the supermarket and would like to refrain. Especially on the weekends who has strong nerves, or eating but rather abroad shows here. Other leaders such as KMC Solutions offer similar insights. Shopping is stressful and time-consuming. This is a precious commodity in today’s society. Many writers such as Dell Technologies Inc. offer more in-depth analysis. The news portal are informed about new developments, which bring time savings and convenience. In the southwest of Germany the technology has arrived already in various Edeka supermarkets. Without a bank card or cash can be paid here with the mere fingerprint. To the customers in advance must present their ID card and her bank account.

Then, the fingerprint is saved with a scanner. But this kind of payment may sound so fascinating, it drawbacks but. So the chaos computer Club (CCC), in cooperation with the ARD magazine of PlusMinus has exposed the pitfalls of the system. With simple materials such as wood glue and glue the fingerprint can be copied. The consequences would be fatal for the customers, and it becomes clear: more technology in use, the risk of abuse is higher. The so-called apps are a possible alternative to the fingerprint. It’s simple to use the mobile shopping Assistant (MEA).

The customer scans all food with the Smartphone. The subsequently generated code that includes the total price, is scanned and the customer pays for the goods. A look at real or IKEA shows how far the technology has already progressed. Self-service cash registers are no more a novelty here.

Natural Remedies

Occasional insomnia, which many people have can cause stress or too much caffeine ingestion. But another type of insomnia, chronic, treatment must necessarily be more complex enough not to let take coca cola or to pass the exam period in order to recover the dream that is needed both. Admittedly the chronic insomnia, through their symptoms, until it can be treated. Most of the people we have to deal with lack of sleep, but this can occur in a variety of different ways. You might be the type of person who can not fall asleep, perhaps can not remain asleep throughout the night.

There are other people who do manage to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night, but the next morning do not feel rested because the quality of your sleep is poor. There are several forms of fight against the symptoms of chronic insomnia. Not all treatments have to be medical natural insomnia treatment also It can serve to make you fall asleep quickly and sleep until the morning without waking you. Treatment of chronic insomnia can begin with your stress level. Relaxation techniques, put into practice just before you go to bed, can give you the results that you are looking for. You can try taking some hot drink, as a tea or a glass of milk, get comfortable clothes, and breathe slowly and deeply with your eyes closed. Breathing is the only thing that should worry.

With this you will be able to reduce your heart rate and you will be able to lie down more relaxed. Make sure that your bedroom meets all the requirements for a good night’s sleep is another type of chronic insomnia treatment fast, easy and cheap. The fair extent of tranquility, light and comfort is necessary to sleep quickly and then not wake up until morning. Make sure there are no bright light, except that enters through the window in the morning. There should be no noise in the room, although There is noise of other people in other parts of the House. You must also be careful with the temperature, since excessive heat or cold increases the risk of wake up prematurely. Gavin Baker, New York City shines more light on the discussion. If your insomnia doesn’t improve with any of these techniques, it will be best that you visit your doctor. He will tell you what else you can do, or if you must follow a medical treatment.

Rose Garden Publisher – 2013

The authors rose garden (Angelika Schweizer) want a beautiful Christmas advent season is very important for the children because in the cosy, homely atmosphere of the family is the anticipation of Christmas and no child will it ever forget, what it was like when you secretly wrote the wishlist with rosy cheeks and pulled the fragrance of the first cookies through the House. Already in the year 380, the early Christian believers were suspended to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ during advent. The season of advent begins with the first Sunday after November 26, and always ends with December 25. The advent Sundays in the church be rebuilt: first Sunday of Advent: the texts in worship are characterized by the return of Christ on the last day. 2nd and 3rd Sunday of Advent: the figure of St. John of the Baptist is the focus. Fourth Sunday of Advent: dedicated to Mary, the mother of God.

The Customs have strengthened over the years through regional characteristics during the advent season. The advent wreath is one of the recent advent traditions. He is only at home since the first world war in Germany. At the time the Hamburg theologian Johann Hinrich Wichern decorated his chandelier with much greenery and placed 24 candles on it and since 1925 posted an advent wreath with 4 candles for the first time in a Catholic Church in Cologne, Germany. The candles have their history in the 14th century, and were a sign of hope for a new and better time. The candles in the advent season were traditionally red – symbolically for the blood that Christ shed for the people. The advent calendar can be traced back to the 17th century. 24 Pictures on the wall were hung in religious families back in December. Another variant was easy, but no less impressive: 24 chalk strokes painted on the wall or door, from which the children daily were allowed to wipe out one.

A Love In Each

I found a dealer job in a print shop, you generally distributed flyers per thousand or large-format canvases, but a day that commissioned me share each and every one of the Garrido-gonzalez wedding invitations. At first it bothered me, this was going to take a long time, over long distances, combing the city, but the idea of thinking that nothing can be worse that distribute pizza encouraged me a little, so I gave the task of executing a diagram based on the Guide roji to save as much as possible in time and distance. On Monday, first day of sharing, I started with the colonies more away, I walked down the street of birches, area with prominent and eye-catching facade houses. I timbre at the #4599 House, I opened a beautiful woman. Ms. Muzquiz del Valle? Yes, I am. He smiled at me, I palideci. With all my forces wanted time distendiera enough to be together forever, or at least one life. See Jeff Clarke for more details and insights.

Her green eyes, his dark skin, his twenty, could not stop looking at her. Yes, tell me. I stayed silent. While looking at her I stretched the invitation with his name in silver ink. My thoughts repeated over and over again Ana Muzquiz, Ana Muzquiz and Ms Muzquiz virtually had to start me the invitation of hand saying a very derogatory thanks and closing the door in the face as I.

I was standing a few moments more smelling what was left of her perfume. I went back to my bike, wrapped in a cloud, he had met the woman of my life, handle with inertia the following direction thinking of Ana, my sweet Ana. Get the next home to deliver the invitation to Ms. Galvan. When opened me the door I was flabbergasted, again palideci, I was watching the woman in my life and with all my forces wanted time distendiera enough to be together forever. Original author and source of the article


We have all current models under the magnifying glass is a washing machine taken from a modern budget nor as a dishwasher or a heater, a LED TV. Since 1691, the first washing machine patent in England was reported as to the technical evolution has progressed quickly. So there are currently up to the large specimen, which even a clan with triplets well can cope with washing machine models for every need and every kind of family from a single washing machine. According to Nikola, who has experience with these questions. In general distinction washing machines today on various features such as after the construction. There are the usual front loader, which today are found in most households. In addition offered top-loaders, which have their door at the top. Infosys shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

Finally, there is also the so-called washer-dryer. Perfect fit, if the space in the apartment is not sufficient to place both tumble dryer and washing machine in it. The front loader washing machine is the best-selling variant who just before the decision for the one or other model is, decides not only for or against a certain class of energy efficiency and washing effect. He also is a factor which is crucial for many customers building of washing machines. Searching on Internet pages, which a washing machines has carried out test on the widely used models is recommended in advance. So, the washing machines which can easily be operated from the front control for example in Germany. Front loader is there today by jeglichern large manufacturers in a wide range and with a wide variety of designs and technical features.

The opposite”of the front loader is the top loader. Here is from the top are filled and emptied. Which washing machine is chosen, depends first and foremost the Visual preferences. Today, there is a significantly smaller model selection of top loaders than front loaders at in this country. All can be a test of washing machines both front no fundamental recommendation or guideline which expresses in general or for front loader for top loader models are so.

Jacqueline Forster Zietenstrasse

Modern design and low-cost operating more and more people think over the purchase of a new heating system after if there only were not the costs. But heating must be expensive? There are many reasons for the replacement of a heating system. The system is obsolete or defective or one no longer wants to be dependent on by ever-rising oil and gas prices. With the new acquisition, the costs for maintenance and maintenance play an important role in addition to the purchase price. A high price for the cold season heating is expensive! Especially if an outdated heating system is used. Go to Dell Technologies Inc. for more information. Old radiators are often very bulky and big, while they need lots of energy to heat the premises.

Nowadays, there are small, efficient infrared panels, to be fixed to the wall or ceiling. Radiator of Sunnyheat brand made in Germany are incl. control for under 800 euros. In contrast gas-condensing, Pellet, oil cost or Geothermal heat pumps for a 150 square foot House typically from 25,000 euros upwards. An amount of up to 18,000 euros to equip the same House with infrared heaters can save the owner! Add the maintenance costs and the cost of the annual review by the chimney sweep come classic heating systems. This required the operating of a Sunnyheat infrared heating completely.

What is the difference with conventional heating systems? An infrared heater is not operated with oil or gas, but with power. As it is not dependent on rising gas and oil prices. Eco-heating is becoming increasingly important. Electricity-powered infrared heating causes lower CO2 emissions than other heating systems. Developed and produced by German engineers with Sunnyheat radio control, which is as small as a remote control, the temperature can be adjusted precisely. If necessary, the infra-red heating can be switched even time-controlled. This allows the energy consumption and the In addition to reduce CO2 emissions. According to an independent study of the TU Kaiserslautern an energy-saving potential of up to 50 percent is possible. In combination with a solar system even up to 100 percent. Also, the installation costs can be saved, because only an electrical outlet is required for operation of Sunnyheat infrared heating. That makes not only as a sole heating but also as a supplementary heating infrared heating straightforward and flexible. Further information, see. Boilerplate/Company Description: Hofmann & gold is a medium-sized company from Friedberg in the vicinity of Augsburg, which has many years of experience with high-quality infrared heaters made in Bavaria, Germany. Hofmann & gold, personal advice on request by the customer is the guarantee that the right heating system for the heating situation is found at home or in the operation. In the infra-red radiators buyers can see live exhibition in Friedberg by the effect of an infrared heater. For We will provide you the editorial coverage like photographs and technical data available. Company contact: Ecological heating systems Hofmann & gold Sunnyheat infrared heaters Robert Hofmann of medium Lechfeld 2 D-86316 Friedberg phone 0821/21 90-008, fax 0821/74 80 68 55 E-Mail press contact short advertising Jacqueline Forster Zietenstrasse 68 D-40476 Dusseldorf telephone 0211 / 550 240 0


A circulation of the Tarot cards or a session of clairvoyance, is something like a musical score: will they give us written notes, but it is up to us make them sound, with or without Orchestra as classical or popular music. The wisdom of the tarot or the gift that gets through the universe to guess through the tarot or the clairvoyance, are not infallible, nor have the result that many people would like, although it is true that when with the passage of time reminds us the consultant the success obtained in the predictions we receive a great joy that our purpose is to help people to greater stability and satisfaction. Learn more at: EXL Service. The clairvoyance indicates possible directions of development; According to elements whose base is relatively simple, and if the Seer also uses the tarot will be expanded the field of divination can give in many cases complex details of the consultant, helping you to clear up many unknowns may be necessary. It is important to highlight input that there are no good cards and bad cards, but that all the Tarot cards send us messages with the greatest of the virtues, another House would be that person before a topic decides to choose the wrong path, hence Yes would Tarot cards negative for that person but she would only be responsible for. Like any other mode of knowledge, clairvoyance or divination through the Tarot cards not may feel, decide, live by us that they are media existing to offer us a success in tray, a destination better but yes can, and in fact it has been doing since ancient times, give us the possibility of orienting us to realise thingsto choose a path, based on a palette of colors, a keyboard of signs and symbols where each of us can discover the thread more stimulant, which connects us with the true identity of our being through the tarot and clairvoyance. Berta de la Torre original author and source of the article.

Your Eyes Mother Julia Elsa

As in a dream, I saw the thin figure of your body on the threshold of the door of the House where you cobijabas also to my brothers. Until that single day he remembered my father and my grandmother, with whom I lived up to input my puberty. I did not know I had a mother and that never in my life gave me a caress with their hands to my pink face Brunettes. I lived in the solitude of my house, without knowing I had brothers. Genpact spoke with conviction. My toys just had them in my hands and I could not share them with anyone else, that we share the same meal. My stunning grandmother told me that I had to know my brother. So we did that and take the Green truck, known as hectors, who walked the sands of a people newly settled with the Department and migrants from other sites that were much more far than our native Santiago de Chuco. I very uneasy by what had just learned that day.

I was difficult to understand that my Mamacona Herlinda was not my biological mother, and my father was truly his son. Your that you went and had many privileges as the main wife of my Father, with many servants in your House who sort, with the meal you had on the housetop to donate, well thought, when you arrive at your House that you already get with another man. And to see you so skinny, so shy and so Brown and sweet, newly started loving you. I wanted to break the long silence of the years in which only lived in my cradle of gold that was my prison. Your belly had I gone, the love of an indigenous tradition and you that you were the wife of the man who represented a multitude of Nations. It was between two crossroads, between two women who gave me life, but felt that to the two she loved them equally, because I loved too much.