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Cologne Event

Successfully connected the wiring specialists celebrate anniversary Cologne in June 2008 – this summer, the family-owned company has every reason to joy R & M based in Wetzikon, Switzerland. The wiring specialists, which top cable and data networks can be found on the German market of the phone, celebrating the 25th anniversary of their German subsidiary. Festive highlight of the anniversary was the event on June 5, 2008, which successfully conceived the Cologne agency Rhein Fire and implemented. Over 130 invited guests, consisting of employees, the management boards of top clients and partner companies as representatives of various trade media experienced an eventful anniversary celebration on the Schiff MS Dragon rock together. Following on the connection between Germany and of Switzerland, parent and subsidiary companies, and symbolically for the good flow of communication between the Swiss family company and its German representation, the Rhine was set as a connecting element. In addition to the German anniversary speeches Managing Director, Gabriel Bogdan successfully leads the daughter since 2003, also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Reichle & de-Massari AG in Wetzikon (Zurich) congratulated Martin Reichle.

Program points were talk rounds, congratulations and a press conference for the present journalists; also celebrated with music from the homeland, Alphorn blowers and artistic performances without ceremony. A relaxed get-together followed after the official part of the evening. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Brian Robert by clicking through. More and more companies have meanwhile recognized the strategic importance of their anniversary within the corporate communications and use them to pronounce their closeness, connectedness, and thanks to their employees and partners. Here event agencies can conceptually and organizationally support and create significant added value”, Claudia knows Bassen, CVO of the Rhein Fire Agency. Especially the involvement of the corporate philosophy is critical in designing and implementing a successful anniversary celebration in addition to the emotional response of the guests. Character and History of the company must be made tangible for the guests.” “The competence of conception of and the successful overall package all participants were impressed: from the first briefing up to the review, it was a consistently successful cooperation”, as the project manager of R & M, Gerlinde Zach. The Rhein fire has created the appropriate ideas for us and smoothly.” Rhine glut Rhine glut is a strategic event marketing agency with high brand communicative competence. Integrative event concepts form the basis for the successful implementation of the project.

The range of services includes all disciplines of live communication. These are staged brand messages in the heart, resulting in a creative, emotional, and thus sustainable addressing of the target group. Rhein fire can be accessed for the realisation of projects on an international network of specialized partners, and has special expertise in marketing communications, in the work for financial service providers and mega-events with up to 30,000 participants. Contact Rhein Fire press Mr Simon Schneider GmbH Emil-Hoffmann-Strasse 45 50996 Koln phone: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-15 fax: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-11 E-mail: Web:

Water Lose

Water is vital to our survival. It can also be instrumental in helping to lose weight. When you start a weight loss program, many people fail to incorporate enough water to your diet, causing them to lose the benefits that water can provide. As a result, they do not lose as much weight as they should. It has been said that water is a natural way to counter the so-called "hunger pains." When you drink water, tends to satisfechoa a sentirse fairly quickly, allowing your body to get rid of harmful toxins. The water can also increase your energy level and improve your metabolism, allowing you to burn off calories faster. Research shows that hunger and thirst can be strictly related.

This means that sometimes may think he's hungry, when really thirsty. Drinking water during those periods can help you feel satisfied without expanding your waistline. As a result, water user, you may feel less need eat. You might wonder, however, how much water is enough. In general, you should drink eight glasses of water a day. However, if it is heavier, may actually require more water than that. It has been shown that obese people require more water than thin people. Probably you should consult your health care provider to determine the appropriate amount of water you need Pque. Also make sure to drink water when you are exercising in order to replace fluids lost through sweating. Of course, you can not enjoy the taste of water, especially tap water.

National Forestry Corporation

with reforestation of 7 educational facilities and a children’s garden through a grant from the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF), in coordination between the municipality, and teachers of environment school certificates, started on 25 April our celebration of Earth Day, which was the official celebration on 22 April. On 26 April and attended by about 30 cyclists and a cultural event where the mayor Jessica Mualim prize to participants The Town Hall, Health Promotion Program and the Office of Local Economic Development (ODEL) of the municipality , wanted to pay tribute to our land and we must take care to remember. The lady mayor Jessica Mualim, emphasizing the importance of land and cause the community to continue working for a municipality more friendly environment. We thank all those who enthusiastically participated in this activity.



Russian 3D stand for measuring and adjusting the wheel alignment the car is already on sale! The cost from 428 000! Company 'TEHNOKAR' has developed and marketed its first home stand to adjust the angles the wheels with machine vision-based 3D technology! Until that time, none of the Russian companies would not let anything like that! And then, finally appeared on the market a worthy alternative to foreign 3D stands. Stands TehnoVektor 7 contain the vision system (3D), the system consists of four video cameras placed in an enclosure, installed in front of the car, as well as flat targets with a gradient pattern, which are attached on wheels. High Definition provides a fast and reliable 'seizure' of targets and high-speed transfer of images to a PC via TCP / IP. Software and software in-house development, lets based on images obtained with high accuracy the position of the target in space. Using three-dimensional modeling technologies (3D) provides high accuracy measurement results. Special firmware allows the camera with a high speed process and transmit images to a computer.

Tehnokar company develops and manufactures equipment for service centers since 1997. Issued instruments for measuring wheel alignment (similarity collapse) stands similarity with the collapse of the cord connection with the 1997 collapse of the stands of similarity with an infrared connection to 2005, stands similarity with the collapse of the machine vision system with 3D technology since 2009. TehnoVektor 7 provides a measure of the basic parameters of the wheels: front and rear axle camber wheels angles offset wheels angle symmetry osey.summarny and individual toe angles, for the front axle (Steering wheel): the angle of inclination of the longitudinal axis of rotation of the wheels and the angle of inclination of the transverse axis of rotation of the wheel.

Spain Display

That is, if we stick to fringes of society with less purchasing power within the Spanish-speaking audience, the costs of computer equipment, the high speed adsl and the portability of services, has been universalized enough, giving that supports video campaigns are more easily employed to achieve the desired objectives. In a report recently published in eMarketer1, you can see clearly the trend that carry the figures as we discussed previously in several articles about advertising in digital media. According to these projections, toward 2014, Display advertising will exceed in sponsored search engine advertising investment. He is expected to support video advertising grow by 34% and the banners or advertising display, between 7% and a 16.2% year on year. But, in any case, not would be a redistribution of the same investment, but an increase of investment in total online advertising. This is mainly due to new companies, new divisions, new strategies, would this new display advertising needed to be strengthened.

A need for branding is also the engine that drives to bet in advertising in the form of common and rich banners. We already focus in Spain, in the first half of 2010, investment in display advertising or display has come to represent 48% of online ad spend, compared with 52% which corresponds to advertising on search engines and links patrocinados2. Shown interesting growth figures for 2008 and 2009, even taking into account the crisis affecting all sectors of the Spanish economy and which generally meant that many companies would be forced to readjust or reassign their advertising budgets (for the benefit of marketing online in many cases). In the chart below, you can be seen as the greatest impetus to Display advertising or graphic on sponsored search engine advertising came because from the first half of 2009. There are several factors that lead to this return to graphical advertising and when you think about this, it is inevitable to think about which format will be the dominant network in a few years. A little by new brands, new investors, but also, new audiences and new needs. Already we are away from the image of the user geek in a dark room. For all the new people who have joined internet in the last decade, happily there are new advertising formats on the internet.