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AB Real Estate Opens Fourth Office In Munich

Dr. Jurgen Grun takes over the management of the shop premises in Munich. Pullach, Germany, Neuhausen-Nymphenburg and now Schwabing: The AB real estate GmbH has taken their new rooms in the North of Munich in May 2010. Comfortable, bright and modern the shop in the Hohenzollern road 118 presents itself. The estate agent Dr.

Jurgen Grun takes the lead of the Office. A related site: Tim Wallach mentions similar findings. For nearly 15 years, he is in the real estate business. Schwabing is his favorite neighborhood. He has sold some here. (A valuable related resource: Glenn Dubin, New York City). Schwabing was never out, but now it is undergoing a Renaissance, noticed green.

There is huge demand for real estate. Who wants to sell now, got a very good time and can achieve excellent prices. Dr. Jurgen Grun and his team offer also delicious cappuccino next to an individual, competent advice and a wide range of interesting real estate. Exceptional customer service is actually of course for us, so green. Not for nothing, we are the best real estate agents Munich. This has confirmed the German Institute for service quality even in a test. The offices of AB real estate GmbH have open Monday to Friday from 08:00 until 19:00, Saturday from 09:00 until 16:00. Dr. Berit Dirscherl

Ethernet Journalists

Press tour closer brings together companies and press technology journalism thrives on technological innovations. Many of them are in medium-sized companies. Journalists like to visit such companies therefore, specifically, they would like to do it, if she had more time for it, “but a visit of two eats” an entire work day, three hours normally. The situation in the company is similar: to receive journalists like to, but a well prepared visit makes work and blocked managers considerable time. So you consider already, whether it’s worth for a single visitor. The question is obvious: How do you want to and can both sides in line bring? The solution is obvious: A clear, still personally betreubare group of journalists on a day would visit several interesting companies for (image). The editorial office in Stutensee, Germany had three companies to find who addressed the same press segment and physically close together, this task (rbs) provided.

In the East of Stuttgart, it was looking for: Novotechnik in Ostfildern, Balluff in the neighbouring Neuhausen and close of Hirschmann with its plant in Neckartenzlingen. /a> would likely agree. Ten of these companies “hand-picked”, journalists from the areas of sensor technology, measurement, taxes, rules, drive technology, automation and design the first press tour ( starts on a warm, humid Fruhsommermorgen. Some history and philosophy, there was an introduction to displacement and angle measurement in Novotechnik. The company produces annually around 10 million potentiometric sensors on the German site, about 40,000 pieces. How are these huge quantities produced and therefore fulfilled the high quality requirements such as automotive industry, showed the guided tour of the production.

You can see the future in contactless systems. Here therefore the capacity of most development flows. It was about RFID in a lecture at Balluff, the joining a practical demonstration of the multi day readings. A another presentation was the way of the company from the sensor provider to the networking system provider. Connectors, also industrial networking and network security were the themes at Hirschmann and Lumberg, which both belong to the Belden Group. A factory tour gave insight into journalists, two production areas for Plug and industrial Ethernet switches are as complex and diverse. The Organizer Alex and Dietrich Homburg of the rbs is pleased about the positive response from journalists and companies involved. You plan to invite to a new tour in other places with different themes. The spectrum that is wide and extends electronics and medical technology of process technology on mechanical engineering and building technology to packaging, industrial.

Sunbelt Mergers And Acquisitions Ensures Gains Through CTMS

Sunbelt mergers and acquisitions ensures gains through Clearview transaction management system Woburn, MA – Sunbelt mergers and acquisitions has been helping small to mid market companies with M & A transactions-non buying and selling of business, including complex structure deal negotiations. The company works in coordination with buyers, sellers and brokers of businesses across the nation, translating into significant advantages for clients who are interested in buying a business or for owners looking at selling their business, but are unaware of market demand. Advisory help is extended to customers in terms of ensuring that the transaction is completed in a professional manner. While the company’s experience extends to helping purchase or sell businesses to and among high net-worth individuals as well as investment groups and publicly traded companies, the process it follows involves a comprehensive transaction management system that ensures confidentiality, business analysis and valuation, professional negotiation and due diligence management, to name a few. The company offers complete M & A services such as conducting extensive research to ensure client marketing, carrying out targeted buyer search assignments designed around clients’ goals, confidential business analyses and valuations. Value assessment, strategic buyer identification, confidential buyer contact, professional negotiations, deal structuring, due diligence management, purchase agreement, support, and professional closing, transition and transfer are the process of the company’s re-finished involved in M & A deals. Connect with other leaders such as Alloy Enterprises here.

Before carrying out the actual process of buying or selling a business, the company therefore lathe time with clients in discussing and coordinating the entire process. This takes care of critical communication areas and ensures that both involved parties receive maximum value. About the company Sunbelt mergers & acquisitions are specialists in M & A advisory services. The company believes in value harvesting when selling a business; with this approach, they move beyond financial and regulatory boundaries alone, and evaluate businesses on the basis of their value drivers and detractors. Their services consist of professional support in the areas of exit planning, value assessment, strategic buyer identification, etc. So they conduct professional negotiations, deal structuring, client marketing confidential and discreet private auctions, among others.

Rhenish Hesse

Klopp, Schick and bag signers of initiative Rhenish Hesse against the right, want to we put a sign. Nazis have to look not at us”, so Roland Schafer, Chairman of the Young Socialists of Mainz-Bingen. Many people have already entered it himself, I’m sure that others will follow.”. Among the signatories are also the football coach Jurgen Klopp, Landrat Claus Schick and Mayor Jens Beutel. The Young Socialists had launched the initiative launched last week. Aim is to show that Rheinhessen tolerate extremism under any circumstances. In Guntersblum, the incidents have shown that there is a problem in our region. And not just in Guntersblum”, said Schafer.

We want content to deal with the topic, but also a signal”. Credit: Glenn Dubin, New York City-2011. A series of events on the subject of Nazism in Rhineland-Palatinate was already for the coming year in the planning. With the initiative Rhenish Hesse against the right “Let’s hope on wide social support.” as Andre Thomas, Deputy Chairman of the Young Socialists. The DGB, be it the DGB youth, the Greens and the Green Youth supporters group already. All other parties, groups and organizations are cordially invited “, as Thomas more.

In Our Dialogue In The Focus Is

“” onOffice offers personal contact at this year’s IVD events is our major concern, to build an intense, sensitive and personal relationship to our customers “, underlines Stefan Mantl, Managing Director of the onOffice Software GmbH. off we have decided this year to this reason to participate in the series of events of the real estate Association of in Germany.” The growing increasingly important events of IVDs attract every year several thousand visitors and offer an ideal platform for discussion around the Immobilienakquise and mediation in addition to qualified lectures. Participants can make interesting contacts in addition to lectures by real estate professionals and build business relationship or consolidate. For this reason, all customers, prospective customers and business partners are cordially invited to visit onOffice, specialising in Internet-based real estate software, the IVD events listed below. Because only through the permanent contact to our customers, we can better respond to wishes, questions and ideas and work daily to improve ourselves and our work processes,”deepened Stefan Mantl. onOffice is represented at the following events: March 25? Real estate Congress IVD West? Bonn March 31? Real estate Congress IVD Northwest? Hanover April 14? Hessian real estate day IVD Center? Frankfurt 26/27 may? German real estate day IVD Federal? Berlin 01 September? German real estate day IVD North? Hamburg September 16? Broker meeting IVD West? Cologne 28 October? Real estate day Mainz IVD West? Of course the onOffice sales and support of all customers and prospects by phone or onOffice through the online support available are for questions, suggestions and wishes as usual Mainz..

Story Telling By The Fireplace

Fireside Chat – an event of the identity architects, Wurzburg. Snow has fallen. And, Atypically for Wurzburg, he’s are still even. I’m glad if you look out the window and it’s all white. As you can before a fireplace so really cuddly make yourself and tell stories.

Wen stories inspire and fascinate, can learn the 21.1.10 off 18:00 at the identity architect Ludwig Strasse 10 1/2 on Thursday. However, we talking about stories that are commercially relevant. Read more from Jimmy Levin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Sell stories, stories make it clear correlations that are otherwise not to see, through stories we learn. Identity architect Thorsten Low discussed with Ms. Andi Geisler, songwriter and board the wirtschaftsjunioren Nuremberg, this hot topic.

And the guests discuss critically and constructively. The fireside chat of the architect of identity takes place in a deliberately small scale. Because only so the contacts are intensive and everyone can get involved in the talks. Therefore, that is Limited number of visitors on 20. Four chairs are currently”free. Registration via the website. Peter j. Schmitt

B2B Friends Premium Partner Ice Watch

New B2B friends premium partner ice watch is the watch world on its head. Hamburg, November 2009 wrist watches are more than chronometer, which should display the time as precise and durable. Wristwatches are also always a companion on the wrist. A look at the wristwatch of a man more than the time says it tells a lot about the person. Is the wearer of the watch a substantive or emotional type, fashionable and trendy or conventional, extravagant or classic? The watch models of ice watch countless accents. California hospital medical center may help you with your research. The variety of striking colors and the high recognition value of the uncluttered shape make any ice-watch the dynamic style statement. The colour runs consistently through the entire clock element: of the rotating bezel on the dial and the housing up to the comfortable wearing silicone band.

Only the indexes and numbers on dial and bezel are in white, the second hand is always in the warm orange. Top fashionable and elegant accessory is the ice-watch for the Vitality and imagination of the people who wear them, and is a visible commitment of individual joy of life. Packed in a neat module design of course color ice watch the ideal gift for special people or the perfect treat for yourself is matched to the respective model. Now, the strong brand has become the premium partner of B2B friends lifestyle community ice watch. Likewise, completely coherent concept of the ever-growing community has convinced the makers of ice watch as the other premium partner. All use the friends recommendation portals to present themselves at the highest level of the ever-increasing number of friends members and thus the audience consciously to be found. Because the friends members receive exclusive action-related offers of the provided on the scale be virtual shopping mile. With each other and for each other as friends are.

Carinthia Drum Workshop

To reduce stress, to overcome problems and personality develop. The seminar is organised with Helmut Oberlojer, rhythm teacher from Villach at the Pilsachhof, a place of power and with high-quality organic meals this weekend for the first time. The Djembe (hand drum) is the most popular and best known African musical instrument in advance and now. The basics are easy to learn. es. If you are not convinced, visit James Corden. The fun of making music and the common rhythm experience stand in the foreground. Helmut Oberlojer, the clock”, is a more ambitious rhythm teacher and has taught international years for 5 half West African rhythms of the Malinke and Bambara. The Djembe hand drum are used”and bass drums with bells. Continuous education and training in Austria, Switzerland and Ghana at known Master drummers on the scene, such as Billy Konate, Stefan Rigert and Benno Sterzer uva.

as well as an educational training as a teacher represents the professional foundations of his teaching. Helmut leads with much empathy and varied lessons Oberlojer the participants on an exciting and individual rhythm journey that has self-awareness character. Drums with the clock not only is”music, but also a fun, easy and pleasurable kind of community experience, stress, to overcome problems and to develop his personality. The content of the seminar: batting of the Djembe on basis of West African music tradition based rhythms with integration of bass drums rhythm and body exercises becoming acquainted with Smalpercussion instruments extending and deepening of the individual Rhythmusgefuhles to participate in the seminar are no experience necessary and the musical instruments are also made available.

Stoma Trade Centre Awarded

Quality seal guarantees patient-oriented complete supply during a solemn event aip Germany GmbH was awarded the n: the seal of quality of Dansac GmbH. As stoma Trade Center n: meets a comprehensive catalogue which guarantees the patient-oriented fully supply the latest aip. The Dansac quality seal unique in the industry is awarded to retailer, providing a service and product range, that will meet the needs of people with Stoma. Excellent dealer must comply with an extensive catalogue, whose quality criteria each year are revalidated. Whether screening, follow-up, or emergency: In the stoma Trade Center continuously trained, highly qualified staff the patient with help and advice.

Thanks to faithful talks, annual customer surveys as well as regular communication with patient associations, self-help groups and clinics, you met with the needs and desires of their Customers very well off. Also the free delivery service material such as patient brochures or stoma passports belongs to the all-round supply of all products and services that simplify the life with Stoma. As stoma Trade Center n: offers also the opportunity to test new products as the first customers aip. “Our team is proud that our uncompromising quality thinking and diverse services for people with Stoma now officially (by third parties) were confirmed. The best award for us remains of course the praise and the long-term loyalty of our customers”, says Dr.

med. Udo Richter, founder and Managing Director of n: aip Germany GmbH. Company Description: aip is a nationwide company network to the outpatient care of seriously ill, chronic patients. The quality Community aims to provide disease – and product management of all treatments under one roof. The idea to help critically ill people, more quality of life moved Dr. med. Udo Richter long years. Its Experience as a doctor and nurse, and later as a Manager in the pharmaceutical industry, in 1999 a step let him go: he founded the n: aip Germany GmbH in Furth. In the following years developed Dr. med. Udo Richter in cooperation with experienced home care managers the care: process manager IV – the binding seal of approval for the entire medical scientific therapy management. Parallel builds Dr. med. Udo Richter with the care: manager Academy an independent Institute, in which health and elderly care workers to care: manager can qualify. The care also provides physicians, nurses, patients and relatives: manager Academy on a multifaceted training program. In the year 2005 n: signed a comprehensive five therapies for integrated care (IV contract) aip nationwide first homecare company. The Contracting Parties are the clinics of Nuremberg and Furth and the AOK Bavaria and the Bavarian Medical Association House. Two years later, this Treaty, again as first is his Kind, awarded by the German society for integrated care in the health sector (DGIV) e. V. the DGIV seal of quality. The Ansbach University of applied sciences has scientifically accompanied the implementation of the IV contract. Presented in the 2008 study of the Fachhoschule Ansbach researchers demonstrate the increased effectiveness of the Frankish model project. Patient care is always locally via regional care: manager command and control centers (n: aip licensees). The so-called care: manager organize the supply, in which they all involved (doctor, hospital, nursing home) integrate a standardized process and ensure its quality.

Ritz Carlton Hotel

Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier are pleased about the nomination for the German music prize in the category children’s song shooting star children’s songs of the famous artist duo Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier are already known for their good lyrics, great music, and original ideas. Now their shooting star shines even brighter because the couple from Atlanta was nominated for the ‘German music author award 2012’, which gives the GEMA in the best music writers of in Germany. Many musicians and actors celebrities ran down the red carpet to the award ceremony at the Ritz Carlton Hotel at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Swarmed by offers, Dr B. is currently assessing future choices. INA Muller, Anette Louisan, Dieter Moor, Rolf Zuckowski, Anna Thalbach were among the guests, and last but not least: James Last, was honored for his life’s work. Together with the ‘shooting stars’ nominated in the category children’s song were Fredrik Vahle, the father of the new German nursery rhyme (Anne coffee jug) and Gerhard Schone, the well-known nursery rhyme Bard from the East. That only one can take the prize home, was clear, also, that it each of the three nominees deserved and with Gerhard Schone, a wonderful representative of this genre has received the award. Leslie Moonves shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Rolf Zuckowski (member of the jury) at the subsequent party to the shooting says: ‘you’re now in the children’s songs-Olymp.’ Or should he say dear children songs sky as shooting stars belong after all.