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Qualification Makes

The Limesmuseum Training Institute offers an in-service training to the Office Manager Street Berger consensus training employees of legal or tax advisory firms. Relieve the Chief, make the atmosphere positive, guide the trainees, disgruntled clients manage and optimize work processes and others for a law firm Manager is responsible. To qualify for such tasks, the local training Institute offers road Berger consensus training employees of attorney or tax adviser firms an in-service training to the Office Manager. The launch will take place on September 6, 2008 in Berlin. Then start the courses in which the paralegal by accountants, notaries and lawyers by the specialists of road Berger consensus trained training part-time certified firm managers can settle in almost all major German cities. To make it fit the participants for their diverse tasks, the eight qualification includes 15 single modules. You may wish to learn more. If so, Kyung, Kye Hyun is the place to go.

In each module, we provide the participants”all relevant techniques for effective, modern firm management, explains Maria A. Musold, owner of the local training Institute offering this training since 2006 with great success. Educate yourself with thoughts from Glenn Dubin, New York City. Hard and soft skills in 150 lessons learn the participants, later independently management tasks in the firms to take over and successfully act as binding site between superiors and clients or colleagues. Therefore factual knowledge, include a substantive focus on the modules, which are carried out every 14 days, about law firm marketing, business administration, controlling, optimization of work processes and quality management, as well as soft skills, such as rhetoric, time management, client care, team and leadership etc.. , Maria A.

Musold, reported because the Office Manager are success training is deliberately very versatile for the firm”as the right hand of her chief work, they need to effectively relieve.” Thus its graduates will effectively contribute to the success of the firm, Musold and their coaches impart very practical knowledge. The future Office Manager can use so what you learned in their professional life. If necessary the participants can brush up on free individual modules, as often as they wish. If someone finds vulnerabilities in his daily work, he must have finally the possibility, to work”, the Institute owner established this special service. Fair conditions, the number of participants per course is limited to 12 people. Tax, notary or clerk specialist as well as commercially trained, the latter should have a three-year career in a law firm take part. The course fee is 1.999 Excl. VAT. -inclusive teaching material and free refresher courses. Detailed information about the law firm Manager courses, their beginning and venues are interested in the Internet at. Qualification to measure road Berger Consensus training is considered one of the leading training institutes for tax consultants, accountants, lawyers, notaries public and their employees. The owner of the 1996-based local training Institute is Maria Anna Musold, who worked as Executive for banks and a cooperative specialized in law firms before joining as a trainer in London, Munich and Nuremberg. Consensus training put all members of the 16-member team of street Hall at the seminars on the practical teaching of knowledge that participants can immediately use in their professional life. Continuing education ensures that the coaches are always up to date. Street Berger consensus training Maria A.

Managing Director

The Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg can in five days concluding business coach (IHK) acquire business coach (IHK) “interested henceforth within five days at the Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg can acquire these accounts.” It performs a one-week coaching compact training in March for the first time, in which the know-how and skills to coaching others in the business context is communicated to participants. Further training will begin in November. Business-coach compact training designed according to Udo Albert, head of adaptation training at the Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg, for employees of companies, regularly facing in their day-to-day challenge, to set other people reflection and change processes underway and to accompany them in changing”. As examples, Albert called in-house training and continuing trainers, as well as executives. Gain insight and clarity with Comcast . Another target group are people who are already working in advisory or therapeutic professions and their services from now on, in addition to private individuals Companies want to offer their customer base to expand it or to achieve higher fees. Among other things that offers plus the IHK training compared to other coaching training: you purchase with the completion of business coach (IHK) “a degree recognised in the economy.” The business coach training consists of five learning modules.

In the first the participants deal among other things with the question, what distinguishes the coaching from other forms of advice, as well as by classical guiding and teaching learning. In addition, they deal with typical coaching requests in the context of the business. Also the topics roll and order clarification they deal with. In the second module as the meeting and talks between coach and Coachee should be structured and how they are evaluated it comes above all. In the third and fourth module the participants deal with communication-psychological issues; In addition to what to avoid giving feedback and change processes can be stimulated in other people on the thinking and the behavior layer. The fifth module is available under the heading goals. Now it comes from problems (development) targets can be abgeleittet. The participants will also learn several intervention techniques and methods that make up the desired solutions.

Strong compendium mbH, specially created the said economic consulting company Wurzburg, which performs the Coaching training on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, for this serves a 350 pages as a textbook. This compendium of education also serves as a basis for personal audits and certification discussions after. You are prerequisite for the purchase of the conclusion of the business coach (IHK) “.” “The substantive concept of the IHK business coach training is similar according to Wolfgang j. Schmitt, Managing Director of SCHMITT economic consulting, the concept of offered in the market, many coaching training, but usually span one or two years”. What IHK training but “distinguishes the continuous focus on the coaching of individuals in the context of the business is in addition to the compactness and the price,”. The participation of the business coach training 2340 euros including certification and teaching materials. The first training course starts on March 23. Another starts on November 23. Also corporate business coach training are possible.

Fair Is Fair

More partner follow the rules of the fair Leipzig/Dresden – fair is fair is right. Also the partner of look that way. The company of perdata GmbH in Leipzig and the Tschitschereengeen GmbH, Dresden community act fair. The label “Fair company” of the magazine, now carry to of the Handelsblatt publishing group. They belong to those companies that give graduates a fair chance for a professional career and maintain a fair dealing with interns. Get all the facts and insights with dror poleg, another great source of information. Concrete Act now also the perdata GmbH and TSCHITSCHEREENGREEN GmbH according to the five rules of the initiative fair company and substitute any full-time positions by interns, alleged volunteers, fellows, etc. put no graduates with an internship, has applied for a permanent position, lure no interns with the vague prospect of a subsequent full-time position, offer internships primarily for professional orientation during the training phase and pay trainees an adequate allowance. Total committed is already 80% of the companies of to the rules of “fair company”.

For more information and an overview of the participating companies, see. The code of the “fair company” extended the rules and regulations of the community. All companies by strive to be “Fair Company”. We find here in the portal via any partner who meets the criteria.


Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, managers and managers, self-employed and freelancers take a break and get fresh impetus for the upcoming challenges. On May 26, 2013, it is happening again. Already for the fourth time in a row, the Niemann Consulting GmbH held two-day sailing trips for executives. If you have read about Dr. B already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The La Lonja Marina is one of the two bases this year. It is located directly opposite the historic centre of Palma de Mallorca, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. With their two-day sailing trips for executives, the Niemann Consulting GmbH is the nerve of the participants.

When sailing on a modern 13 m yacht, mental ballast overboard can be thrown within a very short time. The participants enjoy these moments and draw new energy from it. “Under the brand of German sailors knowledge to action” held the 2013 cruises in the Baltic Sea and the waters around Mallorca around. Under professional guidance you offer Executive trips an intensive sailing experience, in which targeted to enhancing capabilities that in their day-to-day management matters. Executive trips by German sailors fresh impetus and new challenges entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, managers and managers, self-employed and freelancers are targeted to men and women in positions of leadership responsibility. The Executive trips offer people who are professionally strongly encouraged, rather they stimulate not only a relaxing break from the demanding everyday new challenges specifically. Because aboard a yacht all the capabilities are needed, which characterized successful executives: A clear eye for the goal and situational decisions. The development of a strategy and the thinking in alternatives.

Ability to communicate and work in a team. When the Executive trips by German sailors, these skills in day-to-day sailing be made tangible in a relaxing and inspiring environment and sustainable than in any seminar or workshop. Set goals and determine exchange rate on the high seas and in the profession to executives above-average demands are made constantly because they must make decisions that have far-reaching consequences for businesses, employees and customers.

Top Emotional Selling: The 7 Secrets Of The Top Seller

The expert on ’emotional sell’ Ingo Vogel in new book reveals how good sellers are top sellers. Why doesn’t my colleague after a customer conversation almost always an order in my pocket and I? Why has my competitors, wine, textiles, car or Office machine dealers leave my business usually with empty hands around the corner, in the evening, always a full cash while the customers? This question is some seller as well as technical and retailers always again sometimes full of envy. Successful selling is not rocket science, and (almost) anyone can learn it. “This thesis represents the sales trainer and expert on emotional sell Ingo Vogel, Esslingen, emotional in his new book, top selling the 7 Secrets of the top seller”. “Where in the Gabal Verlag, Offenbach, book the former athletes, even over 20 years has worked successfully in the distribution and sale, reveals what top seller by just” distinguish good sellers. Also, he describes using many practical examples how top seller specifically induce your customers purchasing decisions. In several chapters, an expert in emotional sell sets out also in detail how (almost) every seller can become the top seller.

This is a basic statement of bird: top sellers selling their customer emotions, not products. “Bring your customers to dream, so they say at the end of the sale talks conviction: Yes, I want to have.” Is a more by birds: the sales success begins in the head. Or put another way: only those who even in a good mood, even when other people create positive feelings and enable them in buying mood. Therefore bird presents numerous techniques in his book, also, that top seller before sales calls put into the right mood with their customers. A separate chapter is the theme PowerSprache for seller”dedicated to. In it, bird, such as top seller describes their messages with Words so packed, that occur while their customers positive emotions and advised them in a buying mood. In another chapter, the experienced sales trainer and consultant, as top sellers, explains if their customers are ripe at the end make sure that actually rings money in the shop or corporate Fund.

“The book of top emotional selling the 7 Secrets of the top seller” has appeared in the Gabal Verlag, Offenbach,. It will cost 19.90 euros. From October to December, Ingo Vogel emotionally organizes also eight evening seminars on the topic of top selling”in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. For more information about the seminars at.

PR Toolbox With A Revised User Interface

Since mid-March, the new PR tool box with a revised, user-friendly interface is available. After five years of successful marketing in the speaking, the Munich based consultancy H.K.P CONSULTING GMBH the PR Toolbox underwent a basic facelift. Since the middle of March the new is”PR Toolbox with a revised, user-friendly interface available. Remained the same is the comprehensive collection of checklists, templates, and sample texts to the various areas of the press – and public relations. The PR Toolbox appears as CD-ROM, costs 29,90 EUR and can be ordered directly from the Web site. There are many books on the subject of press and public relations, but while these are largely engaged in the theory of PR, the PR Toolbox offers a comprehensive collection of resources that immediately in the PR practice can be entered. All templates, text samples, and patterns are available in MS-Word format, so can most own PC edited and adapted for their own company.

Are most companies aware of the importance and possibilities of press and public relations, mostly lacking but the implementation”, Werner Grohmann, Managing Director H.K.P CONSULTING GMBH and publisher of PR Toolbox white, to report from his more than decade-long occupation of consultants. With the PR-tool box we offer, to enter successfully into the press – and public relations companies of different sizes.” Special attention was paid to the fast implementation of measures. For each theme, the user receives a brief explanation, a pattern or a sample and a template that he himself can edit and customize for their own company. The PR Toolbox appears as a CD-ROM and can be ordered directly from the Web site. Contact: Heike kareng H.K.P CONSULTING GMBH of Furstenrieder str. 279a 81377 Munchen Tel.: + 49 (0) 89-3700-280-0 fax: + 49 (0) 89-3700-280-1 Email: Internet:

France Solar

MEP solar Management GmbH Munich, the May 26, 2010. The MEP solar Management GmbH (MEP solar) takes off and wants to significantly expand the area of business development. At the same time, it receives experienced support with Dr. For even more details, read what Dell Technologies says on the issue. Andreas Ottersbach. MEP solar is the project development company in the Group of companies of the MEP group. Due to the unique construct the MEP group can MEP can solar finance 100 percent equity and possesses the necessary know-how in all project development decisions, allowing a rapid acquisition”, explains MEP Group Managing Director Alexander Ross. MEP solar gained first experience in Germany and Spain. Further details can be found at QX Limited, an internet resource.

Currently, the first project in the Czech Republic with 3.55 megawatts is ready. The next project in Italy is currently realized. Each solar system has an own story here. The events, particularly in the development, financing and implementation process of international projects are very special”, explains Dr. Otterbach. For this reason, MEP is solar a holistic consulting approach. A targeted analysis of all the factors relevant to the project, a profound assessment of the facts and a consistent planning based on the previously developed results are cornerstones of this concept.

The company also draws on the technical expertise of the MEP Group subsidiaries, thereby closely cooperates with renowned law firms. In addition, MEP’s experts accompany the entire development process with an own operational controlling solar. This advisory concept is also the standards of the MEP group, because it controls the cooperation of all companies involved in the project. The focus of MEP solar is currently in Germany, Spain, Czech Republic and Italy. In addition, MEP solar has countries like France or Turkey on the radar. Dr. Andreas Otterbach studied and received his doctorate in economics. He leads in addition a lectureship in the subject of alternative investments”at the Hochschule Nurtingen. Since 1992, he was responsible for various long-term projects in the Financial sector. Inter alia in the field of renewable energies, he will bring his experience, in particular in the acquisition and assessment of project contracts. I see it as an interesting challenge, to identify projects, to analyse and to assess, as there are a number of different offerings in various stages of development and levels of quality. Target is to introduce the projects with the greatest potential for value creation at the MEP group”, he explains.

Bombardier Transportation GmbH

DCM Deutsche capital management AG on June 1, 2010 changes Michael Trentzsch (41) from the Bombardier Transportation GmbH to the DCM AG. Responsible in his new role as head of transportation, he is transport for the acquisition of new assets, as well as for the design of new fund products of the DCM asset class”. Its over 17 career milestones were after the acquisition of the Bachelor of business administration at the European University in Toulouse line functions in the transport financing at Bayerische hypo – und Vereinsbank (HVB), HSH Nordbank and Bombardier Aerospace and locomotive group. From 1996 developed he HVB as a Director in the Ministry aircraft financing as one of the leading financiers in the air transport sector, in the time from 1998 he built from New York, the American aircraft financing business of HVB. As head of aviation finance Europe Trentzsch went in 2003 to the HSH Nordbank, before he to the Bombardier Transportation GmbH moved to Berlin. As Director of structured finance, he was there for the structured financing of Responsible rail vehicles. 2007 the native Allgauer received the call to London, where he again headed the international aircraft financing business of HSH Nordbank relationship manager as a senior. Prior to his engagement with the DCM he was at Bombardier in turn as Director of structured finance among other things for the development of financing for the three product areas locomotives, trains and signalling charge.

Michael Trentzsch gained an excellent reputation in the transportation industry as well as with banks financed aircraft. Hence he confirms the claim of DCM to equip leaders with the greatest expertise in the respective fields. We set the course for growth with Michael Trentzsch in our Transport Division in the coming years”, explains Claus Hermuth as Chairman of DCM AG. DCM provides for 2010 and subsequent years one its priorities in the financing and placement of closed-end funds in the asset class transport. With the Boeing 777F of the most modern and cost-efficient Cargo plane in the world is the Munich-based underwriter of single initiator, which currently offers investors the opportunity to participate in the air cargo market. The Munich-based DCM Deutsche capital management AG is one of the leading independent emission houses in the German investment market. The investment amounts to more than 4.6 billion since inception.

Rhetoric + Occurrence And The Right Words For Every Occasion

Bestseller eBook for speakers and will want it! All managers and executives! The D r a h t g b r! A guide for all those who have something to say. The solution for Manager…und who want to become one. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a good feeling for me, them now this letter to write. Usually it turns to various information – specifically to lectures, presentations and various different speeches, I write for my customers. But if what I will offer you the same, you are interested in, I could help you to earn good money. How much money? Listen to 100,000, 300,000 or 500,000 euros and more in the free market economy not tempting for you? Believe me: I would like to promise you anything impossible or make you false hopes. But in a sense, what I will offer you the same, is perhaps the best financial offer, that I have ever made. I’ll just tell you, how you can easily, quickly and without risk of This offer can make use.

And you can soon achieve the income of a business executive or a successful Manager. I’m telling you like more. But I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hans-Joachim Ullrich. Some of you know me by the lifestyle – business magazine where I was responsible for many years in leading positions and for the preface.

Regardless I’m over 20 years of experience in the service of the speaker and coach managers and executives. But also in the private sector I write the appropriate speeches for various occasions upon request. But now enough of me. Here comes the part that is important for you: despite the economic crisis, there are industries that emit millions of still finding good managers. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are actually companies that incorporate a considerable budget to meet the growing demand for good managers.

Swiss State Secretariat

Oskar Brandenberg is country Manager in South Africa Munich/Zurich, 12. July 2012. With the appointment of Swiss Oskar Brandenberg to the country Manager this growing market receives for interim management solutions extra weight within the Brainforce group. Since 2009 has Brainforce interim management solutions leader and expert solutions in Johannesburg via a branch. Oskar Brandenberg moves by the Swiss Embassy in Pretoria to Brainforce. The Swiss living in Johannesburg for over 30 years and has an excellent network of relationships throughout the region.

Over 15 years he worked for Credit Suisse in South Africa, including nine years as Director of the Johannesburg site. Hearst shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In 2007, he was in use as a national program director for the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), where he Fund for emerging markets was in charge of, inter alia, the activities of the Swiss investment. The South African industry, said Martin Schneider, CEO of Brainforce group, has experienced a high demand Mid – and top-management staff and specialists. The extractive industry is doing an important, but not long ago the only engine of growth. For Europe, South Africa is a major trade partner and seat of many international entrepreneurs. About BRAINFORCE AG: The BRAINFORCE AG was founded in Zurich in 1979 and is today leading provider in the area of interim management (interim management) in the German-speaking world.

Since 2004, Martin Schneider is CEO of Brainforce Group since end of 2007 whose owners. Brainforce currently has own locations in Zurich (Head Office), Munich, Vienna, Moscow, Johannesburg, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Interim management and project management, such as the bridge management gaps, Restrukturierungen, succession or support the expansion abroad, are the core businesses of Brainforce. In the range of services which are new solutions expert on the basis of outstanding know-how in M.A.S.T.E.R.-pool. Expert solutions deliver practical consulting and Implementation services for example in restructuring, relocations and the change management. This expert become to connect the real alternative for classic consulting solutions. The hand-picked M.A.S.T.E.R..-pool includes today more than 4,000 specialized managers. For more information see. Further information: Michael Nehring, Grayling Germany GmbH phone + 49 (0) 69 96 22 19-56