Bombardier Transportation GmbH

DCM Deutsche capital management AG on June 1, 2010 changes Michael Trentzsch (41) from the Bombardier Transportation GmbH to the DCM AG. Responsible in his new role as head of transportation, he is transport for the acquisition of new assets, as well as for the design of new fund products of the DCM asset class”. Its over 17 career milestones were after the acquisition of the Bachelor of business administration at the European University in Toulouse line functions in the transport financing at Bayerische hypo – und Vereinsbank (HVB), HSH Nordbank and Bombardier Aerospace and locomotive group. From 1996 developed he HVB as a Director in the Ministry aircraft financing as one of the leading financiers in the air transport sector, in the time from 1998 he built from New York, the American aircraft financing business of HVB. As head of aviation finance Europe Trentzsch went in 2003 to the HSH Nordbank, before he to the Bombardier Transportation GmbH moved to Berlin. As Director of structured finance, he was there for the structured financing of Responsible rail vehicles. 2007 the native Allgauer received the call to London, where he again headed the international aircraft financing business of HSH Nordbank relationship manager as a senior. Prior to his engagement with the DCM he was at Bombardier in turn as Director of structured finance among other things for the development of financing for the three product areas locomotives, trains and signalling charge.

Michael Trentzsch gained an excellent reputation in the transportation industry as well as with banks financed aircraft. Hence he confirms the claim of DCM to equip leaders with the greatest expertise in the respective fields. We set the course for growth with Michael Trentzsch in our Transport Division in the coming years”, explains Claus Hermuth as Chairman of DCM AG. DCM provides for 2010 and subsequent years one its priorities in the financing and placement of closed-end funds in the asset class transport. With the Boeing 777F of the most modern and cost-efficient Cargo plane in the world is the Munich-based underwriter of single initiator, which currently offers investors the opportunity to participate in the air cargo market. The Munich-based DCM Deutsche capital management AG is one of the leading independent emission houses in the German investment market. The investment amounts to more than 4.6 billion since inception.

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