CULTURE EMPRASARIAL AND ETHICAL CONSUMPTION We live in a society conducted for erroneous concepts, where the human being and conducted by ' ' to have and not for ser' ' the people are measured for what she possesss and not for what really they are. in this context much thing is disrespected, cultural, social aspects is run over by these concepts implanted in the modern society. I perceive that this current thought, also has permeado the enterprise management, where the main objective of any institution is the factor for which it was created: the profit. the companies foment in our society through the great strategies of marketing that this idea is true and you it needs to possess something pra to be somebody, and of preference it must possess what they offering are you. Today it has a great quarrel on ethical consumption, but it will be that the companies are worried about this? I believe that not.
After the industrial revolution what plus us we saw it was to the productive chain of the companies evolving through the innovations technological and also the workmanship hand each time more being explored and badly remunerated. Still they exist in the world, multinationals that even though pour its products in the world-wide market the cost of hand of infantile workmanship and with characteristic escravocratas and what to say of another great multinational company who ties little time she had its cooling ones in steel cans, when its competitors already used very latinhas of aluminum. Without counting that few are the companies who are worried about the environment, and have poured in freticos sheets and the proper atmosphere chemical products and gases that they are affecting our planet now and will affect much more in the future. ' applied here the famous theory of the chaos; ' a very small change in the initial conditions of a situation takes the effect imprevisveis' '.