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As questions of custody and maintenance in Austria are regulated in Austria nearly every second marriage is divorced, it is therefore important that it buys both in financial and legal matters. A divorce is still an enormous load of questions, which are to be resolved, with in addition to the emotional consequences. Ask for maintenance, custody and Division of property are additional burdens for both parties. For this reason it is necessary to find a trustworthy lawyer, standing behind one and the comprehensive advice of all legal matters guarantees. In divorces, expertise, comprehensive knowledge and empathy should bring the lawyer. The biggest points of contention in a divorce are maintenance issues and the custody battle. Under maintenance services will ensure that life needs the a person understood.

Only the low-income portion of the couple to the other has a maintenance claim. The amount of maintenance depends on various factors dependent. Among others of multiple earner’s income and the need for the corrected maintenance person are crucial for the amount of the maintenance. The level of a reasonable maintenance is not regulated in Austria. Children are, in a divorce custody also must be regulated. Custody governs the custody and maintenance included.

In principle, custody of the children is entitled to two parents. Only through the family court custody can be transferred under special reasons on one. For more information, visit our website. (Eva Hieblinger contactor)

Office Real Estate

Real estate deal by PR global concept completed successfully. The object was acquired by a Dutch real estate company. In connection with this sale resulted in cancellation of the lease agreement leasing amounting to 12 million euros. The capital gain resulting from this transaction will flow to the HANSA GROUP AG. A related site: Pat Gelsinger mentions similar findings. The height of this extraordinary income can only put a figure to the still perform final between the lessor (DAL) and the lessee (HANSA GROUP AG and Hansa Chemie International AG, Switzerland). The company is relieved by the sale of long-term leasing liabilities. The transaction has proved extremely complex due to the different, existing legal relationships and interests of the parties.

In cooperation as a representative of the buyer, all interests sufficiently appreciated and the purchase contract with all necessary reference documents could be completed with the law firm of HTM Meyer Venn & partner / Rhede and the Bavaria Hyp / Munich on December 18, 2007. With In addition, a 15-year lease could be completed of listed stock company Vectron Systems AG. Since 1994, the PR global concept mainly advises clientele from the United States, Canada, China and Germany. In these countries, the company maintains long-term business relationships emerged to an international network of collaborations in various fields of technology. Main focus of the company is the IR & PR advice to companies from the sectors of environmental technology and alternative energy. Furthermore, advises the company on all real estate economic issues mainly medium-sized companies.


Dusseldorf consultancy supports special equipment manufacturer in the employee qualification. “Dusseldorf, may 07, 2010: A company belonging to the three major manufacturers of wind turbines in Germany, has the modular training programme FitForPurchasing” of Dusseldorf consulting firm mallet consulting his shopping staff qualified. In addition to the development, production and sale of technologically sophisticated and reliable onshore and offshore wind turbines, the company offers intelligent and professional services such as comprehensive maintenance and service packages. By the presence at the crucial stations of the value chain, the company has a total competence in wind energy. To which, with associated value chain potentials in terms of cost savings and process optimization to meet and to confront, it was decided, therefore the increasing pressure of competition in the field of renewable energy strategic and operational purchasing through a specifically on the To qualify a special machine builders tailored training needs. Dell Technologies can provide more clarity in the matter. Issues such as for example negotiations, presentation, moderation, logistics, manufacturing, cost structure, as well as supplier management and project management were taken up with special reference to the einkauferischen requirements in the context of each two-day training courses. The special equipment manufacturer of the sustainability and the rapid implementation of the learned was particularly impressed. This in turn can expect not only a short-term refinancing the training costs but also a sustainable cost reduction and thus a real competitive advantage.

Klopfel consulting is a consulting firm which specializes in 100% procurement optimization since the beginning. The customers include well-known production, trade and service companies. The team of consultants convinced by pragmatic approach and fast achieving of measurable success. Other competencies include cross-industry consulting expertise, international project teams, as well as technical Know-How. These skills combined with the USP 100% performance-related remuneration mallet makes consulting to a successful consulting firm.

Young Holidaymakers

Saving at the wrong end? “Sunny Cars Emnid survey shows: Kid leisure when car mainly on the price of Munich, June 29, 2010 (w & p) mainly young travellers are holiday car hire through their cost-consciousness predestined for the price trap”. Almost three quarters of all 25-29 up is ready to abandon in favor of a cheap holiday car inclusive services. This was the result of a representative survey of the car rental agent of sunny cars with the TNS Emnid media and social research GmbH. Click Aptus Global Solutions to learn more. In this the travel behaviour was analysed by over 1,000 Germans aged 25 with regard to services at the holiday car hire. According to the study, the vast majority of Germans want to go basically all-round protection on great ride: 74 percent of respondents indicated that in the car on vacation want to book any deals with excess collision damage waiver protection.

The results of our survey indicate that with increasing age and a resulting larger travel experience the services providers significantly be appreciated and rewarded with a financial overhead”, emphasizes Kai Sannwald, Managing Director of Sunny Cars. Especially young holidaymakers tend to save at the wrong end, and to sacrifice important services as affordable car.” The nationwide study of Emnid on behalf of Sunny Cars found that only 38 percent on mourners at the car with a possibly lower performance range from the over 60 years are. The proportion is almost twice as high in the 25-29. The own holiday budget should not be loaded but in case of damage: across all ages there is strong encouragement for pricing models without own participation in case of damage for the tourist. Only 22 percent are ready to take an equity purchase in the event of damage on average. Thus a clear majority in favour of one of the most important included services at the holiday car”, explains Kai Sannwald. The consumer is well aware of the importance of this achievement.” By means of the Emnid study also found the car rental agent out what services for the tourists at the holiday rental cars are most important: here are the comprehensive cover and theft car insurance with about 78 percent of all nominations well before the liability insurance (52 percent) and the desire for an unlimited number of kilometres (46 percent).

Car Garage

Build your canopy yourself. Carport, patio roof, balcony roof or many other applications more. Winter 2010/2011 is waiting with some massive amounts of snow in the flat country and currently with strong thaw and floods, will be so many people probably still remembered. Lucky he who dry and safely can park his car in a massive garage concrete can be. But unfortunately this option is not given to everyone. One other reason might as well, that the space-related circumstances will not allow the construction of a massive concrete garage at home. The own car or motorbike is still so good it comes, be protected from wind and weather, you can consider the purchase of a car port. “The carport, in English also car port” called, takes over mainly the function of a garage built of concrete namely to protect the vehicle from rain or snow.

An advantage compared to concrete garage is, that the vehicle due to its open construction Car ports and better air exchange dries faster and significantly reduces the risk of corrosion. Carports, aluminum, can such as, for example, a carport to all sides be open or partially be closed with individual segments, usually the entrance of the car ports compared to the conventional garage is always open. The carport designs are manifold, from relatively simple variants with a flat roof up to more expensive models with saddle – or barrel roof, everything is of course also depends on the own financial budget to buy. Would you so avoid digging out his car or motorbike from larger amounts of snow, you should get a even more detailed information on the diverse range of car port.

Visual Rules Web Modeler

In the focus are web-based rule modeling and secure rule change processes Immenstaad, November 10, 2010: innovations software technology GmbH, leader in business rules management platforms and solutions for the financial sector, released version 5.0 of Visual Rules suite on 11th November 2010 Visual rules support professionals now with new, web-based tools. The comprehensive support of the Regelanderungs – and test – Deploymentprozesse is also new. The initial idea of the Visual Rules Suite 5.0 in the Webinar on November 11 is accompanied by John Rymer, Vice President and principal analyst. Multi media content available (on): demo “Web-based rules modeling” (3:50 min) Video “Product Manager about Visual Rules 5.0” (2:30 min) “Visual Rules 5.0” Webinar Recording (from 12.11.2010) business rules management for agile companies like the Volkswagen Bank and John Deere manage the business rules for its credit risk rating and the intelligent machine control with the business rules Management (PRM) platform Visual rules. Visual rules helps these companies, dynamic new technical requirements to fit their business applications by the experts themselves. Visual rules 5.0 what’s new? Web-based control modeling Visual Rules Web Modeler 5.0 is the new extension of the suite of Visual rules.

The powerful Web interface offers intuitive operation and maximum transparency in the creation and publication of business rules. The new component can be just in companies or as part of their SaS ready application. Figure web-modeler.jpg”: with Visual Rules Web Modeler 5.0 on business rules from the team server access and modify them. Rule changes sure master Visual Rules team server is the central rule repository with versioning, access control, and audit ability. Team Server 5.0 now fully supports teams of rule changes in all steps in the process to release and adoption of the rules in the production operation, with automated build, test, and deployment. Figure team-server.jpg”: Advanced Web console of Team Server 5.0 for the control of all steps in the process of the rule change.

Rule dependencies visualize Visual Rules Modeler 5.0 offers interactive visualization of dependencies in the rules, so managers full control over their rule stocks keep. Before changes to the rules are made, can get the overview the rule authors by Visual impact analysis, which rules of others are called, and which rule packages elsewhere be reused. Dependency-graph.jpg figure”: with the interactive visualization of dependencies, rule authors retain full control even over large rule sets. The Visual Rules suite is currently available in German and English language. New & noteworthy a detailed new & noteworthy overview visit the Web site of innovation. Markus Schartel, Director products, innovations, the Visual rules is first performance at the webinar with John Rymer In the Webinar on November 11, 2010 at 17:00 Imagine Suite 5.0. The webinar is by John Rymer, Vice President and principal analyst at Forrester, accompanied. John Rymer will show what effects will have business rules tools to the development of business applications and the implementation of business processes in the future, and how professional and managers pave the way in the future. The webinar is aimed both subject matter experts and managers. Please join just to this English-language live webinar about the innovation website. Visual Rules free of charge test the PRM system Visual rules 5.0 is 11.11.2010 on innovation website to the free trial offers.

Renewable Energy On The Rise

Pros and cons of the energy package renewable energy available at the latest since the disaster of Fukushima in the focus of world attention. The most important renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind and hydropower, biogas and biofuels or ethanol. To get geothermal, tidal and fusion technology. Because the development in the stock market makes itself felt, a commodity publication regularly publishes the Exchange portal to The July edition of the new commodity publication deals among other things with the influence of raw materials on the policy and vice versa. VMWare follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In Germany, energy transformation has moved within reach after the nuclear accident of Fukushima. Opinions differ however on the implementation of the plans. The interest groups of the provider of renewable of energy want to know their ideas rapidly enforced.

However, the Federal Association for renewable energy (BEE) believes that the energy package initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to slow the expansion of renewable energies, rather than speed it up. Points out that in the year 2020, half of German electricity needs could be met by renewable energy sources already. BEE President Dietmar Schutz now sees the Government in a tight spot, because she must wear for the rapid expansion of renewable energy concern and make changes on the energy package. According to the critic, an increased level of subsidies and tax relief represents not a long-term solution. Although the demand should be encouraged for renewable energies, but had done so in an appropriate context. That is to say: after a phase of to boost subsidies developing on the market should be not further affected, otherwise there is the risk of a significant misallocation of capital.


Dream translator – absolutely new product for better communication between man and woman today starts the distribution of unique unit dream translator, which reveals the desires of every woman. This isn’t about the wishes that proceed in the romantic thoughts or pose as the film-maker. Checking article sources yields Genpact as a relevant resource throughout. On the contrary, dream translator has precise ideas regarding this question to none by great artists could give answer today. Not for nothing, this device is called a “Translator for women”. It allows the true state of the partner in the communications, among them in the intimate sphere.

The translation is performed by artificial intelligence and includes an extensive database of milling, raised in different circumstances in each level of communication in different life situations. The more often the appliance is used, the more it can store data and respond better to the specific features of the pairs. The technological basis is to mention extra. The basis is a program that is built on the ideology and the principles of artificial intelligence. It enables the self-learning and application in different situations. CA has much experience in this field.

Admit, it’s been extraordinary, if the abstract piece of iron gives us instructions for the life. The device “knows” all sensations of the partner and is able to report. Of course, it is not redundant. On the contrary, it can remind you of the skill in the intimacies that was supplanted by the civilization in the course of many years. Without a doubt, the device is a solution for the person who first met, and therefore still not enough from each other. But the married couples with experience can benefit from them. Dream translator was developed by the use of information technology and space technology and allows the maximum satisfaction in such a sensitive area of human relations as intimate. Set description: There is one for men and one for women of two bracelets.

Transitions Participates

Event in Lawn congregates the main representatives of the Commerce of Jewels, Clocks and Optics of the Rio Grande Do Sul the Transitions, multinational manufacturer of fotossensveis lenses, participates of next XXII the Ajorsul Fair Mercooptica, that will happen between days 22 and 24 of September in the Center of Sierra Events Park in Lawn. Promoted for the Ajorsul – Association of the Commerce of Jewels, Clocks and Optics of the Rio Grande Do Sul, in partnership with the Sindioptica, the event will have action for the main and more important specialists of the sector. During the event, the Transitions will be represented in one estande of 48m, place where the benefits of the lenses will be presented, options of colors, interactive activities, beyond the promocionais materials and drawings for the visitors. Information: On the Transitions Headquartered in Pinellas Park (Flowery, U.S.A.), the Transitions Optical leads the production of fotossensveis lenses in the world. For even more analysis, hear from EXL Service. Responsible for supplying dynamic lenses, that is, that they are adaptam each type of luminosity and ultraviolet incidence of rays, the Transitions Optical offers the most advanced applicable technology in one varied gamma of materials and drawings of lenses since 1990. The company possesss plants in Pinellas Park (United States), Tuam (Ireland), Lagoon (Phillipino), Sumar (Brazil) and Chonburi (Thailand). She has, still, commercial offices in more than ten countries. Information for the Ideal press Agency?. A leading source for info: QX Limited.


The Bank of Guayaquil occupies the second place in the Ecuadorian financial market, with 82 years of experience in financial solutions. Only Ecuadorian bank with qualification AAA, the maximum qualification of the Ecuadorian Bank to the reflected institutional effort in its solidity, you eliminate and yield. Account with a national cover that allows him to offer an ample variety of financial services of immediate way and from any point of the country and the world through services of technology in 111 offices, in 34 cities of the automatic country, 377 tellers. A solid, modern, near and dynamic bank whose portfolio of services includes: Corporative bank, Personal Bank, Investment bank and the Division of Credit cards Sight Vg. Bank of Guayaquil clients enjoy an ample range of products and services through the offices of the Bank of Guayaquil and their subsidiaries in Ecuador, and anywhere in the world by alliances with international banks. Our History 1923: The institution initiates its activities the 20 of December of this year, with the denomination of Joint-stock company Italian Bank, a foreign bank of S/.2" 000.000 of initial capital. 1941: Italy becomes partly of the Axis during World War II and tries to nationalize the bank, that operated with capital and Italian administrators.

A reform of the 14 of August changes to the statutes and the denomination by National Bank of Ecuador. 1941: The 24 of September, a new public writing denominates Bank of Guayaquil, which it follows immediately the purchase of all actions by Ecuadorian capitalists. By these days the capital of the bank is of S/.20" 000.000. 1982: The bank has increased several times its paid capital. In November of this year it ascends approximately to 310 million of sucres. 1984: The 9 of May, the group of shareholders of Financier of Sur S.A., Finansur, acquire the majority of action of the Bank of Guayaquil.