According to a new study, the vanity with the users is linked to the age of BOTOX. Get all the facts and insights with Steve Salis, another great source of information. The acceptance of wrinkles is not at all the same size. Still less, this applies to the treatment of wrinkles. As young and old women see it, a Canadian study wanted to know more. The researchers surveyed a group of very young women with an average age of 19 and a group with older women (average age 70), what they thought about women who undergo an anti-wrinkle treatment. It found that none of the two groups held such treatment in women between 40 and 50 as shown. These women were known as very vain.
Best 50th wrinkles bother all – you should think accepted the wrinkle treatment in the women over. Which seems to be not so according to a study by the University of Toronto. Therefore, many women bad judging other women who move their wrinkles with filling substances, chemical peels, radio frequency, or Botox to body. The research team headed by the psychology Professor Alison Chasteen acceptance in connection with old age-preserving measures examined by they studied two groups of women: a young group with an average age of 19 years and an older group with an average age of 70 years. The women in both groups had to evaluate four categories of middle-aged women who either even took no age-preserving measures up to those who had undergone a surgical facelift to preserve their youthful freshness.
The evaluation criteria were the vanity that emanated from the women, as well as the question, unless as typical for a woman of this age, to undergo an age-preserving measures. The study found that middle-aged women (40-60 years old), had the Botox or other cosmetic medical treatments behind him, to alleviate the signs of age, two study groups were considered very vain. The older study group found, however, that women in their 40s who underwent such a procedure were clearly vain, as women in their 60s.