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Online Store VStil Open

We offer a wide range of products from leather of exotic animals (in stock and on order). Each of the products is unique and has unique natural pattern and texture, has the features of the original culture. Any one of our products – it's stylish, bright, prestigious and timeless accessory that emphasizes the status of the owner. The range of products is constantly updated. With a catalog of products is available at: our website.

Considering the specific nature of the goods, we can not guarantee that your goods delivered will be exactly the one you saw in the photo in the catalog. Hubie Brooks will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Since all the products we do natural, as in nature there are two identical living beings, and their products (unless they are specially dyed in the treatment of the skin) may also differ in pattern, color and texture, but without any fundamental changes to the model shown in the photo. In addition, a large portion of the goods represented by us is made by hand by local craftsmen, that does not allow, in contrast to the production machine, to achieve full identity of the two products. All this makes the product of your choice absolutely unique and unrepeatable unique in the world. Glenn Dubin, New York City is the source for more interesting facts. Today V-Stil pleased to announce a unique new product – KAPSIGARY – covers for packs of cigarettes. Kapsigary designed for artistic restoration of a cigarette pack. Different species kapsigarov satisfy any desire esthete. In your choice of: leather Kapsigary: unique design operation of various types of skin.

We offer a wide selection of different styles kapsigarov with ornaments, and without them, there are male and female versions, sport and glamorous, classic and club. Women's options kapsigarov decorated with original remote controls and sequins Swarovski. Men are different versions of a refined classicism kapsigarov and emphasize the masculine personality. A separate theme – the skin. We offer a full (classical) skin, skin exotic animals, reptiles and dr.Kapsigary fur: it's feminine refinement. This is what you attract the attention of a male and make you wonder mysterious naturoy.Kapsigary Cloth: the basis for this kind of put exclusively velvet. The highlight is a high-quality data kapsigarov vyshivka.Kapsigary paper: men's, women's options. Choice of various colors and patterns.

Program Of Production Control

Article 11 of the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population 'established duties of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to meet the requirements of sanitary legislation. In particular, they are required to implement production control, including by conducting laboratory research and testing for compliance with sanitary rules and conduct sanitary and epidemic control (preventive) measures the performance of work and provision of services, as well as the production, transport, storage and marketing. In response to this requirement Decision of Chief state sanitary doctor of 13.07.2001 N 18 were approved by the SP 1.1.1058-01 'organization and carrying out self-monitoring of compliance with health regulations and implementation of sanitary and epidemic control (Preventive) measures. " Of 2.6 found that self-monitoring program should be made prior to the implementation of and approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. From the foregoing it follows that individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal persons are obliged to comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation and develop and implement a program production control. Production control program download program-monitoring sample program of production control is required the destruction of fleas, you need pest control. Razrobotka SES logbook or disinfectants? Dezstantsiya MOSEKOS at your disposal: control rats, the destruction of ticks, cockroaches, elimination, rats, bugs and mice, as well as harmonization of documents – Journal of disinfectants, sanitary passport auto transport and sanepidzaklyuchenie in the fastest possible time.

Treatment of motor vehicles, home pest control, control of mice, the destruction of rodents or insects may be necessary for everyone. You may want to visit Super Micro to increase your knowledge. For any of us quite normally contain an office, or things clean. It’s believed that Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc sees a great future in this idea. However, sometimes the fault of discomfort are the cockroaches, rats and mold, which is very often the cause of infectious diseases. Therefore, conducting cleanups has not only aesthetic purposes, but it helps us maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fighting ants, insects and rodents called Pest and vermin control. For quality control unwanted 'guests' in as fleas and such uninvited "guests" such as mosquitoes, pest control is applied.

Pest control – fighting bugs, insects and other species as well as cockroaches and bedbugs. It is very important fight against mites, cockroaches and the destruction of disinfection is very important if you live pets, they are carriers of parasites glavnymii. The fight against cockroaches, mosquitoes and bedbugs in a variety of methods, the main ones are chemical and biological. To achieve the most comfortable living and working conditions, except for fumigation to destroy fleas and other parasites carried deratisatioin. The word "vermin" in the broadest sense denotes a range of activities aimed at removal or destruction of rodents. The main objective control – prevention of rodents in the future, that is preventive. Rodent control (destruction of rats or mice) held at various grown industrial and agricultural enterprises, but also in the private sector, where the destruction of mice is no less urgent. No less important procedure, except for rodent or pest control is disinfection of the premises. Disinfection of the apartment is carried out in several stages and a variety of methods. To achieve the maximum quality is further disinfection of ventilation systems. Conducted disinfection of vehicles with the issuance of the conclusion of the SEA.