Use research as a method to optimize conversion and brand communication Hamburg, September 18, 2009. With the approach of the benefits research offers the newly formed USYS group with its three specialized companies SirValUse nurago and USEEDS one further development of the market, trends and user experience research. Visitors of the dmexco have the opportunity to get important information for the use optimization of their own online activities, for example, to increase conversion rates or brand values in Exchange with the benefit of researchers. USYS benefit researchers have years of experience and expertise in the analysis and optimisation of customer touch points of all sectors and of all interactive media. Read more here: moderna. Also the visitors of the stand of USYS (Hall 8 / F 071) can benefit from the expertise of the experts: in personal talks shows ways to the analysis and optimization of the own conversion on rate and brand communication. We want the visitors above all an awareness on the value of an online application or Create communications campaign. \”Because new ideas are the most valuable gift that you can’t get on an industry meeting like the dmexco,\” commented Tim Bosenick, Chairman of the group. The USYS experts rely on the data of its own industries analyses depending on customer interest and online strategy and can await you with benchmarking data of the competition. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gap .
Benefits research from expert hand benefit research focuses on the optimum benefits in the relationship between man and product brand. You explored the performance of the interfaces between companies and customers of technical devices and interfaces, online applications and communication measures. The actual commercial value par excellence is the requirement to place products, services, advertising and brand successfully. The origin of the service portfolio of USYS benefit research lies in the over 10-year experience of Europe’s largest user experience consulting, SirValUse from Hamburg. SirValUse has established itself as one of the first companies in the German market exclusively to the Focused exploration of user experience of the so called user experience\”.