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Hamburg Research

Use research as a method to optimize conversion and brand communication Hamburg, September 18, 2009. With the approach of the benefits research offers the newly formed USYS group with its three specialized companies SirValUse nurago and USEEDS one further development of the market, trends and user experience research. Visitors of the dmexco have the opportunity to get important information for the use optimization of their own online activities, for example, to increase conversion rates or brand values in Exchange with the benefit of researchers. USYS benefit researchers have years of experience and expertise in the analysis and optimisation of customer touch points of all sectors and of all interactive media. Read more here: moderna. Also the visitors of the stand of USYS (Hall 8 / F 071) can benefit from the expertise of the experts: in personal talks shows ways to the analysis and optimization of the own conversion on rate and brand communication. We want the visitors above all an awareness on the value of an online application or Create communications campaign. \”Because new ideas are the most valuable gift that you can’t get on an industry meeting like the dmexco,\” commented Tim Bosenick, Chairman of the group. The USYS experts rely on the data of its own industries analyses depending on customer interest and online strategy and can await you with benchmarking data of the competition. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gap .

Benefits research from expert hand benefit research focuses on the optimum benefits in the relationship between man and product brand. You explored the performance of the interfaces between companies and customers of technical devices and interfaces, online applications and communication measures. The actual commercial value par excellence is the requirement to place products, services, advertising and brand successfully. The origin of the service portfolio of USYS benefit research lies in the over 10-year experience of Europe’s largest user experience consulting, SirValUse from Hamburg. SirValUse has established itself as one of the first companies in the German market exclusively to the Focused exploration of user experience of the so called user experience\”.

New: The Celux Micro ION

The HomeEntertainment of future small machines are small and elegant – in the trend. The PC forged Celux has recognized this and offers a powerhouse under the today’s mini computers with the Celux micro. Through new technologies and modern systems, the small computers are today much more powerful and user decrease also the sleek devices. Also, the Mini PC is still environmentally, because it consumes only 24 Watts. Particularly pleasing in comparison to other machines: the micro operates almost silently because he has no fan and thus also no annoying dust swirls up what is positively striking especially when used in the Office. There are the micro of Celux in three different trim levels for private users as well as for freelancers and as a business model.

All models can be expanded. The Celux micro can be used as entertainment package for the home area. With integrated discs CD, DVD and Blu-ray players he makes for exciting cinema evenings in local scenery. The computer also features a TV tuner and an HDTV receiver. The company Celux offers ordering for the micro directly from their homepage. The entry-level model with basic equipment is available from 690,-euro. The micro can be configured on the homepage also to own personal liking. Celux offers up to three-year warranty on the device. Shipping is shipping in the Office or the home address. More information: Yannik sweet road: Rhine str. 37, 64367 Mill Valley telephone: 06154 637704 Celux computer company has specialized in the structuring and producing MiniPCs.

Selects Brocade Picked Up A Premier Partner

Picked up signed partnership agreement with Brocade Alliance partner network that HOB GmbH & co. KG is a major provider of highly innovative network infrastructure for 20 years. By the same author: Discovery Communications. With its experienced team of networking plans implemented and supervised physical and logical infrastructure for all business needs raised. Manufacturers picked up an established in-house developments or products, implements on-demand to its customers the optimum network solution tailored and yet quickly make available. The new premium partnership fits perfectly into our strategy as a system supplier, because the products and solutions from Brocade excellent extend our already existing portfolio for high-performance networks. This synergy we can realize valuable competitive advantages to strengthen our market position and to expand”, Henri Fau, head of networking explains the HOB GmbH & co. KG in Cadolzburg. As a certified Brocade premium partner picked up not only for its highly innovative network solutions offer, but also the required Training and support program, so that Brocade can put on a competent partner in all respects.

We look forward to working with picked up because we keep increasing our market share in relation to leading network infrastructure. Our customers get from our German partner hardware products as well as services to high-performance network solutions to build”, says Amanda Giddins, EMEA channel sales director at Brocade. Brocade profile Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) develops high-performance, cost-efficient and highly available network solutions for complex, data-intensive enterprise applications. More information: raised profile that HOB GmbH & co. KG is a medium-sized German software company which develops world’s innovative software and network solutions and markets. The core competencies of 1964 established and successful company include secure remote access, server-based computing, virtualization and VoIP, in small, medium and large companies to the Be for use.

Products are certified by the BSI (Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) according to common criteria. Picked up worldwide approximately 120 employees busy today in its Cadolzburger headquarters and its branch offices, more than half of them in the development. HOB maintains offices in France, Malta, Netherlands and United States, and Mexico. HOB GmbH & co. KG-marketing/public relations Petra of Korwer Schwadermuhlstrasse 3 90556 Cadolzburg Tel. 09103/715-284 + fax 09103/715-271 E-mail: contact Brocade EMEA PR & AR Stuart marks Tel: + 44 (0) 1784 496474 mob: + 44 (0) 7734 688062 Doris Jessen

Mobile Learning Of The Future

Success vocabulary builder now on micro USB stick available previously was Mobile learned by vocabulary cards have been described for the free hours and visiting friends. Today, there are vocabulary on Netbooks, laptops, handhelds and mobile phones. Since Netbooks and laptops anyway at some point need a socket and there are also stationary PCs in addition to sockets, the vocabulary trainer AZ6-1 team has thought to and brought out the most mobile of all vocabulary trainer: namely a vocabulary on USB-stick, which is usable on any computer without installation. Some time ago, the vocabulary trainer market was ever stirred up by the publication of the self-sufficient ongoing AZ6 1 as USB version. Today, the success team is on it another: AZ6-1 micro-USB-stick. These are small, chic and fit due to the size of a 1-euro coin in every wallet. In terms of pace they are of course your larger sized brothers in nothing. And the price can be seen: the Deluxe micro sticks are only slightly more expensive than the great variation in same space and only 1/3 of the normal size. CBS brings even more insight to the discussion. If you version still didn’t know the AZ6-1 USB-stick, here again the most important functions: anywhere mobile learn: learn from the USB stick out and without installation on any PC, vocabulary perfect pronunciation with the help of the new audio function and learning can also itself a learning keyboard of hot keys for fast control Launcher numerous writings supports the efficient Klassenarbeits or long term memory mode in the PC-start quick start, for example: Cyrillic, Asian and Arabic characters of holiday mode holiday extensive learning statistics print function UI/skins customizable complete backup and restore in seconds export and import functions, also vocabulary by third parties the new Deluxe micro USB sticks for right here: az6-1-micro-deluxe-usb-stick.html the ideal Christmas gift!.

Visual Rules Web Modeler

In the focus are web-based rule modeling and secure rule change processes Immenstaad, November 10, 2010: innovations software technology GmbH, leader in business rules management platforms and solutions for the financial sector, released version 5.0 of Visual Rules suite on 11th November 2010 Visual rules support professionals now with new, web-based tools. The comprehensive support of the Regelanderungs – and test – Deploymentprozesse is also new. The initial idea of the Visual Rules Suite 5.0 in the Webinar on November 11 is accompanied by John Rymer, Vice President and principal analyst. Multi media content available (on): demo “Web-based rules modeling” (3:50 min) Video “Product Manager about Visual Rules 5.0” (2:30 min) “Visual Rules 5.0” Webinar Recording (from 12.11.2010) business rules management for agile companies like the Volkswagen Bank and John Deere manage the business rules for its credit risk rating and the intelligent machine control with the business rules Management (PRM) platform Visual rules. Visual rules helps these companies, dynamic new technical requirements to fit their business applications by the experts themselves. Visual rules 5.0 what’s new? Web-based control modeling Visual Rules Web Modeler 5.0 is the new extension of the suite of Visual rules.

The powerful Web interface offers intuitive operation and maximum transparency in the creation and publication of business rules. The new component can be just in companies or as part of their SaS ready application. Figure web-modeler.jpg”: with Visual Rules Web Modeler 5.0 on business rules from the team server access and modify them. Rule changes sure master Visual Rules team server is the central rule repository with versioning, access control, and audit ability. Team Server 5.0 now fully supports teams of rule changes in all steps in the process to release and adoption of the rules in the production operation, with automated build, test, and deployment. Figure team-server.jpg”: Advanced Web console of Team Server 5.0 for the control of all steps in the process of the rule change.

Rule dependencies visualize Visual Rules Modeler 5.0 offers interactive visualization of dependencies in the rules, so managers full control over their rule stocks keep. Before changes to the rules are made, can get the overview the rule authors by Visual impact analysis, which rules of others are called, and which rule packages elsewhere be reused. Dependency-graph.jpg figure”: with the interactive visualization of dependencies, rule authors retain full control even over large rule sets. The Visual Rules suite is currently available in German and English language. New & noteworthy a detailed new & noteworthy overview visit the Web site of innovation. Markus Schartel, Director products, innovations, the Visual rules is first performance at the webinar with John Rymer In the Webinar on November 11, 2010 at 17:00 Imagine Suite 5.0. The webinar is by John Rymer, Vice President and principal analyst at Forrester, accompanied. John Rymer will show what effects will have business rules tools to the development of business applications and the implementation of business processes in the future, and how professional and managers pave the way in the future. The webinar is aimed both subject matter experts and managers. Please join just to this English-language live webinar about the innovation website. Visual Rules free of charge test the PRM system Visual rules 5.0 is 11.11.2010 on innovation website to the free trial offers.


Customers benefit from high reliability and Green IT technology Ludwigshafen, 08.09.2010 the DATACENTER Rhein-Neckar has started the operation and offers business customers in one of Germany’s most interesting economic regions from immediately numerous perspectives of cost and risk reduction in terms of their IT infrastructure. The high degree of resilience and availability, as well as meeting the highest requirements on energy efficiency are complementary in the 1,000 square metre high security computer centre of operator PFALZKOM MANET to an offer with many synergy effects, which exhibit a great differentiator in the Rhine Neckar metropolitan region. So, medium-sized companies in the DATACENTER Rhein-Neckar now have the ability to outsource business-critical systems and applications from one of the safest and most efficient data centers in Germany – without having to invest on its own site. Because of rising energy consumption for the operation of information systems has become immense impact on the costs. Morgan Stanley has much experience in this field. How various studies have shown, exceed the cost of pure today at many companies the expenses for the operation and to cool the systems. With clever technologies wants classified and according to submit new TuV/tekit and eco DATACENTER Rhein-Neckar region therefore also new standards according to the safety standards TIER III in terms of energy efficiency. This includes Jurgen Beyer, technical director of PFALZKOM MANET: Already during the planning of the DATACENTER Rhein-Neckar we have consistently in ecological and economic terms on GREEN IT. With clever and energy-saving technologies, such as, for example, the photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the building we contribute therefore to the environmentally-friendly data storage in the metropolitan area.” The attractive and coherent overall package of the DATACENTER Rhein-Neckar is rounded off by the experience of the operator in the field of IT outsourcing. In addition to the innovative operational concepts of PFALZKOM MANET make the comprehensive “Quality management as well as the continuous training of employees the basis for permanently optimal energy efficiency and thus equally contribute to the economic and environmentally conscious operation of the data center”, the commercial Managing Director Uwe Burre adds.

Tips For The Successful Introduction Of The CMDB

What should companies do? / Recent white paper as a free download given increasing demands on IT processes, in particular with regard to their quality of service, transparency and flexibility, more and more companies opt for the introduction of a configuration management database (CMDB). The matrix explains technology AG in their newly released white paper introduction of CMDB according to best practices, how companies can benefit from a CMDB, what are the factors for the success of a CMDB project are crucial and why a CMDB significantly increases the quality of the service. The complete database configuration store items (CI’s) and so dependencies can be used of a CMDB and illustrate interactions within the IT infrastructure landscape. Step by step to success in implementing a CMDB project it applies to companies some points to keep in mind: the goals of the project are clearly defined, created a binding configuration management plan and sufficient backing from the ranks of the company available, the experts advise the matrix technology AG, to capture the most important applications and services in the CMDB in a top-down approach first and then step by step to proceed. With the right level of detail of the data bank and a concrete roles and responsibilities play a crucial role. It is most effective to categorize the CI’s a so-called discovery tool automatically and to identify the associated attributes and relationships, and is only in areas where this is absolutely necessary to maintain the database manually. Other key success factors are the so-called reconciliation according to matrix”, i.e. bringing together multiple stored information in a data file, which retrace the flexibility of the data model, so that this can be adjusted accordingly if necessary, a clear visualization of the relationships between the CI’s, as well as the historicization of data in the CMDB to changes and, if necessary, restore the system by a backout.

Project Management

Serview study bad significant action to improve project management Homburg, February 13, 2009 – many companies have no strategy for the methods of the management of IT projects and live even in significant contradictions. Under most conditions Comcast would agree. Because on the one hand the leaders assign a very significant contribution to the success of the IT measures the project management and watch this task under increasingly difficult conditions. For even more analysis, hear from Martin Scorsese. On the other hand is mostly a patchwork of procedural models, the quality of which is checked only in rare cases in the company. The consulting company Serview investigated these results in a survey among more than 350 medium-sized and large companies with a turnover of over 50 million euros. “Then are 54 percent of surveyed managers of considered that the requirements of the project management due to the growing complexity of IT measures recently skyrocketed” are. In addition one in five has an average increase in the degree of difficulty noted, while 16 percent in recent years Situation has remained relatively constant. Only a minority of 11 percent registered last easier project conditions. A there is widespread acknowledgement for those responsible but the issue does affect the quality of the project methods on the results of an IT action.

For about half the success percentage is between 25 and 50 percent, almost one-third rated it even higher. But even though they have such great importance to the quality of project management practices, it is missing in IT to clear guidelines. So, draws about a quarter of enterprises on public regulations such as, for example, Prince2 and 9 per cent use their own methodological standards. But in two-thirds of the companies there is a considerable arbitrariness in the use of project management methods, because there the IT projects based on very different concepts are realized. It is in the practice of the companies apparently a large gap between the standards of the project management and the commitment to improving the methodological basis”, rated Serview Managing Director Michael cross the results.

The consultant also provides a considerable need for action because the adequacy and quality of the used methods is usually very long not more closely examined. The companies need to find in their self-interest to a clear positioning in this topic”, he asks. Eventually they would ultimately do not know exactly whether they use at all-requirements project methods. Weaknesses in the methodology lead but according to their own knowledge to quality, delays and a significant increase in the relevant IT projects”cross stressed the negative consequences. Serview GmbH garden str. 23 61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H., Tel.: +49(0)61 72/177 44-0 fax: +49(0)61 72/177 44-99

Faxing In The UC Era Or Believed Dead Live Longer

Why Professional fax server applications not userbase are and rather an ideal enrichment can be modern unified communications infrastructures many leading fax application vendors have already adopted from the German market. Tribune Publishing shines more light on the discussion. The “unified communications”, or Neu unified communications, numerous new communication options in the game, which above all young users and the topic of faxing came rather than appear anachronistic. Details can be found by clicking HBO Max or emailing the administrator. But fax is really dead or has it but still a solid raison d ‘ etre in the modern Office? Admitted: In the circles of modern forms of communication, such as live chat, E-Mail, SMS, MMS, etc. fax looks rather conventional and from a bygone world! Big companies from overseas, like Microsoft and others – as one of the “global player” see more in fax communication is now apparently also not a great potential in this new market of communication – and therefore their unified communications (UC) have already suitably adapted solutions: in the currently available releases its UC products Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and Exchange Server 2007, Microsoft offers only technological support for incoming faxes (so-called “inbound fax”). With the current version of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, also this support by Microsoft will fall away. And along with the decision of this leader many long-established Faxapplikations decided manufacturers, such as e.g.

Tobit software with its successful since 1993 on the market product “FaxWare”, no longer to support the current Microsoft Exchange 2007 and 2010 releases. Or they have – such as, for example, the Faxapplikationsanbieter Niggemann / MATERNA – entirely adopted from this market. But fax in Germany is really dead? Like live chat and instant message (IN the), SMS and MMS as well as of course, the classic E-Mail occupy an increasingly important role in modern communication, so have area in particular fax server services, especially in the enterprise, still going strong and will remain within the framework of a comprehensive UC infrastructure planning demand.

Customer Acquisition Caller

Special Geschaftskundenakquise “Warm cold calls” today identifying visitors plays a very large role. When you finally know you will be which company has visited your website, able to contact this company. Everyone knows that a direct contact to a company is much more effective as a general indicator or advertising on the Internet. You need only the caller ID for your website that will help you to find the relevant companies. Identification is the visitors so in such a case not to be underestimated. There are various methods to attract new customers.

You can call, send a letter to them or visit them personally. But you should be aware that such activities are time consuming. Thanks to the caller ID for your website, you save your energy and the energy of your employees. A simple visitor is worth identifying very, if you want to reach quickly potential companies. Most programs offer detailed information about companies, the is for Be interested in your Web site.

Do you have a company that has suffered lately only losses? Does your company not as brilliant as you want it? You have a website, which was designed by the best Web designers, but yet not many corporate customers sign up in your Office. There is a solution to your problems. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Tribune Media Company. Her name is caller ID for your website. Thanks to a caller ID for your website you will learn quickly what company has visited your Web site. You have asked perhaps the corporate customers of your website, fill out a short inquiry, but not every company wanted to do that? Now you must no longer be dependent on the good mood of the corporate customers of your website. With the help of caller ID for your website, they will quickly know which company is interested in your products. This is a wonderful opportunity to collect as much data as possible. You will be always prepared. You never know what you can use in the future. Thanks to this Application are no longer forced it to send hundreds of emails. A caller ID will work for your Web page for you around the clock, so you need to set any additional staff. In this way, they avoid extra costs. Usually this application can be installed quickly and get the first results soon. An installation is comparable, by inserting a code such as Google analytics. There are many Internet visitors who quickly forget what Web pages they have visited about an hour ago. Even if you are looking for a particular thing, they don’t always look at the Internet address and then they regret that they can not contact this company. Thanks to the caller ID for your website you will be able to help your new potential corporate clients. You will be certainly grateful. Data collected with the help of this application and in this manner will contact companies that are interested in your products. The task of the caller ID. for your Web site is very much information, which you will then use to save. You will be free from worries that important business contacts do not come. The competition on the market is now enormous, so you should take every opportunity to be better informed than everyone else. A caller ID for your website is as an inexhaustible source of information and a perfect way to contact companies that have shown interest.