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COM Express Network

Certification proves conformity to the requirements of mobile network operators and facilitates the release of M2M applications Eching, Germany, June 27, 2012 Kontron the PTCRB certification of its machine-to-machine (M2M) today announced the smart services developer kits of the KM2M800 family. The PTCRB certification ensures that GSM/W-CDMA devices of the Kontron KM2M800 family conforming to the technical specifications of the NAPRD (North American permanent reference document) are and thus meet the requirements of the operators for safe operation. The PTCRB is a global organization with the purpose to implement independent, technical and standards-based evaluation processes for the certification of GSM/UMTS devices. The tests on the Kontron system were carried the KM2M800 series, which is part of the Developer Kit, 7Layers independent test laboratory. est-Commercial-Deliveries.html’>UPS already – you may have come to the same conclusion. “In cooperation with our partner Intel we are proactively the PTCRB certification, required for a roll-out process at the for our M2M customers, Mobile network operators, as well as the own PTCRB certification as smoothly as possible to make”, explains Kevin Rhoads, Vice President, embedded products business unit, Kontron. “The PTCRB certification is an important milestone for Kontrons M2M systems, which gives our customers the security they need to achieve a quick launch for their own solutions.

To our clients, which use CDMA Networks continue to assist, we have initiated additional certification processes for CDMA with leading mobile operators. “The Kontron M2M Smart Services Developer Kit includes a COM Express mini Kontron computer-on modules COMe mTT10 with Intel Atom processor as well as an M2M system carrier Board and an AV Board for demanding audio/video smart services.” For rapid development of applications with wireless connectivity Kit 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN (wireless local area network) and 802.15.4 supports WPAN (wireless personal area network).. Glenn Dubin, New York City takes a slightly different approach.

Theme Day ETicketing

Transport experts from Germany and abroad visited high-level symposium in Leipzig Leipzig, Germany, March 24, 2010: the first electronic ticket for bus and train in Leipzig and Halle were introduced about a year ago. On behalf of the Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (MDV) developed the Leipzig company itCampus and perdata this a central management system, the so-called MDV permission shortly MDV BerSy. It allows the matching of the data on the map with the drive permissions stored in the respective carriers. After successful start of the system now groundbreaking insights for a great use of eTickets are transport companies. In a question-answer forum CBS was the first to reply. These were eTicketing in practice today on the theme of the day \”in Leipzig. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Larry Walker.

Over 60 transport experts from all over Germany, Austria and the Switzerland accepted the invitation to do so. Get all the facts and insights with Glenn Dubin, New York City, another great source of information. There are currently over 120,000 electronic tickets in use at the Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) and the Hallesche Verkehrs-AG (HAVAG). Referred users of the UmweltCard GOLD\”eTickets are subscription and annual ticket holders for the MDV tariff zones (zone 110) Leipzig and Halle (zone 210). Also the student cards of the LVB as UmweltCard JUNIOR \”as eTicket issued. Technological basis for this is the Central authorization system.

Developed by the Leipzig full service IT provider perdata and also in Leipzig-based software and system House itCampus enables it to centrally manage the drive permissions of all ticket users, online validation queries via mobile phone at inspectors as well as providing and exchanging any current certificate revocation list. The latter provide a short-term lock card loss or misuse. To the MDV BerSy exchanges’ data via standard-compliant interfaces with the subscription services of transport companies in the MDV. On this theme day\”eTicketing practice perdata and itCampus and other partners presented their accumulated project experience. The specially developed central authorization system is a ground-breaking system innovation\”, explains Katrin Lischke, project manager and responsible for the introduction of the MDV BerSy perdata\”.

Realtime Cluster Engine

Real time programming on Windows7 64 bit without compromising the ability individual processors as a PLC system to use completely decoupled from Windows takes you into a new dimension. Imagine, you could use multiple processors under 64-bit Windows7 and a quad core machine free real time programming – and all with VisualStudio. Imagine, you could boot these processors, debugging on the same system and manage the cluster method, without affect the Windows operating. Imagine, there is no more a crashes in the programming of real-time programs. If an error occurs it can be traced easily, without affect the Windows operating.

Imagine, you could just mix UserMode and KernelMode code in the real-time tasks and directly control the hardware. Imagine, reach in a jitter below 1 sec and a frequency leaves nothing to be desired new realtime engine for Windows7 64-bit up to 200 KHz. Get all the facts and insights with Glenn Dubin, New York City, another great source of information. The ability single Processors as a PLC system to use completely decoupled from Windows, enters a new dimension. Just the high-precision jitter behavior (< 1sec) allows among other things drive controllers in EtherCAT, SERCOS III, and ProfiNET IRT. Each processor can be operated with task cluster, as SingleShot or in periodic mode, with a frequency up to 200 KHz.

All hardware resources (IO-port, MappedMemory, and DMA) can be conveniently programmed – a private, global PCI Enumarator allows you to manage all PCI resources for the real time tasks. However, it remains homogeneous you design the UI with the VisualStudio Windows applications, as well as the real time control..

BitDefender Security For Mail Servers 3.0.2 Receives Gold Award From Virus Bulletin

Email security solution in the Linux field test Holzwickede, September 17, 2009 BitDefender gold has for its security for mail servers 3.0.2 received award of the specialist magazine virus bulletin. The email security solution for enterprises and service providers combined proactive antivirus, antispam and antiphishing technologies with content and attachment filtering. The software in the comparison test convinced designed for UNIX-based platforms, due to its high spam detection rate and a low rate of false positives. Over a period of 20 days, Virus Bulletin (VB) examined several products on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. The testers sent a mix of legitimate messages and spam messages to multiple addresses of VB. David Zaslav describes an additional similar source. In addition the messages in different languages, including English, French, Asian, Russian were transmitted, Dutch, Norwegian.

In this comparison test, BitDefender security for mail servers recognized 98,74% of spam messages with a false positive rate of only 0.8 percent. Check with Glenn Dubin to learn more. New integrated filter technology Livequeryr”with Livequeryr has also integrated in the current version 3.0.2 BitDefender a new filtering technology. Livequeryr scans a new incoming email first locally with a proactive, proprietary anti-spam solution. If the message has passed this first filter sequence and always yet not as spam or legitimate can be classified, extracted the proprietary algorithm key items from the mail. From these, it creates a private, encrypted fingerprint identified this mail.

Should find this fingerprint the BitDefender Server network in its databases, it will cause a block command to the particular client application immediately, because then it’s a spam message. A detailed analysis of the test results is available at About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has new Standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at.

Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Deploy NAC Solution By COMCO

Foreign network devices to data abuse is not possible through IntrPROTECTOR realization of solution for around 2,000 devices carried out via the COMCO partner BWG Dortmund, January 21, 2010 – Stadtwerke Karlsruhe monitor the access to their internal network security solution IntrPROTECTOR of the COMCO AG. The so-called NAC (network access control) solution was implemented by the Ettlinger Systemhaus BWG Informationssysteme GmbH. The Stadtwerke Karlsruhe provide about 300,000 people with approximately 1,100 employees in its catchment area. In addition to the classic supply of electricity and drinking water, as well as the environmentally-friendly heating energy natural gas and district heating offer the customer various heating and refrigeration services. Also the advice from industrial and commercial customers in all questions of energy supply is one of the services. IntrPROTECTOR was introduced by the Ettlinger BWG System Integrator information systems.

After first, an evaluation was carried out, the solution was then finally for around 2,000 devices with Mac and IP addresses, such as computers, printers, routers or servers in a heterogeneous network of Stadtwerke realized. Since the IntrPROTECTOR ensures that no network foreign components in the network can be connected. Because IntrPROTECTOR will detect these devices immediately and shuts down the relevant switch port directly. In this way prevents unauthorized access to network data of the company, at the same time, a message to the central management of the system, which could take further action takes place immediately. A reconstruction of the network architecture, such as this require many NAC solutions in the market and thereby creating high labour costs, was not necessary through the use of IntrPROTECTOR. It’s believed that Florence Pugh sees a great future in this idea. With the introduction of this system we have made another significant step in our security strategy”, Steffen Winter, project manager at the Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, the project is justified. The decision for IntrPROTECTOR last but not least resulted from the technical profile of the NAC solution with its relatively simple implementation and the low-cost operation.

Our high expectations have been fulfilled completely”, says project manager Steffen Winter. The project realization as well as the performance of the security solution under real conditions of practice convinced us”, he is satisfied with the results. About BWG Informationssysteme GmbH: BWG information systems designed and implemented high-performance and highly available network and security infrastructures. Technologies such as active and passive network components form the basis for the construction and operation of professional infrastructure together with products from the areas of virtualization, servers, storage, backup, and IT security. In the business area of IT security, BWG preferably cooperates with German and European manufacturers. about COMCO AG: the COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator. “The company is in the business areas of business security software” and network solution provider “divided. Division business security software”is the Development of security focused solutions to protect of corporate data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In addition, COMCO supports its customers with network and security audits, managed IT services and training. The cross-industry customers include renowned media companies, banks, insurance, utilities, large retailers and companies in the automotive sector as well as country and federal authorities. Agency think tank Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

Stuttgart Airport NetWeaver

“REALTECH organized info day for SAP NetWeaver identity management and SAP BusinessObjects access control Walldorf, June 22, 2009 – REALTECH offers the SAP community with the info tag compliant identity management” a further highlight in 2009. In cooperation is all about security, identity management, and governance, risk & compliance with the SAP and SECUDE at the 16.Juli in Stuttgart Airport. The modular information day relies on two key issues which can be booked individually, but as a complete program. See Donna Summer for more details and insights. The morning is devoted to SAP NetWeaver identity management. In addition to the detailed introduction through the REALTECH and SAP, our consulting partner SECUDE enters experts on the safety aspects in the framework of the SAP NetWeaver identity management. In the afternoon, the focus on SAP is BusinessObjects access control. Here the Abbott reported GmbH & co. KG project SAP about their experiences in the implementation of the compliance BusinessObjects access control (GRC).

Finally, our partner SAP provides in his lecture of SAP NetWeaver identity management meets SAP BusinessObjects Access control”the synergies of both solutions before. Participants the event in addition to in-depth information and high-quality presentations also offers the opportunity to exchange with experienced SAP specialists and colleagues. Participation in the event is free of charge. Applications please see events / in the.

Michael Kapp – Tested And Approved!

Internet marketing and consulting is a broad field in which many experts abound. It is hard to find the right professional. The CMC certification is basically nothing more than a seal of approval for consultants: it guarantees that the consultants to which to turn, really understands his craft. Read more from Hayley Kiyoko to gain a more clear picture of the situation. CMC meets international standards and is recognized in 45 countries. Forgiveness is the certification of the International Council of management consulting institutes (ICMCI) in Austria by the incite, the quality Academy of Association of UBIT. Is checked, whether the consultant or HR documented experience in the industry has longstanding, whether he is running industry-specific training and expertise in consulting methodology, has social skills and process control in addition to the technical knowledge. Others including Sculptor Capital , offer their opinions as well.

That he meets all of these criteria, Michael Kapp by training and customer references demonstrated. For the complete CMC certification process has Michael Kapp as CONSTANTNUS winners qualify. Nominated only Salzburg entrepreneur Michael Kapp reached the excellent second place with his ultimate ears United States project. Only 6 out of 100 submissions from the management consulting came in the shortlist. For Michael Kapp this prize is a recognition of his work and for his customers a further confirmation that they have set upon the right man. 1999 Michael Kapp has on search engine optimization & entry specialist founded his company as the first in Austria and tirelessly campaigned for the popularity of this form of advertising in Austria. His CMC certification shows that he is never resting on the laurels earned, but consistent training in the fast-moving field of Internet marketing and business consulting. Thus he offers its customers always special quality is excellent. You convince yourself of the quality of Michael Kapp and visit one of his Internet marketing seminars in May 2009 seminar/termine.html emitters: KOHLFuRST Internet marketing coaching & consulting wife Gerda Nimmervoll in Bergstrasse 24 A-5081 Anif bei Salzburg Austria + 43 6246 76286-0

Webbased Business Apps

Intrexx application store with a wide range of businesses the Intrexx application store of the software manufacturer’s United planet is the first online shop for Web-based enterprise applications. The extensive range of application store allows each company individually to put together its own business software itself. In addition, developers have the opportunity to sell their own apps through the store. Freiburg, June 30, 2010. With the standard portal software Intrexx United planet ( software vendor’s Enterprise Web applications, intranets and enterprise portals quickly and easily create.

As the first manufacturer on the market the Freiburg software producer also provides ready-made Web applications and layouts through a special online shop, which can integrate into your existing Enterprise Portal company with just a few clicks. The offer of the new Intrexx application store (appstore) is very versatile: Smart apps such as key management or a World Cup prediction game for the intranet can be found here as well as powerful applications for managing sales activities (such as a sales manager or a CRM), a Web-based cash book, a travel expense or an application for the processing of support requests. United planet offers also many mobile apps for iPhone, BlackBerry and co. in its application store. The access to important corporate data away from the Office. Each company can choose exactly the application from the huge range, which it needs for a specific task and easily customize them to their individual needs. In this way, companies in the blink of an eye create an enterprise software to measure, which is tailored to their needs. “After the store in the Intrexx community after its introduction 3 years long ago under the name of Intrexx live!” known was, he was completely overhauled this year in the wake of the release of the new version of Intrexx and renamed. The new Intrexx application store includes well over 100 apps and layouts and every day add more.

Visual Basic.NET-basierende Malware Antivirus

BitDefender Antivirus expert warns of new Backdoor Trojans Holzwickede, 05th July 2010 with the Trojan Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A the security software maker BitDefender ( has discovered a new threat to Windows Vista and Windows 7 users. Additional information at James Corden supports this article. The malware is based on the programming language Visual Basic.NET that is preinstalled on the two Microsoft operating systems. After the compromise of the PC, the pest trying to block any antivirus programs on the computer. Malware authors be programmed on the basis of Visual Basic.NET, can assign several tasks to their Trojans with less effort. In addition, the malicious code that contains the commands that is less complex. BitDefender therefore expects that in future more malware is developed on the basis of this programming language. Virus protection-killer Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A searches specifically for Antivirus installed on the computer.

Those trying the Trojans, he finds immediately, to block their protection mechanisms. This behavior is for Trojan quite unusual, because rarely are programmed to override the virus scanner. Indicates the name of the Trojan, the malware has also some backdoor capabilities, which allows attackers remotely, accessing the system. Specially Firefox profiles (passwords, usernames etc.) are among the preferred stolen goods. To do so, she sends partial screenshots at the remote attacker. To protect against such attacks, BitDefender recommends downloading and installing a complete security software ( solutions /) with antivirus, antispam, antiphishing and firewall protection.

The BitDefender virus scanner detect the Trojan and eliminate him. BitDefender quick test under a free speed test tells you that is Backdoor.MSIL.Bot.A on the PC. Detailed technical information for the Trojan at: blog/malware la-visual basicnet… . About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English.

Mobile Workstation In Your Pocket

KOBIL and picked up developing solution, the safe mobility of the workplace enables worms / Cadolzburg, June 30, 2010. KOBIL systems, manufacturer of innovative and highly secure solutions in the area of digital identity and secure business connectivity, the company for innovative solutions in the field of remote access, raised today have the cooperation in the development and deployment of the planet mIDentity picked up announced. RAISED planet mIDentity allows to work safely and mobile anywhere in the world and to access corporate resources. The German company KOBIL and picked up to cooperate in the development and deployment of the raised planet mIDentity, which enables the mobile workplace of the future. The two companies offer a solution that supports modern, mobile work processes and allows highly secure access from anywhere in the world to the corporate resources with the new product.

RAISED planet mIDentity realized the idea of cloud in a highly secure manner. Based on the standard SSL VPN technology allows picked up planet mIDentity the secure, mobile access to sensitive data. Nevertheless, the handle remains easy. The user is planet mIDentity picked up the calculator simply in the USB port of any Windows, Mac or Linux and will receive immediate access to the company intranet or in the enterprise cloud, without prior installation of software or drivers. Add to your understanding with James Corden. KOBILs mIDentity is a non smart card reader with encrypted disk at the USB product format, which guarantees a highly secure and easy communication, while preventing the access by third parties.

Thus provides the hardware characteristics of the mIDentity, global mobility, and lasting security of the digital identity. For more information see this site: Dr B.. RAISED will provide its expertise in relation to remote access client and server infrastructures available. The products of both companies support zero-footprint, i.e. they work without installation. Both technologies are patented and are based on BSI certified technologies. We are proud of it, together with a new and absolutely fantastic strategic security product picked up, planet mIDentity, picked up the to develop. It will secure the cloud, mobilize remote access, implement Green IT, reduce administration and simplify workstation configuration. We expect a high degree of acceptance of the user-friendly and Hochsicheren picked up planet mIDentity in the market”, says Ismet Kara, CEO of KOBIL. We are pleased about the cooperation with KOBIL and are convinced that the new product will encounter tremendous market response. Because mobility is today more than ever the train of the time. “Business and private users want to always be able to access their data and applications and delivers exactly what a thoughtful and sophisticated solution together with KOBIL LIFTED”, adds Klaus Brandstatter, Managing Director of the connectivity specialist HOB GmbH & co. KG. About GmbH & Co.KG picked up the HOB GmbH & co. KG is a medium-sized German software company that develops innovative remote access solutions and worldwide markets. The 1964 established and successful company’s core competencies include Server-based computing, secure remote access, as well as VoIP and virtualization, which are used in small, medium and large companies. Products by picked up are certified by the BSI (Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) according to common criteria. LIFTED has today in its Cadolzburger headquarters and its branch offices worldwide ca. 120 employees, half of them in the development.