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Art Sale – Internet Or Classic

Since there is the Internet, our lives changed significantly, even with the art there are many of these innovations are fighting as we know is about art. About the fact that creative heads of some must not live. Whether part-time or as a solid livelihood for an artist the image of one’s self and success always also depends the sales skill. So art sell? Long time there were very few opportunities for this. In the context of an exhibition or good contacts with art dealers. Both had and the terms of art, aesthetics and value has still a crucial disadvantage others define. And who wants to sell art in this way, is still dependent on good relations. Also the opportunities for artists sell increased in the Internet advantages since the Internet took his unprecedented success in recent years, are arts.

Who wants to sell his art today, is no longer limited to galleries or professional art dealers “to dictate the price and style, but can be directly thanks to the Internet an ever growing buyers contact only one advantage of this new distribution channel”. The Internet benefits but still very different, thanks to which art easier bring is the man. As each artist can communicate directly with his fans and followers via E-Mail or in the form of an own forum. And, of course, art lovers from every corner of the globe can marvel at the individual works of art. At least the World Wide Web knows no opening times. Art sale in the Internet at the end also means that their own works of art for any time of day or night are available whether it’s noon or shortly before midnight. The downsides to sell art on the Internet so many advantages art sale in the Internet also has no disadvantages does not also in this variant.

The biggest hurdle for many artists is the design of the website as the first personal flagship. Worse come to this place legal traps to tripped over that already some art professionals. The World Wide Web is however never quite overcome a disadvantage it lacks the personal contact between artist and buyer. Art lives create and buy art just this that both sides face to face can communicate with each other. Conclusion: Art sale in the Internet pros and cons here close together. Especially old hands”in the art business will judge rather sceptical about its possibilities. For young artists and those who still want to be there in the coming years, offers the new way to the art sale, however, endless possibilities.

Joy At The Munich Philharmonie

Tobias Melle latest Symphony in images: Beethoven 9th Symphony at the Munich Philharmonie who Beethoven thinks a deaf rumblings head occurs which may, and at the same time the composer of the jubilant beautiful Symphony No. 9. The master of opposites would certainly have his joy at the last premiere of his work had since can he hear his music not only with the inner ear that, but would you also see. Ludwig van, as he is known to an entire generation, was to enjoy Easter in the Munich Philharmonic in an own version: the Munich-based musician and photographer Tobias Melle introduced his latest Symphony in pictures to the public. With this formula, Melle combines his artistic ambitions in photography and music and creates special sound-image experiences that attract his fans in droves. A leading source for info: Stanley Kubrick. Photographer Melle is the creation of his Symphony in images with score in the luggage for months on the road, with his camera to capture motifs, which seem to fit his dramatic and emotionally to the music.

Here he illustrated never kill what communicates the music already in their own language, but creates a distinctive visual and mental space, who rarely contradicts the musical supplements sometimes, sometimes interpreted. The live concert Melle projected onto a giant screen countries a selection of his photographs from literally all over. Godfellas gathered all the information. Brilliant technical quality, he spans the range from cloudy landscape shots to almost abstract architectural photographs, naive children photos to wisely selected perspectives of exciting corner of the Earth. Varies the tempo sequence of images, the subjects sit on the musical development and started classical music newcomers. “The Munich Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Carlos Dominguez-Nieto played the four movements of the most popular of all symphonies, behind the canvas clean and exciting the oratorio choir Munich and the Munich concert choir, have appeared suddenly to be in semi-transparent photo projections the Ode to Joy” tune up. The soloists Julia Sukmanova, soprano, Alexandra Petersamer, old, Jorg Durmuller, tenor, and Wilhelm Schwinghammer, bass complemented each other intelligently, and on this basis, Melles images unfolded their radiance, which tore the audience at the end to storms of applause by the chairs. For now, you need the pictorial addition to great music? No, of course not. Beethoven Grand Symphony is of course completely self-sufficient and suffice it sensual and intellectual demands in every respect. But you have Melle to hold good, that his photos in selection and dramaturgy offer an interpretation of a thought, just in his openly known subjectivity new listeners and viewers reached.

Funeral Culture

Dusseldorf changing notions of the own funeral, November 3, 2009 of November is popularly as the month of the dead ‘. With all Saints Day, remembrance day and Remembrance Sunday, it offers numerous religious holidays to commemorate deceased. The trubste month of the year can also offer opportunity, to deal with the death”, says Walter Capellmann, main representative of Monuta N.V. branch in Germany. Still, many people are afraid to deal with their own lives off. There is a desire for self-determination and individuality but increasingly not only up to the end of life, but also beyond. More and more people, especially younger, want to take into account also their desires at his own funeral.

The person is younger, more willingness to turn away from traditional rituals are growing. Instead, the funeral should reflect their own lives. So, questions arise like: how and where I would like to be buried? What kind of music you want to while the funeral service to be played? Cold buffet or coffee and cake? What text should be on the grave or Memorial? When dying, death and grief as an integral part of one’s life, one’s own identity are accepted, then almost inevitably also new cultural forms and rituals “, cultural and social historian Norbert Fischer, Professor at the University of Hamburg says. The hitherto prevailing displacement of death in Germany now after gives way to a differentiated and independent point of view and practice. An example of this new way of dealing with death is also the public discussion of advance directives. The themes of death and dying are now no taboo subjects. To deal very open model Netherlands in the Netherlands for years with death.

Any third party engaged in there already in the context of a bereavement care from his own life. Thus the Dutch make their ability to once again see evidence not to cover even difficult and stressful topics, but are actively to deal with. With the result that by default funerals in the Netherlands hardly can be the speech. “The strong customer-oriented crematoria regardless of whether private or communal offer a much wider range of services than in Germany”, says Fischer. Whoever wants to can accompany the funeral of bongo drums or multimedia technology, louder rock or soft Harp music, but also by a laser show. Available for the burial urn groves as well as columbaria as also attractively designed ashes litter meadows. Whoever wants to can take even his Harley into the Tomb. In the Netherlands hardly limits of creativity. In Germany often still a kind of cemetery bureaucracy in the way is the creativity.” “Provision creates space for mourning also in Germany, consumer can provide for case”, Cabrera says. When selecting a bereavement care should be taken however, that covers not only the cost of the funeral. A good insurance is also a trustee and offers only the complete discharge of the bereaved. That creates room and time for grief.” For members, a funeral represents a State in which organizational decisions are very difficult. A bereavement provision can considerably simplify the situation.