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Assentis Reports

Reorientation and focusing on vertical markets, banks and insurance companies in 2010 Assentis Technologies AG Rotkreuz / Saarbrucken started, 24.02.2011. Assentis Technologies AG, Rotkreuz, known has the environment of document design, management, and distribution, in 2010 successfully established itself as financial application service provider in the market. Together with its customers Assentis could imagine on world further. With a sales growth of 30 percent, the fiscal year completed 2010 very successfully. The good business result is due primarily to the increased focus on the financial sector. The Assentis focus customers are banks and insurance companies. Here convinced the company with their product DocFamily that addressed the needs of this market very well and can be integrated into existing system landscapes by financial service providers via Standardadaptoren.

The special challenges in these segments, especially on the topics involved compliance and regulations, are perfectly covered by the DocFamily suite. The desired and required flexibility in the area of customer communication documents is so easy to implement. Banks and insurance companies supported this structured along the Kundenlebenszyklusses in the four phases of acquisition, on-boarding, execution, and periodicals. All communication touch points in the form of documents be optimized effectively. Differentiate this approach banks and insurance companies confirm their ability to compete, because they earn the trust of their customers and always on the new”, commented CEO Urs Tanner.

In the financial sector, the company consistently further expanding also its international business. Assentis has Asia made the move in 2010 and opened a branch in Singapore. The team primarily edited the increasing requests by the banks operating in Asia. First installations in the banking sector could be implemented in this region of the market. Assentis recorded successful new businesses at the Head Office of Switzerland as well as in the subsidiaries in Germany, Luxembourg, in the United States and Austria. In total, currently more than 70 employees working worldwide for the company.