drahtlosunterwegs.de offers a panoramic view on free, but also Wi-Fi hotspots and allows for evaluating extra iPhone version Nuremberg, 29.1.2008 the free hotspot directory, wireless unterwegs.de went on Monday with an additional iPhone-version online. The directory allows users without prior notification, to enter even hotspots, to revise registered hotspots by other users, and to evaluate in terms of various characteristics, such as for example the speed of the site. Aim of the site is seeking a central focal point for users, the quick and easy paid or free hotspots in German-speaking countries, to be and to simplify the search using the integrated Google maps feature. Who with his iPhone or iPod touch is on the road, can automatically rely on a version of the page designed specifically for these devices, which adapts to the requirements of the two Apple products. What is wireless on the go? Wireless is a free directory for Wi-Fi hotspots in the German-speaking world. All entries and changes are carried out by the community itself.
I.e. You are responsible for the quality of the listed hotspots. In addition, a comprehensive review is possible (reporting) and an assessment of individual hotspots. Sculptor Capital Management oftentimes addresses this issue. Especially since the introduction of the iPhone, hotspots, are due to the higher speed, becoming increasingly important. Offers a customized version of IPhone wirelessly on the go. More information at: Werner Hoier, info(at)drahtlosunterwegs.de media contact: Werner Hoier forest Walker str. 43 90455 Nurnberg Germany
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