Online facility for all Mommy Web members, interesting sites, and Mommy Web services are the Web tips”. The mothers community offers since late December 2007 his logged-in users with the Web tips”an easy way to link to interesting sites and services from the Web and thus introduced Mommy Web to to other registered users, or recommend. The set tips can be, analysed by other members, which results in a ranking of particularly interesting recommendations. “” “In addition can members in topic areas such as partnership” or fertility “Browse for tips or for certain keywords like diet” or ADHD “are looking for. So any Mommy finds exactly what they are looking for / need.
Mommy Web members to their used Web pages for tips”link and therefore visit these sites also provide the other moms. With the Web tips we offer our members/mothers at Mommy Web another feature, that mamiweb to one of the leading Muttercommunities is in the German-speaking”Carina Runge-Mathis, co-founder of mommy Web forward. Mommy Web (,, is a fast-growing free social network for moms Mommy Web and who want to be there. Over 500,000 mothers visit the MOM Web pages per month. Offered a place on the Internet is Mommy Web them, where they to ask questions, get tips from other moms, or learn about just nice moms from the regional environment. Mommy Web man / woman finds out what you can to do with kids, and there is the possibility to give up listings (E.g. I am offering children’s clothes”, I’m looking for an apartment in Munich,” etc.). Also, there is Mommy Web Magazine by daily new articles from the field of child, family, and pregnancy.
Photo albums can be created and sent in a simple way. The mommy Web groups provide each Member the opportunity to build an individual community, regardless of whether according to thematic or regional aspects. Mommy Web questions range insomnia parents money and birth of assistance in pregnancy to topics such as nutrition. “Mommy Web Magazine article be on topics such as Prenahrung” development thrusts “and many more.
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