Outdoor advertising in the manufacture of a sore subject in the most advertising is outdoor advertising. Fighting for customers grew into the Internet war. Many advertising firms break down their heads, looking for ways to lure customers into their networks. But the Internet thingie thin and search engine Yandex proof, Yandex page ranking sites so beautifully and clearly that spam sites, and black ups are gone. Hopefully in the future, Yandex will keep the trend of growth.
Let us return to the Outdoor advertising. Its roots rasplelis on Moscow streets, highways and roads in such amounts that any potential client looking for advertising on such, its abundance, does not know what he would like to see in their facade. What awaits in the future outdoor advertising? According to the latest forecasts spetsiolistov development echoes the crisis for 2010. The calculation of this time is due to rise of small business from his knees, and came to a small business business inroads into the significant spending in advertising, because it brought on the crisis. But one way or another is not a Moscow home will keep the pressure during installation of outdoor advertising, and will have a huge selection on the fly in the shadow of a billboard shelter from the heat. Despite these prospects for the future, let's talk about the present.
The answer to the crisis touched as outdoor advertising is the word "strong". In my eyes closed 12 Moscow advertising agencies. During half-year decline in manufacturing promotional products, first led to a reduction in staff, and then to the closure of firms. Estimate by experts will not argue that this is true on 01.06.2009. Moscow is a 1200 advertising agencies specializing in outdoor advertising. When in 2008 there were 2,100.
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