Any problem must be solved with beginning, not the end. Our bodies – is a complex biochemical mechanism that requires the daily receipt of necessary nutrients. To enjoy good health, we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Deficiency of any element is the cause of disorders in humans, from mild discomfort to death. The human body on a daily basis need 13 vitamins and 60 minerals. Every day we loses 60-80% of all components, without which it simply can not be normal, uninterrupted operation of the organism.
Most of these substances are absent in the diet at the desired concentration, and your body takes it from bones and other vital tissues. As a result of nutrient stores are depleted, and he can not fully recover the deficit. Foods that we eat, carry consequences of technological progress. Vegetable products are grown with chemical fertilizers, and pour acid rain. Animals are fed antibiotics and growth hormones. As products are added synthetic vitamins, colorants, preservatives and dampers. pic.
We like you or not, but we simply have no choice and we should have it. Chemical compounds accumulate inside and deposited in the tissues of the body, destroying, rather, slowly killing him inside. It would be naive to believe that we have everything you need from food for the body. There is one simple but reasonable way – many elements enter into the body later. It is known that new – it long-forgotten past. Hippocrates said: "Your food should be your medicine and your medicine be your food." It turns out you can make a difference by adjusting the formula of his power.
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