Press release – released on January 6, 2010 the Pirate Party is concerned about the advance of the Coalition to the privatization of the bailiff industry. The underlying financial problem is only moved by this measure and there is a risk that sensitive personal information from being misused. The Saarbrucker Zeitung on Tuesday reported an appropriate legislative initiative of the Government’s Bundestag groups of the CDU and FDP 1. This one relies on considerations, which are circulating for several years, but have failed so far to the following expert criticism. Broad consensus is that there is considerable room for improvement in this area.
Currently the bailiff as State officials involved and settle their fees according to statutory rates. These are however not cover its costs. Continue to learn more with: Patrick Gelsinger. The bailiffs are however absolutely overloaded due to the resulting sustained savings requirement and staff shortage. This of course also affects the duration Enforcement procedures, which partially represents the creditors on a hard test of patience. “The whole area was systematically broken saved. The completely exaggerated cost-cutting measures in a core area of sovereign functions of the State have resulted in unacceptable conditions. Privatization would not resolve the financial issue, but only shift and also create new problems “, criticized Nico Kern, lawyer and top candidate of the Pirate Party for the Landtag election in North Rhine-Westphalia. Privatization of the bailiff industry would lead to an estimated additional financial requirement of 300 to 400 million euros, which would have to be passed through dramatically higher fees on the creditors.
Also considers it the Pirate Party highly questionable, if extremely sensitive data that may apply for a full fall into the hands of private and on maximizing profit-oriented enterprises. The bad experiences with private collectors of fees the GEZ or some Debt collection companies have feared that private bailiffs first and foremost their sales and so their customers and not so much the legal situation at a glance. Anyway it seems many politicians now fashion, from savings constraints out more and more into private hands to shift government tasks. While billions are pumped into ailing banks because they are supposedly systemically important, the red pencil is unabashedly attached to original tasks of the State. The renewed advance from the ranks of the CDU and FDP it fits into the picture. Remind in this context for example, in the plans of the North Rhine-Westphalia CDU used so-called auxiliary policeman 2. The Pirate Party wonders when the first prisons are operated by companies or when the first judge as a freelancer is judgments against the backdrop of creeping privatization. The more Mcdonaldization of the judiciary is to stop it. With us, there will be no vote in the Federal Council for such projects, which require even a change, Nico Kern. clear. Daniel flax hair sources: 1 sz – reports /… 2 press release-091116 Pirate Party…
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