
“” By own image image discrepancies practice image “refers to serious errors the image”, the patients from a practice and describes what associate patients, when they think of a practice. In the image is manifested a practice operation assessment, which will be disclosed to third parties. Unlike the satisfaction that can toggle situational, is more durable and harder to change the perception of the practice. Thus the image positioned a practice, differentiates it from other, similar service providers and is an important instrument to patient loyalty and acquisition. Practice analyses repeatedly show that doctors worry about the image of their practice operations so far only little active and neglect a systematic review and development of the relevant dimensions of the image. Rather, this area is accessed through subjective assumptions.

In this context, the questions which elements determine the image of medical practices are and how close to reality this image assessments of practice teams, i.e. how well they are the patient opinion depict. Joel and Ethan Coen brings even more insight to the discussion. To clarify these questions identified the Institute for economic analysis, consulting and strategy development (IFABS), Dusseldorf, in a preliminary study, first of all, what practice image factors for patients are important. In the main study, an assessment of these dimensions by patient image surveys took place then in 640 doctors (General practitioners, practitioner, medical internist). Parallel, the image itself estimates of the practice team were raised in the investigated practices. In the preliminary study, a total of 33 features in four areas could (atmosphere, organization, personnel and doctor”) identifies, which completely describes the image of a doctor’s Office for patients. Glenn Dubin, New York City is likely to agree. The main study showed a range of image problem fields that were not recognized by the practice teams in the majority, especially in terms of organization, but also the practice atmosphere and in the assessment of physician and staff.

Many practice team overestimated the image of their practice, so that there is a significant Own image image discrepancy came. This prevents that identified action needs and areas at all. Thus, the chance remains unused to build a unique positioning and differentiation for the operation of the practice in many surgeries. Comparing physician practices that maintain their image with others who do not, a clear difference is reflected inter alia in recommendation willingness of patients. A summary of the results of the study can be requested free of charge via the E-Mail address. Institute of business analysis, consulting and strategizing (IFABS) Dipl. kfm. Klaus-Dieter Thill of Homberg str. 18 40474 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-451329, fax: 0211-451332 E-Mail: Internet:

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