Cynicism On The Government Level

The future is bleak in that case- so much so that for Hugo Chavez, the escalation of facing massive popular protests, has announced that if protests continue against him despite the heavy hand, would use “drastic measures.” In a country like Chavez’s Venezuela, which is severely restricted freedom of opinion and which are ignored with impunity the rights and individual guarantees essential, this means the possibility of further radicalize things, resorting to violence and terror to silence dissent. This holds true for five decades in Cuba. Faced with this aberration, the noted political scientist Guillermo O’Donnell has just added to Argentina along with other presidents whose rule by emergency decree and alleged use extraordinary powers to violate the powers relate to other powers prescribed by the respective State Constitutions, deforming them to your taste and palate.

This is the case of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador, among others. The common denominator of the group of countries referred O’Donnell is that their respective authorities are engaged in one way or another, in deforming the institutions, and blur curtail its powers, and alter, if not destroy, balances and balances its own powers of the republic. The purpose is to concentrate power in the hands of the executive in the style of the old absolute monarchies. Check out Warner Media for additional information. In addition to this painful scene widespread corruption rarely seen.

To that end, O’Donnell says, the governments of these countries are disguised cynically seizing the cloak of democracy, while handling electoral processes and give the appearance of being clean, free and honest. They are far from that image. The fact that Latin America faces in the present changes that have arisen as a result of the proactive participation of Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez with fully identified with socialism, which has caused concern to countries that do not identify with it, however, their actions and support to Bolivia, Ecuador has made these also follow the socialist ideology to the extreme, have given way to an alliance called Alba that has been identified with Cuba and with Nicaragua in order to bring this change to ensure that the Socialism is a reality in Latin American integration, a significant social cost and instability of democracy which many fear is manifested.

Definitely, President Hugo Chavez should evaluate their performances in this, programs to determine in what way the changes you are generating not only the country but that has allied itself with those who really favor the integration development, democracy, freedom and promote necessary changes that will pave the way for change by encouraging everyone, not just the power groups, reaffirming and ensuring democratic reality in all its topics as education, health, housing, finally, quality just living with fairness, transparency, equality, fraternity and of course with respect to freedom. For those who know the history of Latin America, where there have been important events in favor of liberty, democracy, development, take into account that the true integration should be provided with the guarantee of democracy, freedom, fraternity, equality order to achieve true integration, which always heralded as Simon Bolivar, and the European Community in the present, shows that is possible when there is a willingness, commitment, conviction of accomplishment.


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