If you’re that do not want to get out of bed with the left foot s wedding day and much less that you see the boyfriend to prevent curses, bad luck and everything that might build up relax. But the truth is also that before mentioned there as much, also well respected, which are directly related to the superstitions. If you would like to know more then you should visit cajoo. And for all those who don’t like leaving anything to luck and are superstitious here is a short list of these customs, let’s see if we are not meeting have the bad reputation that will lead us to a myriad of hardships:-groom must not see his bride wedding dress until it is between the Church wearing it – groom should never have neglect carry the crooked tie, since this means that it will be unfaithful in the relationship – guests must throw rice to the bride and groom to ensure the offspring – bride should never look pearls in her wedding, because they are a symbol of the tears that you spoken in marriage – you must never get married in January, this is synonymous of economic problems in the marriage – to make sure the ventura bride must use something new, something old, something blue, and something borrowed – never marry a Tuesday and much less if it is 13, this means that there will be much discord in couples many downplay him to these points, but the superstitious will certainly take it into account. At the end, after it costs nothing to make sure that things go well if they rely on for so little. Mayo clinic: the source for more info. Do not you think? So to be securely can follow these small traditions or superstition and be quiet that everything will come out well in our wedding Normal021falsefalsefalseES-MXX-NONEX-NONE <! endif > <! if gte mso 9 >
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