Dusseldorf changing notions of the own funeral, November 3, 2009 of November is popularly as the month of the dead ‘. With all Saints Day, remembrance day and Remembrance Sunday, it offers numerous religious holidays to commemorate deceased. The trubste month of the year can also offer opportunity, to deal with the death”, says Walter Capellmann, main representative of Monuta N.V. branch in Germany. Still, many people are afraid to deal with their own lives off. There is a desire for self-determination and individuality but increasingly not only up to the end of life, but also beyond. More and more people, especially younger, want to take into account also their desires at his own funeral.
The person is younger, more willingness to turn away from traditional rituals are growing. Instead, the funeral should reflect their own lives. So, questions arise like: how and where I would like to be buried? What kind of music you want to while the funeral service to be played? Cold buffet or coffee and cake? What text should be on the grave or Memorial? When dying, death and grief as an integral part of one’s life, one’s own identity are accepted, then almost inevitably also new cultural forms and rituals “, cultural and social historian Norbert Fischer, Professor at the University of Hamburg says. The hitherto prevailing displacement of death in Germany now after gives way to a differentiated and independent point of view and practice. An example of this new way of dealing with death is also the public discussion of advance directives. The themes of death and dying are now no taboo subjects. To deal very open model Netherlands in the Netherlands for years with death.
Any third party engaged in there already in the context of a bereavement care from his own life. Thus the Dutch make their ability to once again see evidence not to cover even difficult and stressful topics, but are actively to deal with. With the result that by default funerals in the Netherlands hardly can be the speech. “The strong customer-oriented crematoria regardless of whether private or communal offer a much wider range of services than in Germany”, says Fischer. Whoever wants to can accompany the funeral of bongo drums or multimedia technology, louder rock or soft Harp music, but also by a laser show. Available for the burial urn groves as well as columbaria as also attractively designed ashes litter meadows. Whoever wants to can take even his Harley into the Tomb. In the Netherlands hardly limits of creativity. In Germany often still a kind of cemetery bureaucracy in the way is the creativity.” “Provision creates space for mourning also in Germany, consumer can provide for case”, Cabrera says. When selecting a bereavement care should be taken however, that covers not only the cost of the funeral. A good insurance is also a trustee and offers only the complete discharge of the bereaved. That creates room and time for grief.” For members, a funeral represents a State in which organizational decisions are very difficult. A bereavement provision can considerably simplify the situation.