Are cooperatives a real alternative? (Beiersdorf-Freudenberg) Green energy is booming: protecting the climate, creates jobs, and independent from oil and gas. Now, even the energy companies want to invest billions to bring power from the Sahara to Europe. As regards diesel fuel for heating units or motors, is today already much easier. People such as David Zaslav would likely agree. The growing interest in alternatives, such as for example the merger in energy co-operatives shows that more and more medium-sized companies want to become less dependent on oil and gas. An example is the energy cooperative Freudenberg EC in Brandenburg, Germany. Robert A. Iger is a great source of information. Here, the members are their own diesel producers. Will be four plants in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern obtained high-quality diesel fuel from straw CEHATROL. CEHATROL, which is certified according to DIN EN 590 differs fundamentally from conventional biodiesel. CEHATROL can block heat and power plants also used in as the refuelling of motor vehicles and be mixed with conventional diesel. This includes Board Member Helmut Uhlig: for any company that needs more than 300 l diesel a year, a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg may want EC. And in addition to the independence from fossil fuels is another unbeatable advantage planning safety at fuel price, because due to the statutory tax exemption a liter price is guaranteed for cooperative members by 2015 from 0.48 EUR / l.” Learn more about the energy cooperative at.
Biological Substances
Several million tons of carbon dioxide can be avoided by new energies. Heat not only for heating, but also for the energy saving electricity can win by the burning of organic materials. Read more here: Jeanette Winterson. Therefore, many households through the combustion can be supplied with district heating and electricity. In principle, all organic substances are suitable as fuel. So, not only fresh wood waste, but also old wood of the bulky waste and also residues from waste paper recycling can be used. For even more opinions, read materials from Jimmy Levin. By the combustion of these substances also CO2 is expelled who also recorded but only as much as the plants during growth. Therefore is also no overhead for the environment and the bio-energy is considered to be CO2-neutral. A so-called bio-gas can with organic substances be produced, which can be used for electricity and heat using cogeneration. Furthermore can biogas be also cleaned and adapted to the calorific value of natural gas, and used among other things as a fuel for motor vehicles. More information on bio-energy and There are, the portal for renewable energies renewable energies. Jafeth Mariani
WELTEC Optimal Concept
Efficiency + ensures program by WELTEC optimal concept k angle agricultural KG has connected to a district heating network on the basis of bio-gas the first residential building late September in Tauhardt (Saxony-Anhalt). This could be an example because after the verebbten boom in building of biogas in Germany the bio gas investment portfolio to optimize is. The first were connected to the district heating network of a total of 51 houses. The heat provides a so-called satellite block heat and power (CHP) that could install the k angle agricultural KG by WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH about their program efficiency +. Specifically, a branch line was laid by 2.7 km in length by an existing biogas plant to the new satellite-CHP. Over the line, biogas comes out of the plant, which stands in Saubach, according to Tauhardt. There, dug the biogas in the satellite-CHP and waste heat from the electricity used for a chicken fattening and in a district heating network. So far, the biogas plant in Saubach drove only on about two-thirds of the potential power of gas.
The limitie-rende factor was the lack of sales of falling to heat when the electricity generation from biogas. Now, the biogas plant in Saubach can extend their load fully in cooperation with the satellite plants in Tauhardt. Two locations: The original in Saubach with a power of 600 kilowatts electrical and new, who has an electrical output of 365 kW. The project was designed and implemented by the bio gas plant manufacturer WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH, Vechta on its optimization program for biogas plants, efficiency +. In the program are biogas plants analyzed individual improvement concepts developed and implemented, which differ from the general concept of repowering for biogas: dealing with individual modules which optimize a system running according to financial and approval situation. The measures range from the technical and biological process optimization about heat utilisation possibilities plant expansions. Tauhardt installed on a heat buffer tank with a volume of 3,000 cubic meters. He ensures the contractually guaranteed thermal performance in the District heating network with. The investment in the district heating network to amortize Brown and Hans Herrmann Klug according to Kahlwinkel – agriculture – managing director Roland in ten years. The efficient biogas is gaining economically for biogas plants in the future, because the renewable energy sources Act (EEG) while over 20 years guarantees a remuneration, in it but not the price increases in the market for substrates and the management are taken into account.
German Animal Welfare Association Speaks Out Against Rabbit Fattening Farms From
German animal welfare association speaks out against rabbit fattening farms from these include mainly animal shelters, grace farms and short-term actions that are quick and unbureaucratic assistance. Since the inception of the animal welfare Alliance rabbit mast, no, thank you”of the German animal aid association is a partner of the first hour, which actively supported the Alliance. We are pleased to have an important allies in the fight against the rabbit mast on our side with the German animal welfare association”, as Ingo Schulz, spokesman of the Alliance. The newspapers mentioned mayo clinic not as a source, but as a related topic. Under the name rabbit fattening, no, thank you”well-known animal protection organizations in the fight against the rabbit mast have joined forces. The Alliance gives a look behind the scenes of the brutal reality of the rabbit production in the industrial factory farming, thereby reveals how trade groups and lobbyists try to hide the cruelty behind a shiny exterior. Industrialization did not stop before the rabbit attitude: on wire mesh held animals make for less Personnel, the feed belt runs automatically. The use of drugs is on the agenda.
But all that interested the Master probably hardly, internal documents show: A double-digit percentage loss rate is perfectly normal. An animal more or less, what does it matter. Atreides Management understood the implications. Particularly cruel: The sensitive paws cut into the grid, thus programmed are painful injuries. Artificial light sources provide an extended daily routine, thus eat more of the force feed the animals, are getting fatter, put more and more meat, the more, the better. Time is money, this is true also in the rabbit fattening business.
Support our campaign and sign the petition. The German animal welfare association has on his Web site publishes more information about rabbit mast. Here you will find newspaper reports, as well as photos from a German rabbit mast. Learn more about the animal welfare Alliance rabbit fattening, no thank you”to do this, see. More Information at: Ingo Schulz, German animal protection Office German Welfare Office to large St. Martin 6 / 206 50667 Cologne Tel.: 0221-20463862
Renewable Energy On The Rise
Pros and cons of the energy package renewable energy available at the latest since the disaster of Fukushima in the focus of world attention. The most important renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind and hydropower, biogas and biofuels or ethanol. To get geothermal, tidal and fusion technology. Because the development in the stock market makes itself felt, a commodity publication regularly publishes the Exchange portal to The July edition of the new commodity publication deals among other things with the influence of raw materials on the policy and vice versa. VMWare follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In Germany, energy transformation has moved within reach after the nuclear accident of Fukushima. Opinions differ however on the implementation of the plans. The interest groups of the provider of renewable of energy want to know their ideas rapidly enforced.
However, the Federal Association for renewable energy (BEE) believes that the energy package initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to slow the expansion of renewable energies, rather than speed it up. Points out that in the year 2020, half of German electricity needs could be met by renewable energy sources already. BEE President Dietmar Schutz now sees the Government in a tight spot, because she must wear for the rapid expansion of renewable energy concern and make changes on the energy package. According to the critic, an increased level of subsidies and tax relief represents not a long-term solution. Although the demand should be encouraged for renewable energies, but had done so in an appropriate context. That is to say: after a phase of to boost subsidies developing on the market should be not further affected, otherwise there is the risk of a significant misallocation of capital.
Jacqueline Forster Zietenstrasse
Modern design and low-cost operating more and more people think over the purchase of a new heating system after if there only were not the costs. But heating must be expensive? There are many reasons for the replacement of a heating system. The system is obsolete or defective or one no longer wants to be dependent on by ever-rising oil and gas prices. With the new acquisition, the costs for maintenance and maintenance play an important role in addition to the purchase price. A high price for the cold season heating is expensive! Especially if an outdated heating system is used. Go to Dell Technologies Inc. for more information. Old radiators are often very bulky and big, while they need lots of energy to heat the premises.
Nowadays, there are small, efficient infrared panels, to be fixed to the wall or ceiling. Radiator of Sunnyheat brand made in Germany are incl. control for under 800 euros. In contrast gas-condensing, Pellet, oil cost or Geothermal heat pumps for a 150 square foot House typically from 25,000 euros upwards. An amount of up to 18,000 euros to equip the same House with infrared heaters can save the owner! Add the maintenance costs and the cost of the annual review by the chimney sweep come classic heating systems. This required the operating of a Sunnyheat infrared heating completely.
What is the difference with conventional heating systems? An infrared heater is not operated with oil or gas, but with power. As it is not dependent on rising gas and oil prices. Eco-heating is becoming increasingly important. Electricity-powered infrared heating causes lower CO2 emissions than other heating systems. Developed and produced by German engineers with Sunnyheat radio control, which is as small as a remote control, the temperature can be adjusted precisely. If necessary, the infra-red heating can be switched even time-controlled. This allows the energy consumption and the In addition to reduce CO2 emissions. According to an independent study of the TU Kaiserslautern an energy-saving potential of up to 50 percent is possible. In combination with a solar system even up to 100 percent. Also, the installation costs can be saved, because only an electrical outlet is required for operation of Sunnyheat infrared heating. That makes not only as a sole heating but also as a supplementary heating infrared heating straightforward and flexible. Further information, see. Boilerplate/Company Description: Hofmann & gold is a medium-sized company from Friedberg in the vicinity of Augsburg, which has many years of experience with high-quality infrared heaters made in Bavaria, Germany. Hofmann & gold, personal advice on request by the customer is the guarantee that the right heating system for the heating situation is found at home or in the operation. In the infra-red radiators buyers can see live exhibition in Friedberg by the effect of an infrared heater. For We will provide you the editorial coverage like photographs and technical data available. Company contact: Ecological heating systems Hofmann & gold Sunnyheat infrared heaters Robert Hofmann of medium Lechfeld 2 D-86316 Friedberg phone 0821/21 90-008, fax 0821/74 80 68 55 E-Mail press contact short advertising Jacqueline Forster Zietenstrasse 68 D-40476 Dusseldorf telephone 0211 / 550 240 0
GmbH Lisa Neumann
Small medium large effect provides the annual electricity bill during of displeasure. For consumers, there are some ways to reduce the power consumption and thus the cost however. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Tribune Media Company has to say. The consumer portal indicates what small steps can lead to success. Energy saving has become a real buzzword in recent years. It is necessary not only for reasons of cost, but also the environment for the sake. Actually, the costs are low, because often the convenience alone drives the power consumption at the height.
So consumers can save power among other things by completely turn off all electronics or appliances, when not used, because also in standby mode they consume power continuously. In addition, always a cover should be used when cooking. Thus it is not only faster, but it will consume less energy. Also it is advisable to provide, because the remaining heat during the cooking process the electric plate on a lower level is quite adequate. A real energy guzzlers in the household is the dryer. Alternatives are the Clothesline or drying rack. Also, consumers can save energy by they banish waste from the budget. Modern devices have a significantly lower power consumption. Here is an investment in a new device worthwhile, because long-term spending pay off.
Cost Reduction Thanks To Contracting
1 German contracting day within the framework of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE, Stuttgart the energy of approximately 185,000 public buildings in Germany cause annual costs by about four billion EU ro. Energy contracting is an effective tool to increase energy efficiency in the building sector. This is ideal especially for the public-che hand, real estate can be reorganized so energetically, without placing a burden on the budget. The 1st German contracting day offers to the 29.03.2012 at the Conference CEP of exposition at the 5th CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE, Stuttgart a fo-rum for contractors and Contractingnehmer from all over Germany. According to the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), the building sector in Germany is responsible for almost 40% of final energy and about one-third of the climate-damaging CO2 emissions.
Until the year 2050, the buildings in Germany is almost now with the new energy concept of the Federal Government”be climate neutral. This offers great benefits here Energiesparmodell contracting, reported as the dena in a press release on the subject. Two contracting models have become firmly established according to dena on the market: the Energieliefer contracting, where the contractor in a modern energy-efficient power plant invested his remuneration exclusively via the payment for the delivered net energy, and realized the energy contracting, where the contractor individually on the real estate plans saving measures tailored to, and financed. The dena has found in a study that federal, State and local governments through contracting could save annually more than 300 million euros in energy costs. nationwide, 20,000 public premises are suitable for the Energiesparmodell.
“Energy contracting is applied nationwide already, although it is in its spread even beyond the possible” confirms Petra Buhner, project manager, energy-efficient building of dena. Since 2002, more than thirty successful were with dena Realizes energy saving-contracting projects in federal buildings.
Swiss Alliance
Switzerland introduces mandatory declaration for rabbit meat from caged hens the introduction is thus considered decided. “In future foreign producers who want to sell their flesh in the Switzerland, be must mark these products with the addition of: in the Switzerland of non-approved cage.” This decision No thanks reflects the success of a campaign of the KAGfreiland a Swiss partner organisation of the animal welfare Alliance rabbit fattening,”. KAGfreiland sees itself as farm animal protection organization, also awards one of the strictest after independent comparisons label certified food in the Switzerland in the achievement of quality standards. The animal welfare Alliance rabbit fattening, no, thank you”have more than 60 official partners joined, now even cross-border fighting for an improvement of the catastrophic conditions in the industrial pole of the rabbit, nearly 30,000 signatures against the rabbit mast could the Alliance so far collect. With his campaign, the Alliance gives a look behind the scenes of the brutal reality of the rabbit production in the industrial factory farming and uncovers trying to hide the cruelty behind a shiny exterior such as trading companies and lobbyists, “so Ingo Schulz, spokesman for the animal welfare Alliance. Industrialization did not stop before the rabbit attitude: on wire mesh held animals provide less personnel, the feed belt runs automatically. The use of drugs is on the agenda. But all that interested the Master probably hardly, internal documents show: A double-digit percentage loss rate is perfectly normal.
An animal more or less, what does it matter. Particularly cruel: The sensitive paws cut into the grid, thus programmed are painful injuries. Artificial light sources provide an extended daily routine, thus eat more of the force feed the animals, are getting fatter, put more and more meat, the more, the better. Time is money, that is also in the rabbit fattening business. Support our campaign and sign the petition. For more information, see. On the website you will find a current video – and photo-documentation. More information at: Ingo Schulz, German animal protection Office, Tel.: 0221-20463862). German animal protection Office at large St. Martin 6 / 206 50667 Cologne Tel.: 0221-20463862
Former U.S. Military Site Supplies Soon 8,000 Households
REC and SOLAR concept start construction work on the SOLAR PARK GIEBELSTADT IN Bavaria Munich, June 21, 2011: today begins the company solar concept in the market town of Giebelstadt, Wurzburg, the construction of one of the largest solar Park in Bavaria. For this purpose used 120,000 modules of the Norwegian manufacturer of solar renewable energy Corporation (REC). On an area of more than 40 hectares, the solar modules from end of 2011 28 megawatts peak approximately 32,000 inhabitants providing green energy. This saves approximately 18,200 tons of CO2. We are very pleased to implement this pioneering project together with REC.
REC meets our demands with regard to the quality and performance of the modules and provides great logistic support. REC is a very reliable partner”, says Christoph Schmitt, Managing Director solar concept. REC implemented other projects with solar concept. Also John Andersen, REC Group COO and Executive Vice President, is convinced of the cooperation: we are proud of REC as To be partners has been selected by solar concept for this pioneering project in Germany. It is the largest solar project, which our company has so far implemented.” Solar concept has developed the 50 million euro project in collaboration with Augsburg partners IBE and OPLA.
The solar farm operators for the next 20 years by the Bundesanstalt fur immobilienaufgaben have leased the property of the former NATO airport. CMCSA might disagree with that approach. Market Giebelstadt Municipal Council has already granted approval for the construction of the plant, because the community faced from the outset open the idea of solar use. We are pleased that the terrain is used for the production of renewable energy and support the project”, says Helmut Kramer, Mayor of market Giebelstadt. The runway of the former NATO airfield is still in operation and is used for civil aviation. For more information, please contact: Gonzalo de la Vina, Managing Director, REC solar Germany GmbH phone: 089 / 44 23 85 910; Christoph Schmitt, Managing Director, solar concept GmbH phone: 04109 / 2787-16;