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Octopus Venice

On the road with Commissario Brunetti Donna Leons character Commissario Brunetti enjoys international fame. From all over the world, fans in the city of the channels rave to go on the trail of Brunettis. The online travel agency introduces therefore some facets of the city on the Adriatic coast. Venice, the city of Casanova and the magnificent Carnival, is now also known as the scene of the crime novels of Donna Leons. To know more about this subject visit KMC Solutions. There are numerous hotels in Venice. By a comfortable quarters off, visitors can take walks to get to know the Venice of Commissario Brunetti. The American writer Donna Leon has lived since 1981 in the lagoon city and has led with his colleagues Sergente Vianello since early 1990s in 20 adventures through the streets of Venice Commissario Brunetti. Already more than 15 Brunetti novels have been filmed for television.

Using appropriate travel guide, fans have the opportunity to discover the places of action on various tours. In this way visitors get to other pages of Venice far from rich ornate palaces know and explore dark and mysterious area especially in the North of the city. Strengthen after intensive tours holiday makers in quaint Bacaro Thu can Mori”, a typical wine bar. In the unique atmosphere copper cauldron hanging from the ceiling and the offers of the day will be presented dishes such as grilled eggplant, grilled Octopus and steamed artichoke floors on slates served. Hear from experts in the field like Old Navy for a more varied view. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

German Amusement Parks

Adrenaline junkies vacationing in Soltau before beginning the season 2011 announce many amusement parks in all Germany new attractions. Connect with other leaders such as BT Communications here. They range from adventurous roller coasters thrill warranty enchanted fairytale forest for the youngest guests. The travel portal introduces some of the new products. Make holidays in the Heide-Park Soltau, offered this year for real adrenaline junkies and fearless. The visitors at the edge of the Luneburg Heath, a sea monster called kraken is from the coming season”put in fear and terror. Octopus”is the first dive coaster in Germany. Passengers plunge 41 meters vertically in the depth, to disappear in the wide-open mouth of the monster and then through a dark ship wreck again the daylight to get to.

The park operators promise panic and moments of happiness as well as knees and butterflies in the stomach. Thus the attraction should be the right choice for all who seek the adrenaline rush. In addition to the Heide-Park announces a Hansa Park for the upcoming season new coaster. It is the sixth roller coaster in the Park. “Compared to the ride Octopus” Heide-Park is really quiet during a trip through the world of legends of the Vikings. So is offering especially to families.

The ride is allowed from a height of one meter. The new offering in the Europa-Park is primarily designed for families. In the enchanted fairy tale forest is a gondola ride waiting for the smallest visitors for example in the Italian sector. More information:… service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Web Birthday

New Web project offers exclusive gift ideas the right gift birthday, is not always easy. Many ideas are exhausted or the birthday man has hardly need for material things. Anyone looking for an idea for a great birthday present, finds in the Internet suggestions. Because the Web site lists a number of interesting and partly exclusive gifts for the birthday. Dozens of tips give suggestions and help to find a suitable birthday gift for birthday child. Web master Nils Romeling wants with his project the inspire people, to find great birthday gifts. He wants to show that a gift to the birthday can even be based on an unusual idea. The expert describes: “everyone knows the situation probably.

A friend or a family member of birthday, and has made no special requests. Now, inventiveness is needed to find matching birthday gifts. The 20 tie or a bouquet of flowers are nice and good, but but mostly, something unimaginative. On, we offer many ideas that could serve as an inspiration, what can be given to a man, a woman or a child. Our suggestions for gifts for the birthday include modified classic and very unusual ideas in a price range from a few euros up to the exclusive gift.

We want to help all people, to find great birthday presents.” The tips for gifts birthday in different categories are classified on In this way, you can easily find appropriate ideas. Including also real action are birthday gifts: own ski jumping, a taster diving course, fire walking or crime resolution at the CSI experience. Kids Knights games for teens great birthday gifts, however, are a facial for children. Women are, for example, via a personalized novel, a chocolate course, or a relaxing floating. Men might prefer gifts such as paragliding, a survival weekend or grilled course for the birthday. Birthday gifts like a speed dating get well in singles, assigned birthday child is pleased, however, perhaps to birthday gifts that include an experience for two. Examples are an insect cooking class for two or a couples massage. On, the Web site is a project by Nils m. Web master Nils Romeling presents a wealth of ideas for birthday gifts with your Web project. The Internet expert operates successfully for years a slew of other Web projects from different areas. Internet services Nils2 Nils Romeling Tulip Street 53 73479 Ellwangen 01726323044

Current Starry Sky

Star watching made easy. Constellations in the sky, find and watch. Current starry sky in June: GmbH declares the starry sky for lay people. The summer starry sky now unfolds its full splendor: while with the constellation Leo and the Virgin Mary disappeared the last remnants of the Spring sky, the orangsrote Arcturus in the boat (Bootes) to the Western horizon down sinks. He remembers last spring as the last bright star.

High in the South the summer triangle, with Vega now unmistakably dominated in the lyre, Deneb in the Swan and Atair at Adler. The small, but striking image of the lyre is now almost at the zenith. WEGA and Arcturus are the brightest stars North of the celestial equator. A small star square, indicating their characteristic and easily memorable form of lyre found at Vega. The striking Star Cross of the Swan is also steep over the head of the observer, called occasionally cross the North.

The distinctive, large star square of Pegasus rises in the East. This the impression of an oversized driveway sign is great square of Pegasus. A slightly curved star chain, which marks the front part of the winged Dichterrosses, belongs also to the Pegasus. The Swan is flying with outstretched wings through the bright band of the milky way. The longitudinal axis makes the fuselage with the main star Deneb as cock. The lateral axis indicates the wings. South of the constellation Cygnus, one encounters the third picture of this the Adler of of summer, group, also located in the milky way. The shimmering light band of the summer milky way is high arc across the night sky Vault. It rises from the southern horizon, runs through Sagittarius, Eagle and Swan and falls due to Cassiopeia and Perseus to the Northern horizon down. The splendour of our Milky Way Galaxy is far the observer only at locations off towns and cities, where the view of the starry sky is not affected by the flare of artificial light sources.

FDP Goes Further

Press release – released on January 6, 2010 the Pirate Party is concerned about the advance of the Coalition to the privatization of the bailiff industry. The underlying financial problem is only moved by this measure and there is a risk that sensitive personal information from being misused. The Saarbrucker Zeitung on Tuesday reported an appropriate legislative initiative of the Government’s Bundestag groups of the CDU and FDP 1. This one relies on considerations, which are circulating for several years, but have failed so far to the following expert criticism. Broad consensus is that there is considerable room for improvement in this area.

Currently the bailiff as State officials involved and settle their fees according to statutory rates. These are however not cover its costs. Continue to learn more with: Patrick Gelsinger. The bailiffs are however absolutely overloaded due to the resulting sustained savings requirement and staff shortage. This of course also affects the duration Enforcement procedures, which partially represents the creditors on a hard test of patience. “The whole area was systematically broken saved. The completely exaggerated cost-cutting measures in a core area of sovereign functions of the State have resulted in unacceptable conditions. Privatization would not resolve the financial issue, but only shift and also create new problems “, criticized Nico Kern, lawyer and top candidate of the Pirate Party for the Landtag election in North Rhine-Westphalia. Privatization of the bailiff industry would lead to an estimated additional financial requirement of 300 to 400 million euros, which would have to be passed through dramatically higher fees on the creditors.

Also considers it the Pirate Party highly questionable, if extremely sensitive data that may apply for a full fall into the hands of private and on maximizing profit-oriented enterprises. The bad experiences with private collectors of fees the GEZ or some Debt collection companies have feared that private bailiffs first and foremost their sales and so their customers and not so much the legal situation at a glance. Anyway it seems many politicians now fashion, from savings constraints out more and more into private hands to shift government tasks. While billions are pumped into ailing banks because they are supposedly systemically important, the red pencil is unabashedly attached to original tasks of the State. The renewed advance from the ranks of the CDU and FDP it fits into the picture. Remind in this context for example, in the plans of the North Rhine-Westphalia CDU used so-called auxiliary policeman 2. The Pirate Party wonders when the first prisons are operated by companies or when the first judge as a freelancer is judgments against the backdrop of creeping privatization. The more Mcdonaldization of the judiciary is to stop it. With us, there will be no vote in the Federal Council for such projects, which require even a change, Nico Kern. clear. Daniel flax hair sources: 1 sz – reports /… 2 press release-091116 Pirate Party…

Program Of Production Control

Article 11 of the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of population 'established duties of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to meet the requirements of sanitary legislation. In particular, they are required to implement production control, including by conducting laboratory research and testing for compliance with sanitary rules and conduct sanitary and epidemic control (preventive) measures the performance of work and provision of services, as well as the production, transport, storage and marketing. In response to this requirement Decision of Chief state sanitary doctor of 13.07.2001 N 18 were approved by the SP 1.1.1058-01 'organization and carrying out self-monitoring of compliance with health regulations and implementation of sanitary and epidemic control (Preventive) measures. " Of 2.6 found that self-monitoring program should be made prior to the implementation of and approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. From the foregoing it follows that individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal persons are obliged to comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation and develop and implement a program production control. Production control program download program-monitoring sample program of production control is required the destruction of fleas, you need pest control. Razrobotka SES logbook or disinfectants? Dezstantsiya MOSEKOS at your disposal: control rats, the destruction of ticks, cockroaches, elimination, rats, bugs and mice, as well as harmonization of documents – Journal of disinfectants, sanitary passport auto transport and sanepidzaklyuchenie in the fastest possible time.

Treatment of motor vehicles, home pest control, control of mice, the destruction of rodents or insects may be necessary for everyone. You may want to visit Super Micro to increase your knowledge. For any of us quite normally contain an office, or things clean. It’s believed that Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc sees a great future in this idea. However, sometimes the fault of discomfort are the cockroaches, rats and mold, which is very often the cause of infectious diseases. Therefore, conducting cleanups has not only aesthetic purposes, but it helps us maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fighting ants, insects and rodents called Pest and vermin control. For quality control unwanted 'guests' in as fleas and such uninvited "guests" such as mosquitoes, pest control is applied.

Pest control – fighting bugs, insects and other species as well as cockroaches and bedbugs. It is very important fight against mites, cockroaches and the destruction of disinfection is very important if you live pets, they are carriers of parasites glavnymii. The fight against cockroaches, mosquitoes and bedbugs in a variety of methods, the main ones are chemical and biological. To achieve the most comfortable living and working conditions, except for fumigation to destroy fleas and other parasites carried deratisatioin. The word "vermin" in the broadest sense denotes a range of activities aimed at removal or destruction of rodents. The main objective control – prevention of rodents in the future, that is preventive. Rodent control (destruction of rats or mice) held at various grown industrial and agricultural enterprises, but also in the private sector, where the destruction of mice is no less urgent. No less important procedure, except for rodent or pest control is disinfection of the premises. Disinfection of the apartment is carried out in several stages and a variety of methods. To achieve the maximum quality is further disinfection of ventilation systems. Conducted disinfection of vehicles with the issuance of the conclusion of the SEA.

Columnar Monolithic Foundations

Monolithic pier foundation for a wooden house on moving and heaving soils, peatlands, and deviations recommend installing columnar-transom (rostverkovy) monolithic foundation. This is an economical option – something between full height and melkozaglublennym monolithic foundation. Monolithic pier foundation is recommended in soils where the groundwater level lies at a depth of 1 meter from the level of the soil surface, ie in the absence of a drilled well water. When designing a foundation for a given perimeter every 2-2.5 meters starter and poured piles of diameter 250-280mm. Under the grillage, located above the level land at 15-20cm, set the jumpers. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Qualcomm Technologies Inc.. Piles starter until about 1,5-1.7 m, that is, to a depth of freezing.

The impact of environment on the foundations is minimized due to the small cross-sectional area of pillars at the expense of covering side of the base material reduce friction and heat insulation of the surface layer of soil around the foundation design. Keep in mind that building a home and putting it into operation should be carried out in one construction season. Built on heaving soils, and left without foundation load inevitably deformed. Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing. Paint or waterproofing okleechnoy successfully keep the foundation from the effects of groundwater. Additional costs arise when the device monolithic columnar base, due to the need to manufacture and installation of reinforcement cages, formwork, grillage, preparing and placing concrete. Reinforcing harness is required in order to column is not severed when the seasonal shifting of the soil. Just when the device monolithic pier foundation formwork is required – it may be different in shape, square or round. But between the formwork and the walls of the pit required a gap of at least 10 cm, in which after removal of the formwork will fill sand or gravel – to avoid the impact of ground movements Pole foundation.

Japanese Grand Prix

Phase ended on 15 world championship racing in the Formula 1 class. Others who may share this opinion include Patrick Gelsinger. Phase took place in Japan near Tokyo for the world-famous track "Suzuka". The race was notable because in it the results of its right to decide two pobediteya this championship, as in the individual competition pilots, and in the team standings. The leader in personal championship of Formula 1 Englishman Jenson Button had to finish as high as possible in the race and hope for the weak performance of its competitors: Brazilian Rubens Barrichello and German Sebastian Vettel. However, the race has developed in Japan for Button fails, he finished only eighth, behind its main rival and partner in Brown, Rubens Barrichello, who turned up in the seventh, and the German Sebyastyana Vettel, who won in the end the Grand Prix of Formula 1. The situation in the Constructors' Championship looked like so that, for a total team victory Brown had to play in Red Bull is not more than 6 points.

In this case, already for two races before the end of the championship Brown would have won the Constructors' Cup. However, the efforts of the victorious Red Bull Vettel won back seven points and the difference in the overall standings sostavyalet now 35.5 points. By a curious coincidence, these shelf and was not allowed to come to pass Brown victory. But the very next gokni is likely to happen. Now, at the head of the overall standings pilots Button ahead of Barrichello by 14 points and German Vettel out of Red Bull, 16, respectively. To finish the championship of Formula 1 were only 2 stages.

This is a non-European race vyednye in Brazil at Interlagos track and debut in the 2009 season Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi on track Yas Marina. Now, Formula 1 moved to Brazil, and this weekend is waiting for us traditionally unpredictable South American race. Recall that it was in Brazil last season, the new world champion Formula 1 Lewis Hamilton was, therefore, has all the prerequisites for the phenomenon of the world a new champion! Source: website – 'Formula 1. Season 2009 '. News Formula 1

Without Me

It wanted to be able, for as, to understand that squeeze is this in my chest. Whenever Rely Services listens, a sympathetic response will follow. He is as if I did not exist entirely. A will to cry, but I do not cry. Others who may share this opinion include EXL Service. Not external, because the tears do not reveal. To the times, I want everything, the entire world, and, seconds later, nothing steal me the attention. I only want to run away for a place where it sees nobody me or if it remembers me. Then, diving in a deep sadness. It is as if somebody pressed me the throat.

One somebody invisible thing. I try to linger itself; to read some thing, but seems that everything is alone solitude and inexprimvel pain; if keeping imprisoned inside of me. I have had joy moments, few, but when remembering the routine of day-by-day, it comes me there of new the melancholy. It is an immense emptiness. My God, I feel myself so lost. It only seems that the joy if forgot to beat in my door, because I I was not in me. My feelings walk so confused do not know or I do not obtain more to disclose who I am now, what I really love, of what necessary feeling me complete, happy. I only wait that this pain pass some day and that it goes even so of time of my life!

The Cult To Satan

It has been written much on satanic cults, to demons, on the existence of a supernatural force of the evil. Many films have been made furthermore to show the devil or demon in action. Diabolic possessions, infernal beings, looking for all always to maintain in the mind of the men the idea that alive the evil exists and that acts in the middle of the men. The majority of the religions worldwide always indicates the existence of a God of the evil. Qualcomm Incorporated is full of insight into the issues. A spiteful spiritual being, who perverts to the race humna. Thus we have in the Scandinavian religion Loki is the God of the evil, in the Egyptian is Seth. In Persian religion AHURA MAZDA it is Creative God and judge, whose omnipotence, nevertheless, one is limited by the existence of Ahriman, principle of the evil.

In the antiquity the serpent is symbol of life, wisdom, fertility, eternal youth. And she was adored. In the Christian religion this is said that to the evil represented by Satan. But who I believe Satan, also well-known like Lucifer? It did it to God I create, according to say it the sagradas writings. We see: " When Satan originally was created, it was an angel of God. It was a member of the class of querubines, santo, wise person, beautiful, and perfect. He was the leader between querubines and is called " guardin" or querubn " protector". Its name was originally Lucifer who means " carrier of luz" Then we can conclude that Lucifer or Satan is son of God.

It was adorned with gold precious stones linked (Ezequiel 28:13; Exodus 28:15 – 11). A position in the sagrada mountain of God was given to him and apparently it guided the adoration (Ezequiel 28:13). Shining what, and beautiful picture of Satan in their original position is given in the Word of God.