Renewable Energy On The Rise

Pros and cons of the energy package renewable energy available at the latest since the disaster of Fukushima in the focus of world attention. The most important renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind and hydropower, biogas and biofuels or ethanol. To get geothermal, tidal and fusion technology. Because the development in the stock market makes itself felt, a commodity publication regularly publishes the Exchange portal to The July edition of the new commodity publication deals among other things with the influence of raw materials on the policy and vice versa. VMWare follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In Germany, energy transformation has moved within reach after the nuclear accident of Fukushima. Opinions differ however on the implementation of the plans. The interest groups of the provider of renewable of energy want to know their ideas rapidly enforced.

However, the Federal Association for renewable energy (BEE) believes that the energy package initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to slow the expansion of renewable energies, rather than speed it up. Points out that in the year 2020, half of German electricity needs could be met by renewable energy sources already. BEE President Dietmar Schutz now sees the Government in a tight spot, because she must wear for the rapid expansion of renewable energy concern and make changes on the energy package. According to the critic, an increased level of subsidies and tax relief represents not a long-term solution. Although the demand should be encouraged for renewable energies, but had done so in an appropriate context. That is to say: after a phase of to boost subsidies developing on the market should be not further affected, otherwise there is the risk of a significant misallocation of capital.

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