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Infantile Education

If to ask to an urban child of where it comes milk, the fruits, the rice, the water and eggs, is well probable that it answers immediately that she comes of the supermarket. In its text in defense of the trees, Ruben Alves it says that ‘ ‘ it has children that never they turn a hen truth, I smell had never felt it of a pine, I sing they had never heard it of the finch and it does not have pleasure in playing with the land. They think that land is dirt. Brigham And Women’s Hospital has much to offer in this field. They do not know that land is vida’ ‘ (ALVES, 1999). The incapacity to relate our well-being with the nature in artificial and mechanized the life that we lead today, in the urban centers, moves away to us from our mantenedora Real. We live according to Rita Mendona, under the desire of appropriating in them of the nature, and not of knowing in them as its children. For more information see this site: CBS.

To satisfy ours ‘ ‘ necessidades’ ‘ of consumption, us we transform into simple resource for we use today in the future. The same author cites the proposal of work of Joseph Cornell, whom she aims at to promote the approach and interaction of the individual as the nature, making possible to the people to expand its auto-identity, in order to include all the same things as part of itself. Thus, they really start if to interest for the nature and to take care of of it (MENDONA, 2000). The deep, current ecology of bred thought at the beginning of anos70, for the philosopher Arne Naess, defends the idea of that contact of the man, either of which age will be, with nature is the only way of sensetizes it for oproblema ambient. The direct contact with the environment (experience) awakes in the people the perception of the ambient degradation and the position of the man as principal actor in this scene (questioning).

Japanese Responsibility

In function of these usual evaluations, it has in the miditicas ranks a presentation of information with responsibility? It wants in them to seem that not. Let us illustrate. Aristotle already dealt with the subject of the responsibility has 500 years B.C. approximately At the time where virt wrote on the Republic understood the necessity of the factor reverse speed-publishes x. Kept the ratios, times and main sources of the study appealed to higher court, since the awareness of the aristotelian republic always he had the necessity of the absolute imperative of the guarantee, or that ' ' informadores' ' inside of a republican state (democratic in our days) he had to respect and to preserve in full and integral way the basic rights them citizens. the right to the true information, as one of them, since the most remote times, always was evidenced.

Clearly that all these partner-legal criteria had evolved with elapsing of the time, as is the case of the citizenship in its diverse phases, leaving of the ideas of Marshall and reaching a citizenship ' ' forte' ' , that it fights for its rights. In our days, cliente we are, of our much more complex reality. Of any way, as we can worthy oppose veracity and current information propagated on the subject, cotejando them with a right consecrated constitutionally to the information? Where it is to such aristotelian virtue in our days? Perhaps the virtue, as bigger idea of responsibility, can yes be applied the aged inhabitants of the region of the accident, whom if they deny to leave its residences for the simple fact to believe that if thus making they will be acting against the proper national conscience. In its soul, the removal of the region would try a discredit in the government and the protection that the democratic attribute to the Japanese regimen confers.