The authors rose garden (Angelika Schweizer) want a beautiful Christmas advent season is very important for the children because in the cosy, homely atmosphere of the family is the anticipation of Christmas and no child will it ever forget, what it was like when you secretly wrote the wishlist with rosy cheeks and pulled the fragrance of the first cookies through the House. Already in the year 380, the early Christian believers were suspended to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ during advent. The season of advent begins with the first Sunday after November 26, and always ends with December 25. The advent Sundays in the church be rebuilt: first Sunday of Advent: the texts in worship are characterized by the return of Christ on the last day. 2nd and 3rd Sunday of Advent: the figure of St. John of the Baptist is the focus. Fourth Sunday of Advent: dedicated to Mary, the mother of God.
The Customs have strengthened over the years through regional characteristics during the advent season. The advent wreath is one of the recent advent traditions. He is only at home since the first world war in Germany. At the time the Hamburg theologian Johann Hinrich Wichern decorated his chandelier with much greenery and placed 24 candles on it and since 1925 posted an advent wreath with 4 candles for the first time in a Catholic Church in Cologne, Germany. The candles have their history in the 14th century, and were a sign of hope for a new and better time. The candles in the advent season were traditionally red – symbolically for the blood that Christ shed for the people. The advent calendar can be traced back to the 17th century. 24 Pictures on the wall were hung in religious families back in December. Another variant was easy, but no less impressive: 24 chalk strokes painted on the wall or door, from which the children daily were allowed to wipe out one.
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