
As questions of custody and maintenance in Austria are regulated in Austria nearly every second marriage is divorced, it is therefore important that it buys both in financial and legal matters. A divorce is still an enormous load of questions, which are to be resolved, with in addition to the emotional consequences. Ask for maintenance, custody and Division of property are additional burdens for both parties. For this reason it is necessary to find a trustworthy lawyer, standing behind one and the comprehensive advice of all legal matters guarantees. In divorces, expertise, comprehensive knowledge and empathy should bring the lawyer. The biggest points of contention in a divorce are maintenance issues and the custody battle. Under maintenance services will ensure that life needs the a person understood.

Only the low-income portion of the couple to the other has a maintenance claim. The amount of maintenance depends on various factors dependent. Among others of multiple earner’s income and the need for the corrected maintenance person are crucial for the amount of the maintenance. The level of a reasonable maintenance is not regulated in Austria. Children are, in a divorce custody also must be regulated. Custody governs the custody and maintenance included.

In principle, custody of the children is entitled to two parents. Only through the family court custody can be transferred under special reasons on one. For more information, visit our website. (Eva Hieblinger contactor)

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