A doormat as a basis for an extensive game with LEGO, the LEGO brick would have such a success, would have believed 1958 sure nobody in his invention. ssing-The-Power-Of-Purpose.html’>Professor Rita McGrath says on the issue. LEGO was founded in 1932 in Denmark, thereby initially was a joiner’s workshop, which manufactured wooden toys. This, today the fifth largest company in the toy market is founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen in still in family ownership. Currently is the grandson of the founder, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen of owner of the LEGO Group. The name consists of the Danish words leg godt \”together what on German game good\” means. Good games \”the company has to date, the target: the products to children to the play, promote the creativity and fun.\” One of the large floor mats is particularly well suited as a base. These objectives through a variety of different game systems that can be combined for the most part with each other and are consistently offered in high-quality, easily.
The Get company therefore is among the leading companies in the toy market and already has the distinction of being toy of the century\”. LEGO is now sold in over.130 countries around the world, and over 400 million children (and adults) to play regularly with the stones. Around 5 billion hours get together, play the kids with LEGO. In the generous offer is to find something for every age group: ranging from LEGO baby, large blocks for small hands, LEGO DUPLO, with the children in preschool age can build first figures and houses, and the different worlds of the game for younger children to LEGO technology and MINDSTORM NXT \”, makes it possible to build your own robot and program. Special occupies a position in this area of LEGO City, which combines several game worlds, such as police, fire and port and so on.
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