Congress Centre Hohe Dune Again Awarded

The Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune belongs to the ‘best conference hotels of in Germany’ for the eighth time this year the competition was the best conference hotels in Germany”played. On 20 September took place in Mercure Hotel Krefeld the award ceremony. The Yacht Harbour residence High Dune participated this year for the first time in the competition and landed straight on the 7th place in the category events. Some contend that quant funds shows great expertise in this. Seal of the Congress Centre Hohe Dune Dirk smithy and Martin took during the evening event towards the certificate for the Yacht Harbour residence. We are very proud the conga a such great distinction for our Conference Hotel to receive award. In the next year we strive for an even higher placement of course and would also like to be represented in a further category”, so Dirk Eid said. The book of the best conference hotels in Germany”and the Internet platform has made it his since 2002 to the task, to gather the best conference hotels of in Germany with the aim of the qualification of the Conference market. With annual competition the top hotels in the seminar, Conference, meeting, Conference, meeting and event categories are also determined. Vote for this 20,000 trainers, staff developers and organizer of which involved this year 5.234 in the election..


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