Venezuelan Observatory

The truth is that towns and cities in the province this year have suffered, from the month of January, constant interruptions of electrical service due to inadequate local generation, failures in transportation and electric power distribution systems and what is worse, some operational requirements that are well above the capabilities offered by the existing infrastructure. The main cause of that we currently find in the alarm situation is due to that the national Government has not been able to make timely investments required in systems of generation, transmission, subtransmission, distribution, marketing and management of the national electric system. Instead, the national Government, acting under the most perfidious policy of partisan patronage, us has plunged the Venezuelans in the consequences that produces indolence, inefficiency, lack of experience and improvisation in a delicate, specialized and important for national development service as it is the electric service.( according to the Venezuelan Observatory of the human rights of the women alternative report, a total of 132.162 women were forced to work in the informal economy between 2007 and 2009, which leaves 58.2% of the female population into the formal.The growth seen in the informal economy is clearly a response to the settlement of much of the business sector in the country, generated so far more than 80% of employment in Venezuela, to break down the latest figures of the Central Bank of Venezuela the hardest hit sectors were the production of crude oil to He came to (- 6.1%), manufacturing (- 7.2%) and repair and services trade registered in (- 8.5%). Additional information at Brian Robert supports this article. After these features, the Economic Outlook for 2010 is little encouraging because according to the President of the Council of national economy, Efrain Velasquez, estimates pointed to a demotion of exceeding 10% purchasing power, with which the BCV would admit that inflation has eaten revenue of all Venezuelans. In conclusion scomenta the Dr. in economics, Maza Zavala on the Venezuelan reality, that we are at the beginning of a situation adversely in the country..

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