Cash in our shop system that is what everyone most interested in the benefits that everyone can test free. You can compare prices at more than 1500 companies directly and immediately see what you will be credited in bonus. Just use our handy search feature. When a bonus doubled seen read texts of the offered information in the attentive. Millions of people in Europe use the Internet City and online trading developing very positively in this year. Despite the financial market crisis the Germans give around 19.3 billion euros (previous year: 16.8 billion) for goods and services on the Internet. This corresponds to an increase of 15 percent compared to the year 2007. At the same time increases the number of online buyers to 31.44 million (previous year: 29,37 million) and skips for the first time the 30 million The Internet remains the most popular by far ordering way of the Germans with the online purchase of goods. This year go 51 percent (previous year: 48 percent) for the first time more than half of all orders for goods the A mail-order business via the Internet.
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