I found a dealer job in a print shop, you generally distributed flyers per thousand or large-format canvases, but a day that commissioned me share each and every one of the Garrido-gonzalez wedding invitations. At first it bothered me, this was going to take a long time, over long distances, combing the city, but the idea of thinking that nothing can be worse that distribute pizza encouraged me a little, so I gave the task of executing a diagram based on the Guide roji to save as much as possible in time and distance. On Monday, first day of sharing, I started with the colonies more away, I walked down the street of birches, area with prominent and eye-catching facade houses. I timbre at the #4599 House, I opened a beautiful woman. Ms. Muzquiz del Valle? Yes, I am. He smiled at me, I palideci. With all my forces wanted time distendiera enough to be together forever, or at least one life. See Jeff Clarke for more details and insights.
Her green eyes, his dark skin, his twenty, could not stop looking at her. Yes, tell me. I stayed silent. While looking at her I stretched the invitation with his name in silver ink. My thoughts repeated over and over again Ana Muzquiz, Ana Muzquiz and Ms Muzquiz virtually had to start me the invitation of hand saying a very derogatory thanks and closing the door in the face as I.
I was standing a few moments more smelling what was left of her perfume. I went back to my bike, wrapped in a cloud, he had met the woman of my life, handle with inertia the following direction thinking of Ana, my sweet Ana. Get the next home to deliver the invitation to Ms. Galvan. When opened me the door I was flabbergasted, again palideci, I was watching the woman in my life and with all my forces wanted time distendiera enough to be together forever. Original author and source of the article
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