Youth Policy

The older generation of young people criticized for laxity and indifference to life, and much more for that. Of course, problems in the youth subculture is not small, ranging from the boorish behavior of some members and ending with their go beyond the edge of the laws, committing crimes. Most young people can not be arranged in life, there are no jobs and affordable housing. The problems of contemporary Russian society, we all know. The question is, what the root cause of these evils, what will happen if it does not stop. Man is formed in society. Youth is inherently neither progressive nor conservative, it is – potentially, ready for any undertaking.

But what is the initiative and Who laid? If in Soviet times, the ideals for the younger generation have been astronauts, pilots and representatives of other courageous and necessary professions, but now the situation is different. According to a study conducted by All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) young people aged 18-24 believe their ideals of pop stars, members of the "golden" youth (52%), successful businessmen and oligarchs (42%). These "bright images" formed by the influence of the media. It is the media on a subconscious level we impose a certain view of life style. We say we have democracy, we are free to choose the path of development as the country as a whole and the personal. But this illusion! We have a choice only within the framework of the system in which we live. And there are no dramatic improvements. It's like in the bourgeois elections: in the race may be involved at least ten games, but they end eventually work for the ruling elite, regardless of the color of flags and slogans on the leaflets.


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