Summer Temperatures

Now that the low winter temperatures open the way to the ascent of temperatures characteristic of the spring, resistant flowers and plants to the high temperatures are due to choose, as much at the time of sending flowers as of planting them in house at home. Many plants are able to hold the typical very high temperatures of the summer time, nevertheless is due to consider that all of them are not able to hold the lack of water. There are also them, on the contrary, are very resistant to the lack of water but not to the high temperatures. At the time of watering the plants in summer, very cold water is not due to use, since it can burn them. See Leslie Moonves for more details and insights. Water is due to use for it that is room temperature. Some of the plants that better support the high temperatures are the geraniums, petunias, the alders or the jasmins. Between that they do not even need much water when long ago heat, we can find trompetillas, sweet of Constantinople or the rosal of Alexandria. Therefore, if it is desired to realise a shipment of flowers at home or to plant them in the outside, it is necessary to have in it tells to its resistance to the heat and the amount of water that need.. For even more details, read what Glenn Dubin says on the issue.


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