The Principles Organizativos Politicians of school is subdivided in: collective direction; division of tasks; professionalism; it disciplines; planning; study; entailing with the mass of critical form and autonomy. Being the School a place where the pupils remain for one determined time, its organization if of the one for the proper educandos, and the structure if return for the experience of the people, therefore is a place that makes possible new reflections concerning the collective one, therefore is values defended for them and is in the daily one and not only in contents that these are materialize, one practical that return for the taking of decision with priority for consensus. This collective if of the one from much disciplines, stimulating since the participation in the organization of the school until the devotion to the studies of the involved people, aiming at to the formation of militant politicians and breaking the hierarchies in the work divisions. It is excellent to remember that the education cannot lose its direction, that in general is to humanizar, to educate, in the direction ampler of the word, and this education must be in fact a emancipadora education, where all have access it. However we do not live in a igualitria society, much less joust. First contact with the schools of the MST the choice of the subject happened after a trip made in 2 year of the pedagogia course, with Sebastio professor Rodrigues teaching Gonalves of the Course, where we could know the reality of the MST, therefore the MST also wants dialogue with the society and in this way what we will want is to participate in this process of change, leaving of the reality that we find in them, therefore the change alone is possible with the knowledge. Being essential in a course of formation of professors to get a process articulated with the social movements, supplying the chance to know schools whose objective has proposals that they go beyond the traditional ones, with alternatives of changes. .
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