“And therefore, we can expect just from entrepreneurs that they will strongly drive the Green Economy forward.” New impetus for start-ups are expected from the of the United Nations forthcoming in June Conference on sustainable development, the so-called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. In the foreground are the two topics: Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, as well as institutional framework conditions for sustainable development. A failure or sliding it on incentives for further growth of the Green economy would be fatal, so the opinion of Gunther Bachmann, Secretary General of the Council for sustainable development: the Green Economy endured no respite. More We pay with higher risks. delays” New eco utility Polaris brings the energy market in motion good money earn refers for many creators not only purely economic aspects of the company.
Many young entrepreneurs realize that ecology and economy are not bite ‘. In principle it has become easier today, to do good and to earn money”, says Carsten will, Department of Foundation management at the Leuphana University of Luneburg. With energy the world is also the credo of the new independent eco-energy provider Polarstern. The company offers customers nationwide exclusively 100 percent green electricity and 100 percent eco gas since last summer. The products of the TuV Nord and the green are certified power label. The eco gas offer is based on a new concept that it is cheaper than comparable offers up to 44 percent. The development of the new eco gas offer was supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology and the European Social Fund. The support by the EXIST scholarship has enables us to develop the first competitive 100 percent eco gas product.
It is a milestone in the green energy market, eventually consumed 75 percent of energy in private households with heat. “And this is done in three quarters of cases still with fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas, because the previous bio-gas deals are simply too expensive,” explained Florian Henle. Definition of Green Economy see UNEP, greeneconomy /… About Polaris, the North Star GmbH was founded to improve the world. As an independent energy provider Polaris inspires people worldwide for energy transformation and provides them a meaningful transition to renewable energy. The company presents this energy provider first, consumers in Germany quite a product, not only 100% genuine green electricity, but also 100 percent genuine eco gas direct aid connects. Each customer as active provides related his energy for the expansion of renewable energies in Europe and in developing countries. To 1.25 cents at current and 0.25 cents at the gas will be invested in new European eco-power plants sold per kilowatt hour. In addition, Polaris for each customer supports a family in Cambodia with the use of clean energy. The building is supported by micro biogas plants. This improves the quality of life both here and there. Green electricity as well as eco gas are certified by the TuV Nord; the eco power supply carries beyond the green electricity label, quality label in the category of gold.
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