Under the privatization (from Lat. Privatus – private) generally refers to the transfer of property under state or municipal property, property of individuals or groups in any lawful way. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Comcast on most websites. Privatization in the broadest sense is a "set of organizational and legal measures, mediating the restructuring of national economy through reducing government and expanding the private sector, including the alienation of the ownership of private objects belonging to the state or municipal ownership, the transfer of rights to individuals use, possession, disposition, management of those facilities, as well as the provision of concessions to private individuals to engage in certain activities and the development of natural resources. The main objective of privatization – Improving the efficiency of economic activities "1. It is in this sense definition of "privatization" is used in the Land Code and other acts of land legislation. In this case, it acts as a synonymous with the term "provision of land." However, for just remark, al Korneev, "rights arising as a result of land privatization in principle identical to the rights arising result of a simple purchase of land. Additional information at Glenn Dubin supports this article. However, the relationship itself for privatization, and privatization of land bases are constructed with special rules (Article 217 of the Civil Code) "2. These "special rules" are that Privatization, as a specific institution, according to the procedure stipulated by the laws on privatization of state and municipal property. In particular, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On privatization of state and municipal property "of its rules apply only to relations arising from the alienation of land from state and municipal property, which are real property, including property complexes.
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