Historical Development

Later in one of its works, Huntington adoptou a next position to probabilismo (also for times called by ambientalismo, in the estimated one of that the physical environment is main the determinative one of cultural forms) 3. Although everything, the interest of the workmanship of Huntington for geography meets in the fact of that the drawing of synoptic bodies of scientific knowledge is fully valid in ambient sciences (general Theories or laws) that they can if to apply in deductive way. The fact of only believing in the inductive method in the inquiry constitutes an idea that makes it difficult the discovery of new forms of conhecimento4. Published workmanships As writer, its work reached the thirty headings, between which World Power and Evolution (1919); The Character of Races the Influenced by Physical Environment, natural Selection and Historical Development (1924); Season of Birth; Civilization and Climate (1915) the Mainsprings of Civilization (1945). Climate factor (1914); Human Habitat (1927); Palestine and Its Transformation (1911), Climate Changes, with Stephen Visher Sargent (1922); The Pulse of Asia (1907); Chronicles of America: Continent the Red Man (1919); Prince of Human Geography (with sw Cushing, 5 ed. 1940); west of Pacific (1925). It also collaborated in the elaboration of texts for some universities and published more than one hundred articles in some medias. Conclusion This work on the life and the contribution of Huntington in the Evolution of the Thought Geographic, it brought us one another vision on the world.

Huntington in its more vulgar workmanship and that it was through which that it reached its height in the scientific inquiry (The Pulse of Asia), for example, obtains to show to us and to convince us that it is possible to develop science exactly it are of the permission, to be itself more explicit we poderiamos to dezer that it are of the dimension politics and its parameters. We said already it that it already was imprisoned, restrained and forbidden to effect any trips on the river Eufrates, however did not give up. Huntington still while still alive made very for the evolution of geographic sciences, over all for the ambient ones. By the way of this Huntington detail with its theory of determinismso ambient critical ones around this theory had rained many, what it showed to a certain incababilidade and inadequao of the same one in relation to the reality of Asia, however it used utopian bases to take off inferences immediate. This vision of Huntington sends to us the application to it of the method oldest of sciences geographic-comment and to the idea of the insufficience of the use of an only method. Not obstante, it is perceivable, that Huntington had a certain entailing for physical geography, and this can be confirmed minutely reading its workmanships that exactly give to understand that it had a certain bulge for ambient geography. In U.S.A. Huntington a incontornvel figure in the evolution of the national scientific knowledge is considered.


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