By this time the North-West of Russia into area of active trade between Europe, East and Byzantium, the central point of the northern part of these trade routes, including the famous route "from the Vikings to the Greeks", becomes the source of the , namely strengthening village on the right bank of the river, now known as Rurikovo settlement. Here in 862 Slavic and Finno-Finns have invited the Scandinavian prince Rurik – the ancestor of the royal dynasty that ruled Rus' until the end of the xvi century. Hence, too, began active population of the bank of the , the emergence of a 'Novgorod'. However, there are different opinions chronicles: one source says that it existed before the arrival of Rurik., New city on the Beginning was not similar to other Russian cities. For example it is known that Novgorod practically wore bast (for excavation into a thousand pieces of leather footwear have fallen just some bast). Most of the inhabitants of Novgorod 'meant by literacy'; obvious evidence of this – the famous birch bark, which archaeologists have found to this day. Moreover, in times of Kievan Rus the city was a kind of princely school: it gained experience and learned the art of control only eldest sons of the great Prince of Kiev. For example, prior to entry to the Kievan throne and reigned in Novgorod, Russia Vladimir Svyatoslavich baptized, and his son Yaroslav the Wise, and Vladimir Jaroslavovich, built in 1045 the main symbol of Novgorod – the stone church of Hagia Sophia (previously it was wooden and had 13 domes, rather than the current six).
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